Really makes you think

Really makes you think.

Other urls found in this thread:

>fake polls

Wtf I love Paul blart now

>Believing polls in 2017

>polls gave trump 1% chance to win the nomination
>polls gave trump 1.8% chance to win the presidency

why would anyone still trust these fucks?

some libcucks in my city copied that shit during their "march"

Can libs not have an idea to themselves??


believing in a CBS POLL Really makes you think huh ?

Paul Blart was a great movie

Mall cop was a fun movie though. Fucking media ruins everything.

This is what happens when you accuse a presidential candidate of crimes and then take it back a few days before the election.

If the election took place just week later, Trump would have lost, because people would have heard news Hillary was found innocent on all accounts. The entire thing was timed perfectly to the day against her. They rigged it against her.

Good thinking.
I genuinely do not understand why Trump supporters believe that he is an anti establishment guy .Trump declared all the popular whipping boys enemies: Washington D.C., the “establishment” (all of whom support him inside the Republican Party and stayed behind him while he was speaking) .
I think that the establishment realized that left liberalism and Obama's concept of "HOPE" just do not work anymore. And they changed the players and the strategy

It was inherently watchable and had a good message.

No idea why people hated it so much.

topkek DS9 meme

Trump chance of winning: 1%


cry more bitch, enjoy 8 years of TRUMP

made me think


Can you believe that 32% of all statistics are made up on the spot?

Why did they pick Paul Blart? Paul Bart was a decent fun movie. Why not like a shitty movie, like The Room or something.

I'm just happy I can keep my ar-15 for 4 more years.

Obamacare has a higher approval rating than Trump right now.

>I'm just happy I can keep my ar-15 for 8 more years.

They cherry picked the poll with his lowest favorable rating, and that particular one has a very high 26% undecided. If I'm also allowed to cherry pick, Rasmussen has him at 52% favorable. His RCP average is in a crater, yet much higher than it was on election day, yet the media is calling this an unsuccessful transition.

No one was going to confiscate extant gats, idiot.

CBS polls have been shown to be completely reliable and beyond reproach
