Fuck yes and fuck globalists

Fuck yes and fuck globalists.

Now we just need to make the CIA love Trump.

>He thinks that this is a good thing for USA.

Uh oh, drumpfkin. Dark times are comingfor you.


But we are anonymous, you are anonymous right now. Those fags on the Twitter have names and identities.


With this, TTP is going to whither and die. TTP was bad for Chinese Cartoons because it put the duty to prosecute for Copyright Infringement upon the Government rather than the individual. This means that in Japan the government would need to crack down on any unapproved comic books or cartoons.

Yes, that is right.

Trump LITERALLY saved anime.


same CTR proxy fag

If faggot reddit had X,Y, and Z, why didn't they use it pre election???

>love a Russian stooge

God forbid we stop giving countries free handouts in an effort to save our own dying economy

How much are they paying you to shitpost?

Rest of the world is not going to stop making trade deals. Good luck.

>"you have personal ties to russian mobsters"
>doesnt provide any evidence

sure showed him, better announce a 'bombshell that will ruin trump for good', build up a ton of hype and then release 10,000 irrelevant emails that have no impact on anyone except a few basement dwellers who latch onto strange coincidences and try to form conspiracy theories from them

Quiet Nokia


Sup Forums is 10x more dangerous than anonymous at this point

remove CIA, pardon Assange and let him gather intel

Just like NAFTA lmao
Also nice samefag

No one wants that, we just want bilateral deams instead, like how countries used to do things. MEXICO has better individual trade deals with the rest of the world thAn we do.

A trilateral wealth redistribution scheme like TPP doesnt work without Anerican markets. Thats why there isnt a worry of Asia forming an economic bloc like Europe. Individually theyre all desperate to cut a bilateral deal with the US.

TPP is cancer and isn't good for any nation.

It would come down to corporations having more power than whole nations and their leaders, a corporate tribunal would dictate what goods a nation gets and could sue nations for billions or trillions of dollars.

>Now we just need to make the CIA love Trump.
Did you hear how they were cheering when he insulted the media at the CIA Speech?