This libcuck I see everyday argues with me about the failure of capitalism in America

This libcuck I see everyday argues with me about the failure of capitalism in America
He said that the middle class is dying and the 1% controls most the wealth and thats the fault of capitalism
How do I combat this?

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Ask him to provide a suitable alternative, and explain why it's worse than Capitalism.

liberals don't care about facts, don't drive yourself crazy

Explain the difference between true capitalism and crony capitalism. There's a reason so much money is sitting overseas.

Tell him that they are all jews who deserve that wealth as reparations for jewish disporia

Bring small businesses back and it would level out.

One look at the state of the poor in non-capitalist countries should be enough to convince him. Socialism has been discredited since the 60's. Are sure he's not.. you know...a few cards short of a deck?

oh man i love the "i need help arguing against a cuck because im retarded, but im redpilled tho, i browse Sup Forums" threads

Point out that the 1% build and maintain their wealth by using government to manipulate the market under the guise of regulation, and any of his proposals will further their control.

Ask him if he can explain how and why capitalism causes this.
He probably can't, he'll just parrot buzzwords he doesn't fully understand.


Show them this.

Call him an anti-Semite for criticizing the majority Jewish "1%"

libcuck is right.

Capitalism destroys everything- including itself. It's inefficient and parasitic to communities, states... etc.

The real question is, why are you dumber than a libcuck? What does that make you?

Also, this.

Tell him shit suck but until someone come up with better ism that is the best he get.

Just bring up Soviet Russia where everybody was lining up in the street for fucking bread. Then smash the cunt with his Ipad and ask him if he's in poverty

I'll take a 9-5 over gulags, thank you.

apparently, you'll also take false dichotomies over valid reasoning.

Then why did capitalism and its grandpa feudalism last longer than communism?

Okay, what's the alternative?

Every economy has its failures. Its not my responsibility to make sire you get a pension.

Just look at how fat poor people in America are

OP here
Everything you guys have sent will help immensely
thank you everyone

What makes you think this is factually accurate? Humans have been around for a long long time. Capitalism is very new as is feudalism. Anarchism, communes, socialist orders were more common and lasted longer- according to anthropologists.

Ask him if he'd rather be poor in America, or in Venezuela.

When capitalism goes wrong, you end up with the system we have now. When any other economic system goes wrong millions of people starve to death.

Any number of anarchistic arrangements would be better- for more people than capitalism.

What about ancap? Best of both worlds?

nope. ancap isn't a thing.

Explain crony capitalism you fuck, deadweight loss estimated by lobbying is in the trillions, and is used to consolidate wealth, manipulate markets, all thanks to the government. When the government fucks off, monopolies and manipulation is unsustainable and wealth trickles down

How are you going to control the means of production without a state and without capital?

He's confusing true capitalism with corporatism.

Tell him to look up how much wealth the 1% have gained in the last 8 years.
Then tell him to look up how much money the Fed has printed due to Quantitative Easing. These 2 numbers should be close. Different reports slice the pie differently but you should be able to find the numbers that illustrate this easily.

Then it's on him to either believe that the Federal Reserve and Central Banks in general somehow equal capitalism or not.

He may go full gigalibtard and say it's the natural end state of capitalism but the truth is any economic system can be corrupted if the government in charge lasts long enough. Capitalism resists corruption more naturally than Socialism as evidenced by all of history.


Corporatism has nothing to do with capitalism.