I am Japanese male and I don't support Trump

>Trump is already BTFOed by 3million woman march
I also don't support Trump.

Why didn't you vote for Paul Ryan or John Maccain?

nobody gives a shit what some otaku retard thinks.

fuck off and stick to fucking your homemade 2 inch onahole, yoshi.

>I am Japanese male and I
who cares?

Amazing... so BTFO nobody cares.

Are you a stand user?

What powers does your stand have?

yea seriously

then why did you post ? lel

Go teach your English class you fucking LARPer.

for (You)s

same reason I imagine you made the thread, nipperoni

>Paul Ryan or John Maccain
Is this a shitpost?

i do

they are my guilty pleasure


Why though? Is it because of US is leaving TPP?


because he does not respect woman.
He is russian puppet.
He is attacking disable people
And most importantly he is fat as fuck.

Paul ryan looks handsome and have good hairline

Because they wanted to win.

Alas, fat men know better how to
manage their affairs than thin men...

Ask 2channel that and they would mock you to death.

Trump is also hated by nationalist Japanese

He said "China is country of currency manipulator" but He didn't say and do anything in president first day




Who's John Maccain? Is he related to John McCain? The guy who worked with Obama to give arms to terrorists?

>but He didn't say and do anything in president first day
his priorities aren't a bunch of scared nips pissing their pants about what china might do next. he'll get to it. eventually

Why don't you fuck your own women?

>people responding to this autist

What do most Japanese males think?

Paul Ryan and McCain aren't reality television celebrities. Who cares about people who haven't even been on tv shows?

we think trump is sissy who can't take action against china.

US wants to run away from asia. because of sissyness

Bayonet yourself kobayashi

I think you just have a crush on Paul ryan

fuck off obama care support

It should be abolished

Do you think we should nuke china

>we think
who cares?


>does not respect woman
54% or something of women voted for him so he must have done something right

>Russian puppet
Having a good relationship with Putin doesn't mean he is a puppet. A good relationship with Russia would be a nice change of pace

>attacking disable people
One guy before he found out he was a retard could have happened to anyone

>Fat as fuck
Fitness has never really mattered. You ever hear of Taft? Guy was like 300lbs and got stuck in a tub

Paul Ryan is a handsome man but looks don't make the man. He isn't the kind of leader the republicans could really behind like trump