Serious question, why do trump support want factory back?

Serious question, why do trump support want factory back?

I assume factory job is shitty and low wage....?
Knowledge based job is higher payment and cool. Isn't it?

Why do they want to get job in factory? never understand

What is your bachelor?

Hey English teacher, if you're going to pose as a nip, at least use actual, authentic Engrish instead of some random caveman-chink amalgamation of what you think "orientals" sound like.

- an actual nip

Are you stand users?

What powers do your stands have?


No jobs=no money= no food

Lots of tech jobs moved as well.

Factory jobs are not shitty and some people who are low skill workers can become skilled workers with training for a factory job. This also would propell them into lower middle class to middle class depending on their dependents and their partners occupation. It is a much better job than say working at McDonald's.

Right-wingers live in a fantasy world where people are happy as long as they can slave away in a factory.

There is a reason these jobs were outsourced.

but US econnomy is twice better than J W bush era.
there are jobs.

I'm making the assumption that you do not have a higher education. OP, I'm sorry but you're just to stupid to understand how industry works.

fuck off gook, not everybody can be fucking engineers.
factory and labor jobs are good pay for honest work, and contrary to what you fucking foreigners think americans like to work
Im sick and tired of you third world fucks inflating your economies at the expense of mine, and it ends now

wait. can they make $100,000 per year at factory job?

Why don't they want more better job?

Creating more McDonald's and Burger King's aren't good paying jobs you Dingus. Sure Obama created jobs, but they weren't middle income jobs that can support a family.

If we outsource all the low skill jobs, the unemployed will all automatically get high skill jobs.

If we get rid of all the cheap unhealthy food, the poor will be able to afford more expensive healthier diets.

If we get rid of all these laws, people will stop being criminals since there are no laws to break.

100,000 is not middle class. Average factory worker could make anywhere from 32-48k. Middle class.

>not wanting factories in your country when automation kicks in

I assume it is ad hominem

Is this a Jojo reference?

Because they pay well for low skilled people I would prefer my under-educated citizens worked in factories rather then mcdonalds like they do now where they get minimum wage and no benefits.

You don't understand dipshit. Not everyone is a genius and can afford to go to college. Sometime people just want to feed their family and make sure they can succeed. Having a job that can provide that for you is great. Outsourcing jobs that help the middle class has done nothing, but destroy it. I'm 19 and studying computer science even I know that not everyone is cut out for school. Do yourself a favor and fuck off. Leftist diarrhea scum.

Changing one full time job position into two part time job positions due to Obamacare, and adding more gov jobs to watch grass grow does not make the economy better.

If you split a bowl of rice into individual grains, does it mean you have more food?

Lots of people do, I don't. It's inevitable that there will always be unskilled and semi-skilled labor which necessitates some sort of job. I don't want to find out what happens when half the population has been excluded from the economy

almost 50% of manufacturing jobs are going to be eliminated by automation in the next 15-20 years. forcing factories jobs to stay in the U.S. is a very stupid bandaid to a problem that isn't very well understood by this administration. we should be investing in educating americans in sectors with high quality jobs that won't be phased out soon, such as healthcare, engineering and technology.

Japan and China will be in the fucking ocean from earth quakes or a deserted land ravaged by Russian and American nuclear weapons, within 20 years. then we will go for N. Korea and take all their shit too. Fuck off, you scum have lived off the white man for to god damn long you slant eye piece of filth. I have had it up to here with you whining short little pedo faggots.

Terrible arguments.

Unless American workers are willing to work in factories with salaries that are competitive in the world market (meaning far below the standard in the US), you are not going to have the right-wing fantasy of "job creation".

This doesn't really have anything to do with current politics, "the globalists" you like to blame for your problems is a reaction to the socialist doctrines the West implemented, that is the idea of salary being something more than what an employer is WILLING to pay you.

Probably the symbolism, Hiro.

They could put limits on automation via regulation(the left loves regulation so why not?).

Yeah one problem here shit flinger. This is assuming everyone is smart. What do we do about backwoods Cleetus, inner city Tyrone, and Barrio José? Do you think these people will benefit from getting an education they probably don't want? Why not give these people middle income factory jobs. Sure automation is a problem look at Tesla they have massive amounts of robots in their factories. However they still need people to do some sort of job.

