To all the woman out there protesting the man who stopped tens of thousands of indoctrinated Muslims from pouring into...

To all the woman out there protesting the man who stopped tens of thousands of indoctrinated Muslims from pouring into the country,


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What the fuck happened? Red pill pls.

They photographed elites in 1967 and 1970, and peasants in 2011 and 2012. Misleading picture.

Quiet cuck

"various leftist and Iranian student movements."
Liberal cucks is what happened. No different that all those uneducated bitches out there protesting the best thing that ever happened to this country.

It's not *that* misleading but of course women in iran aren't ninjas like in OPs pic. But the general pipulation is more muslim than before

'Member when we imported niggers?

Once those mudslimes were here, we would have never been rid of them. White mans burden for life.

Pic for all the fags out there protesting Trump. Although it would have been fun to watch the gay hanging truck to go by in the parade.

Totally misleading, it's not like this kind of radicalism is supported by their government or military.

Just Muslim things... killing woman for fighting back against their rapist. Much worse than a guy that surrounded by hot bitches with his hot wife joking about grabbing a pussy.


ayyy lmao

fake news from a fake country

>mfw a 1/48th irish, 1/64th cherokee, 54/78th polish-italian mongrel tries to communicate with me

Iran last week. Just look at all the hotties in that crowd.

Here's what the woman's protest today would have looked like in Iran.

>an ayatollah's funeral draws conservative men and a limited amount of women

Color me surprised. Here, have another image of a street gathering in Iran.

Where did you run at? I'd like to know where these fine ladies are.

Now prove that the forced perspective and blurred out protest photo you posted is actually from Iran (you can't).

Oh, and I think they killed the bitch in the front.

>prove that the forced perspective and blurred out protest photo you posted is actually from Iran

>I don't like this fact so I'm going to say it's fake

Jesus Christ, you guys are just as bad as SJWs.

> Posts a photo that in no way, shape or form can be linked to Iran, claims it as fact.

For reference, here's a photo of a woman in Iran. You see that thing in the background, that's called a landmark.

And their flag has a strip of red, also something to take note of when posting fake photos.

Stop, you're hurting yourself.
