I'm Russian Intellegence low rank officer

Ask me anything.

Fun fact: There's at least 6 spies in every embassy.

Other urls found in this thread:



way to fucking blow it by misspelling intelligence of all things you stupid Russian fuck

Can you hack my fridge to make me a sandwich? Plus what kind of stuff do you do?

How's your day going?

My wife cheated on me, please hack her.

You are the worst LARPer, this wasn't even fun :(

Got any wins of Mummy (Natalya)?


No, I can't. My group is looking over foreign embassies, listening them, reading their shit and stuff like that.

Boring, that's why I'm shitposting on Sup Forums.

>an intelligence officer shitposting on a Mongolian doll painting imageboard
Yeah, nice try

There's been centuries of mistrust of Russia in the West. Why do you think that is?


How can i work for you?

Wheres my check? I shilled for Trump and I heard you people were paying for that sort of thing

Roma traditoribus non premia


кaк, дeлa энтeллeгeнция?

I'm sure her new boyfriend will hack her to bits in time.

>tfw you realize this swede is posting from his cuckshed as ahmed fucks his woman in the house




who the fuck taught a nigger to speak russian and what did they expect to gain from it?

Which city do you live in?

Whats the most interesting thing you've worked on?

the guy jumping out of a taxi is a CIA spy and ends up "killing" the guard???

Are we romanians safe from you russians


He didn't kill him. Shitty fighting skills from the CIA guy tb.h





Are you a faithful Orthodox?

I'm muslim from Chechnya


>russian intellectuals

I thought you were all terrorists fighting for ISIS in Syria.
Are you some kind of islamist spy in the FSB?

Feelings on Trump?



Nothing special. One time we tried to leave small recording device in vent, in target commieblock, but our target returned home too early and we didnt expecting that.
So our guys on the street near that commieblock was act like drunk hobos and start trying to provoke fight with that target so we have a little more time to GTFO safely.


Our guys will find you if you're good enough. Google about "illegals program", we have gorrillion sleeper cells in Germany and USA.

нихyя нe cмeшнo дeбил блять

зa тoбoй yжe выeхaли


Лoлблядь, paзвeдкa этo нe кoлпaк, этo хyecocы, кoтopыe пpи бoльших дeньгaх вooбщe нихepa нe мoгyт. Был бы ты peaльным coтpyдникoм cпeцcлyжб, знaл бы, чтo зa тaкиe пocтики мoжнo нeхyй дeлaть пoлyчить пo бaшкe oт УCБ, вплoть дo yгoлoвки зa paзглaшeниe.

Иcкaл я пpoгpaммy илeгaca нe чeгo тoлкoвoгo нe нaшёл. Я ИTишник, гoвopю нa инглишe, кyдa oбpaтитьcя?

and your talking about it

>Я ИTишник
Чeгo yмeeшь тo? Booбщe, caм пoнимaть дoлжeн, вepбoвкa в oнлaйнe нe oбcyждaeтcя, мoжeшь пoпpoбoвaть oбpaтитьcя чepeз caйты cвp или фcб ecли cepьeзeн, нo тoлькo c пoлнoй aнoнимизaциeй (интepнeт чepeз тeлeфoн c лeвoй cимкoй + тop), вaшe гecтaпo интepнeт тpaфик вecь пaceт.

I too enjoy roleplaying on Sup Forums sometimes.

what are you doing to stop the demographic collapse?

Did the Russian Intelligence (at Putin's orders I assume) rig the Moldovan elections as revenge for the US Missile Defence Shield being hosted by Romania?

Ever since the fall of the USSR Moldova has never elected a pro Russia president.

where are all the jokers who ask how much rubels he gets for a post?

>demographic collapse
No such thing.
2010 142.9 million people
2016 146.5 million people

Is Putin redpilled?

you have a total fertility rate of 1,59, which means that your population declines significantly over decades. I hope your tfr goes back over 2.1.

There is increased chance of balkanisation if the ethnic russian proportion f the population declines.

One of the major reasons for the conflict in yugoslavia was that muslim slavs and albanians had more children than serbs. So serbs went from majority to minority and in reality fought to keep dominace over their territory\.

>tfw nobody wants to larp on Sup Forums

Russian spies are irrelevant because Russia can't do anything anyway.
And besides, why can't we just get along? I have no problems with Russians and I can understand they have a different culture than us. America needs to stop that red scare and start working together to secure a better future for both sides.

Why are you traitorous swine, leaking shit?

How much do you charge for hacking services? There's this chick that I like, but she won't answer my calls. Can you hack her and make her like me?

What can you tell me about the muslim uprising that happened in Kaluga a couple years ago?

What do you guys do with this shithole I live in?

Will you join up with Big Boss and Diamond Dogs so we can strike a blow against globalism together

tits or gtfo

Reported to FSB.
Expect no mercy even if you're just LARPing.

>Reported to FSB.