I dont speak dune runes fag

>lets force people to be less efficient in the production of goods, that will surely help the economy
jesus please be less dumb for fucks sake

millions of Americans are jobless.

unskilled labor is very crucial to getting the economy reinvigorated especially when illegal aliens hold most of those positions making the hiring standards for those crap jobs extremely high and the benefits inexistant

Do you think factory jobs only produce button pushing monkeys?

You realize a factory has skilled laborers, administrators, managers, R&D engineers, IT specialists, transporters, food service, medical services and on top of all that produces more jobs acquiring and transporting the raw materials

This guy said it best for you hook

Robotics student here, you're pulling those 15-20 years out of your ass.
Can you please get that cock out of your throat? I can't hear what you're saying.

Are you serious right now?

Larpers BTFO

>we should be investing in educating americans in sectors with high quality jobs that won't be phased out soon, such as healthcare, engineering and technology.

So what have they been doing then for the last 8 years then if this is an inevitability? And what do you say to those people who are factory workers who have lost their job? Tough shit?

We get the factory jobs back, then we start a slow but steady process re-training these people for different sectors as the current ones die out.

lol rekt.

But this only leads to U.S citizen to not be prepared to the incoming robotics revolution. Mate, I honestly think you have fucked up this time.

Your a dumb piece of shit if you actually knew anything about American history which I doubt you do you'd know things weren't always like that. Before the outsourcing of many jobs many Americans benefited from factory work, fixing roads, and maintenance. You want to know a reality in the world well you Nordic Faggot. Not everyone is smart, not everyone wants to go to college, people can be okay with making $32,000-$48,000 a year. People want to make a decent living.

>Unless American workers are willing to work in factories with salaries that are competitive in the world market (meaning far below the standard in the US), you are not going to have the right-wing fantasy of "job creation".

So let me guess you approve of Obama's job creation which forced many Americans to get 2 part time jobs? That doesn't work either.

OP you are wrong

there ARE shitty factory jobs, yes this is true

but factories themselves earn shit loads of money.

Also, the engineers and system operators make a shitload of money

Actually some of the guys I know that write G&M codes for CNC machines make about that much when all the overtime is said and done

>Hey why do you Americans need jobs? Don't you think it's a waste of time?

That's all I got from the OP.

>people can be okay with making $32,000-$48,000 a year.

This just shows how out of touch with reality you are. It's exactly what I'm talking about, you think this is a "low" salary.

You literally think that you can compete with the rest of the world why providing that kind of salary. This is how out of touch with reality you are.

they are to busy laughing in deep voices at the white man, jewing their hands together and fingering little boys booty holes. the east and globalists need to fuck off or get ran over.

Getting back the factories is, despite what Trump said, not his #1 priority. Rather his main concern is keeping what industry remains in the US. He is already suceeding, google Ford Michigan.
If he actually manages to force the industry to return to the US then supply and demand will raise the avarage wage of the factory worker and thereby his living standart.
Getting a higher education is not an option for everyone even when it is free, what you are pationate about might not be a field that yields a high paying salary. Add to that the education is not free in the states and the result is that a lot of people will never become skilled labor unless it is through field experience.
Gå och plugga norskjävel, du har läxor på måndag.

Quoted the wrong post, anyway, fake nip in japan btfo by real nip in Burgerland.

>50% of jobs will be eliminated from automation (made up stat) in 10-15 years
>so we should just get rid of all those jobs now instead of taking advantage of them now


Re-educating lower class people to do jobs in the service sector or technology related simply won't work because most of these people wouldn't be able to handle the work. That's where the problem lies.

It's the lack of general labor jobs that almost anyone can do that is the real problem here, as many Americans are either lower IQ (it's true) or they live in a rural area where there are very few jobs and the factories/farms of old where the only places you could get hired before outsourcing. Not much left they can do, and the jobs they can do are being filled by overseas workers working for pennies and illegal immigrants taking advantage of a broken system.

It's like asking why do you need water? Don't you think it's too wet?

I got rustled at this too but part of me thinks it's a CIA shill or a paid liberal fucktard.

Not everyone lives in fucking New York City or San Francisco, you're talking out your ass about a country you know nothing of.

The cost of living varies wildly depending on what part of the country you're living in.

>implying health care, technology and engineering roles can't be automated

But slaving away flipping burgers is really not an improvement

What the fuck is this?

