/mlpol/ - better TOGETHER

/mlpol/ is comfy.
In spite of all that is glaringly degenerate about /mlp/, I really do welcome them.
We are alike. We are similar.
We are allies.

Other urls found in this thread:


how? how are they like us?


Lets exchange culture

I'll watch some MLP material and see what it's all about and in return I invite you to watch some Sup Forums materiel to see what we're all about.

Get comfy and start with THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD

maybe you're like them, i'm not

Holy fuck, it is such a redpilled programme.

theyve scared off the shills and redditors

Sup Forums looks better today than the past few days with leftist shills and r/editors

If they read these books in this order I'll watch the equivalent amount of hours of whatever their favorite cartoon is.

We were them. They are us. /mlpol/ was a thing long before today

For a long time it's been a truism that Sup Forums was mostly populated with dark bronies. Merging /mlp/ into the fold brings both the light sides and dark sides of the Friendship together, uniting them. Hiroshimoot has fulfilled the prophecy.

All Sup Forumsfriends are welcome to this stream. We're watching ponies. Come and hang if you want!


is it true then people are already saying mlp is evil now like everything else because of Sup Forums?

No but hopefully they will soon. It'll make the 'nazi frogs' thing look like serious journalism

/mlp/ shares right wing ideals. Strong family, strong leadership, no minorities allowed

We are degenerate, and we are useful allies.
The problems of the society are more important than my niche passion.

theyve scared off the shills and redditors

Indeed we are all one, in unified people and identity.

Have a happy Hitler

This. They might be super degenerate, but for this the ponies have my thanks.

No kys

When you think of the ponies as a weapon, they're wonderful. Sup Forums joined with the most virulent weaponized meme in the world?? I say yes to that. This is the "trojan horse" that will redpill millions.



Well duh.
You called in the calvary


right on, friend. With all autists untied, the dystopian jew nightmare we call the world cannot withstand our combined might.

what is a crusader without his horse

shut the fuck up, slavs aren't real whites. Except for the redpilled poles and mighty Putin, you are cockroaches

Oh fuck off

This lmao



dona eis requiem


/mlpol/ will be a general on both boards after the boards are separated.