Most people can do the job of an RN that requires a 4 year degree, most of the job is just cleaning
All training/degrees need to be shortened too. For example, someone going for a math degree should only have to take math classes. That shortens the time it takes to get the degree and reduces the cost dramatically.

Factories are nowadays automized and those jobs fsctories would create would be technician, electrician, engineering, information systems, and maintnence jobs. All decent in pay and usually requring some form of degree and formal education. Not to mention the shipping jobs they will create and investment opportunities.

factory jobs are what the majority of the country used to have outside of the agricultural sector. You don't need much more than a high school diploma and a clean drug test to get on at most factories

It's a way for those without genderfluid polyqueer dance theory degrees to provide a good standard of living for their wife and kids in addition to benefits and retirement options.

Manufacturing jobs are an honest day's work for an honest day's pay, creating products that people can use every day instead of buying some piece of shit knockoff from China that will break in a week

Most importantly however, manufacturing is the backbone of any large economy. Take a look at Nippon, the more you replace Daihatsu plants with accounting firms and PR companies that drive people to suicide from 26 hour work days, the more your economy shrinks. Hell, your people are so worried about surviving in your almost 100% service economy that they're not even bothering to have kids because they're too busy staying overnight at work to fill out spreadsheets and thinking of ways to find fulfillment in a 3x5 cubicle.

The American economy can't run on selling shit to other people who sell shit for a living forever, there will have to be a time when we actually have something made to sell instead of trading products back and forth forever

What are you on about, the company doesn't give a shit what about where you live and it's living cost, it cares about how much it has to pay.

You have literal children working for pennies in Asia doing a job that would pay thousands of dollars a month in the US. You can't compete with this.

Literally the only arguments from people are socialist inventions like tariffs and subsidization , as if these things were ever effective.

He's trying to say something like "this is Japanese" or "I'm speaking in Japanese".

checked. Also Sushiland has a 200% debt

Your comment seemed to suggest the jobs were outsource because people weren't happy having a job that paid their bills just because it wasn't luxurious enough.
Despite what you think, plenty of people are happy to "slave away" at a blue collar job where they can afford to live and maybe even have a family.

The reason the jobs were outsourced wasn't because people weren't happy slaving away in a factory or other jobs.

They were outsourced because opening free trade up creates a competition to underbid everyone else even a the lowest level.
No matter how little you'd accept as pay, there is someone else who would just be happy to be paid by 3 meals, a uniform and a bunk.

The race to the bottom in this manner removes the middle classes.
You are either the person willing to stay poorer and work for lower pay than anyone else, or you are at the top benefiting from that competition.

And regarding noncompetitive wages, international trade didn't prevent the unions at the remaining shops from trying to squeeze out more blood.

(Despite the slogans)It's not so much about bringing back the same old job as slowing the loss of current jobs.
However it can recreate some related positions if certain industries return.

We will slowly phase out more and more lower end jobs, but doing it at a slower pace will lessen the disruption.
There are lots of great positions in many fields that are just waiting for the current holder to afford to retire or just die.

Outsourcing the lowest paid jobs until there are none left to outsource won't make people happier or raise pay.

Oh I'm sorry let's just pay Pajeet and Cheng 10cents a day so a bunch of cheap crap get made. Look if manufactured goods go up and I know I'm helping fellow Americans I'm more than happy to buy them at a higher price. You wanna know why? Because I'm getting a higher quality product, helping out a factory worker, and supporting the chance at an American dream for the worker because maybe his kids will go to college and do better. Also if you knew anything about economics you'd know a company can still profit. It's just been that exploitation of labor in 3rd world countries has benefited them the most while fucking up the jobs here in America. Nike makes shoes, they pay $5 to Cheng to make 5 pairs Nike sells the shoes for $100 each guess how big the profit margins are? Nike pays Tom to make 5 pairs of shoes and sells them for $140 each. However they payed Tom $18 per shoe. Guess who still makes a profit?

>What are you on about, the company doesn't give a shit what about where you live and it's living cost, it cares about how much it has to pay.

You know each American state has a different minimum wage right?

Because when you're at war you you need guns and supplies not cat pictures and edgy lattes.

Technology jobs are being automated or outsourced faster than any other. You can outsource tech support, repair, design, etc quickly and easily.

And without consumers to pay for things, there isn't much need for most engineering/tech. And healthcare jobs are being pushed down to factory level conditions and pay.

>You have literal children working for pennies in Asia doing a job that would pay thousands of dollars a month in the US. You can't compete with this.
We can't do anything about that, but the US can declare it a crime against humanity and force the factory to shut down or boycott their goods.
>Literally the only arguments from people are socialist inventions like tariffs and subsidization , as if these things were ever effective.
Free market doesn't exist and the only argument Trump needs is a 20% tax on outsourced products. It doesn't have to be all of them, it doesn't have to be 20% and he doesn't even have to do it but threat to do it and the jobs will come back. How do I know it? Once again google Ford Michigan.

It's got to do with US geography. When a factory closes and hundreds of jobs are lose in a region, that region doesn't gain hundreds of jobs. That place just gets poorer. People are left unemployed and the local economy may not be able to support them again.

So there ends up being a large contingent of people that are left with no where to go-- they just sit there. For more complicated reasons that I won't go into, the cultural situation is such that people won't pack up and migrate long distances to move where the jobs are. People are looking for someone to turn back the clock-- restore their homes to the way they were when they were prosperous.

That's why.

All they have to do though is go to fucking trade school then. The government pays for the entire thing because we need welders more than college grads right now and you can be a fucking moron and still become an apprentice for something. All bringing back factories will do is promote autarky and raise the prices for goods since companies would have to pay American workers so much more than they pay now. People just need to suck it up and actually invest time in something then dicking around and maybe their lives would be better.

>the US can declare it a crime against humanity and force the factory to shut down or boycott their goods.
>The US can shut down another Countries economy on a whim
LOL, I thought Europe had a "better" educational system

>Free market doesn't exist
>Let's destroy any semblance of it.
You are a retarded person

Okay Hiro

You think their choice is between a factory job and a desk job.

But it is actually between a factory job and a job flipping burgers.

The factory job will pay twice as much and probably give you at least some semblance of health insurance to boot.

Not much of a mystery why we want them back so badly.

I would like to see what would happen the day after the US declares Capitalism a crime against humanity.

Factory jobs are pretty cozy and pay well for low-skill workers.

>People just need to suck it up and actually invest time in something then dicking around and maybe their lives would be better.

>Yeah one problem here shit flinger. This is assuming everyone is smart. What do we do about backwoods Cleetus, inner city Tyrone, and Barrio José? Do you think these people will benefit from getting an education they probably don't want? Why not give these people middle income factory jobs.

>I assume factory job is shitty and low wage....?

You assume wrong Ken-sama.

Breaking News: American English teachers in Japan are learning Japanese!

Lol I can't even fucking imagine full war mobilization in this country anymore
>all the men going off to war
>womyn have to step in and fill all of the millions of jobs at McDonald's, Walmart, and Kraft left behind by their agender polyamerous life cohabitators
>all 20 women in the infantry get captured and horrifically gang-raped live on Al-Jazeera
>massive antifa and student Communist protests calling for immediate end of the war despite it being a defensive one
>we lose
>America at long last liberated from the tyrannical clutches of the white cis patriarchy by the noble forces of the Mujahadeen
>millions of feminists dragged out into the streets and shot, mandatory covering of women, abortions? LMFAO
>No resistance movements because "what are you an Islamophobe?"
G*d bless America

The wealth of Nations, is the factory, not the gold. - said Adam Smith. Twenty years ago, America was removed from reality.

>The factory job will pay twice as much and probably give you at least some semblance of health insurance to boot.

Wow you are retarded. I mean, just wow. You honestly believe this to be some sort of guarantee for the American people simply by virtue of being American. You are a complete dipshit and it's no surprise why robots can do factory work better and more efficiently than a backwoods retard like you.

Protectionist policies like tariffs or import limits aren't socialist.

Free trade world wide, racing to the bottom, towards everyone working for less, and creating equality by making everyone equally poor, that's socialist.

Related, one of our major problems now is socialism. We are reengineering education to target the slowest learners and dumb everyone else down. Likewise there are major pushes to replace useful education with extra mandatory classes on muslim gender studies on microaggressions by whites.

We are cutting useful jobs to make up for the losses from requiring everyone to employ a diversity department or face fines, and the losses from having to hire 2 people to do one job because you aren't allowed to turn down the unqualified person and hire the useful one because that causes disparate effects/ racism.

Rolling back socialist inventions like:
minimum healthcare benefits, over inflated minimum wage, hiring quotas, environmental studies on social impact, licenses and permits for everything you can imagine
-that would help us compete.

What's your answer? Everyone on earth should accept that they are either nobility or serf, and work for pennies a day if you weren't born into family money or gain a government created job?

Chinese will put sawdust in food to raise the weight or lower costs, you can't compete with this either.

>No matter how little you'd accept as pay, there is someone else who would just be happy to be paid by 3 meals, a uniform and a bunk.

Yes, and this is perfectly natural. What isn't natural is the implementation of socialist policies in the West that speeds up this process, which is exactly what happened.

The implication is of course that this was bound to happen due to the culture of the West, which pushes a narrative of the 'noble worker'.

>t's just been that exploitation of labor in 3rd world countries has benefited them the most while fucking up the jobs here in America.

That seems extremely entitled, are companies somehow bound my some artificial rule set that binds them to a state?

Claiming it doesn't exist and then implementing policies that prevent it seems to point to a greater truth than you are willing to admit.

I manual labor, because it is the real world. Dunder Mifflin Paper is not reality. Beet farming is reality. The Amish are the most powerful people in the world. They are immune to Jews and Mexicans, the stars belong to them. If your factory job sucks, then compete against them, with your muscle, HA HA HA!

Europe doesn't have one centralised education system but the Swedish is better than yours.
Anyhow it is not on a whim and it is not an economy and it doesn't have to blow up the factory, but the US is able to tax imported goods.
You make it sound as if an unregulated free market is a good thing for the american blue collar worker.

factory jobs are easy, put your work in, get your money out, during off time you just live your life without any worries and you feel good because you are actually producing something for society

office jobs on the other hand are hell, way too many are in made-up industries (advertisement/PR) or are based on scamming other people (finance/law), you have to navigate a complicated social environment everyday, tasks and hours can vary wildly, you have to pretend you actually care for your job if you want to keep it, deal with all sorts of shitty bosses instead of some algorithm monitoring your productivity

i'd much rather work at the floor in a honda factory for instance and just grow with the company, eventually they might even promote you to train other people or oversee operations in new overseas units, it pays really well if you consider the benefits and at some point you really become too vital to be cut on a whim

>Protectionist policies like tariffs or import limits aren't socialist.


>That seems extremely entitled, are companies somehow bound my some artificial rule set that binds them to a state?

No, they are not, but if they're going to be rich it should atleast be by the hands of the American people.


What exactly does a random Swede fuck know about American Politics or blue collar worker?

My nigger

What's your estimate then, robotics student?

Are you denying the states ability to regulate their own borders?
Are you implying that less jobs is beneficial for the said worker?

Because if we produce nothing, our currency is worthless, it's made up of a bunch of bucks from a service based economy buying (stealing) the goods from a real economy that has a manufacturing base. Thus why China and a bunch of other countries want to get off the US dollar and stop buying oil with our bills.

How can college people be intelligent? They do not move, they just talk. How does talk experiment with the real physical world? Did Volta talk his way the Volta pile? College is a primitive dark age religion. The hand is superior than the mouth.

> are companies somehow bound my some artificial rule set that binds them to a state?

Jess. If they're an American company they exist at the pleasure of America. Their charter can be pulled, I don't know under what circumstances.

>Are you implying that less jobs that pay pennies while destroying their bodies and limiting their mental capacity is beneficial for the said worker?

Yes that is exactly what I am "implying"

Not everyone can be a 100k salary engineer etc and young people need to be able to start somewhere.

The stagnation in western countries is palpable.

>young people need to be able to start somewhere.
Yes, typically these places are called "Schools", not sheet metal factories.

because his supporters are all rural and suburban retards

Fuck off rice nigger

Where are going to work when knowledge based jobs aren't there anymore? It always is better for a plan B. Plus degrees now a days don't always go places at all. Unemployment is higher than the media is telling you. More jobs never hurt.

Better than working at McDonald's or retail.

I wrote a term paper about regions in the European Union with (economic) growth when I studied. Result: Most R&D jobs and industry related services are created where actual production and industry is.

So your "knowledge based jobs" are tied to the factory jobs.

What time period was this based on? Did they have high speed internet connections and a sophisticated wireless communication network that spanned the entire globe?