
learn to type you fucking nigger

Seeing as you very clearly have firsthand experience of being on dangerous narcotics, tell us how you first got hooked.

No, I don't do narcotics.

>Type perfectly legitimate post
>illiterate retard fails to actually point out any serious flaws

Do it. I'm waiting. inb4 minor flaw

Unless you're just a retard by nature without the assistance of any drugs, you would have to be on some sort of stimulant to shit out a rambling repetitive torrent of verbal shite like that.

What specifically makes it seem like I'm rambling a "repetitive torrent of verbal shite"? Quote some examples.

D- you can do better than this. See me after class.

>Wow Seriously. Wow. That is absolutely astonishing right there, and I really can't believe the kind of garbage that I just read today. It's only 7:12AM and I'm reading this absolute fucking drivel on my computer screen. What a fucking joke.. So, what they are insinuating is something so preposterous that it makes me sick. They are essentially saying that they want to do something. What is this action that they would absolutely love to do that will degenerate your society and cause further problems? Well, by simply stating this, they are implying that other drugs should be legalized. They are essentially saying, "let's legalize cocaine and sell it to minors". Right? Yes, indeed. That, in fact, is what they're literally saying. Right there. In flesh and blood. Why do people listen to these kooks? They are doing nothing good for society by advocating drug usage. They are literally advocating drug usage. You can't go anywhere these days without finding people advocating the usage of drugs. This is absolutely ridiculous. There should be a higher standard in this country than this .These people are deplorable. They're absolutely out of their mind.

You didn't use your meme arrows user xDD

To be fair, friend, it is a bit unpleasant on the eyes. I thought it was going to be ironic for the first like 3 lines.

>Wow, seriously, wow. This is crazy, wow. I can't believe it, you know what I mean? Mind blown. Wow, I'm shocked. You know what they said? You hear what they said? Insanity. Wow.

This is how most people are seeing it, I promise you.

What's wrong with expressing myself in that way? Should I be jumping for joy at more and more people popularizing the idea of legalizing recreational drug use?

No, I agree with you. We don't need to promote degeneracy on any level, even as a dude weeder myself.

But they way you wrote it looks completely out of place here and distracts from the discussion. That's all lad

It's that you were typing like a schizo fucking moron liberal. Learn to type like a white man. You also blatantly lied about the content of the article, and you clearly have no knowledge of science or medicine.

>advocating selling cocaine to minors
Feel free to cite where they said that

All the article was about was explaining how alcohol, tobacco, and the misuse of prescription drugs cause shitloads of unnecessary deaths while cannabis could solve that.

If you legitimately disbelieve the scientific research on cannabis, you are literally mentally ill. Sorry, but that's the simple truth. You are voluntarily being wrong for LITERALLY no reason.

I understand now. It's just the heat of the moment and anger coming out through my keyboard.

>Should I be jumping for joy at more and more people popularizing the idea of letting adults make decisions for themselves?
Yes, you should.

But we can't trust these people. Incompetent people do drugs like they drink alcohol, can't handle it, and go violent. That affects others.

>Incompetent people do drugs like they drink alcohol, can't handle it, and go violent.
And those people are arrested and incarcerated.

After they commit the acts. We should take preventative measures. There's too few preventative measures, and so we have a justice system that works only after a crime is committed. We also release people out on parole when they're clearly unsuitable to be released. We shouldn't create a bigger mess. If we can't already handle the drunks, what can we do about the cocaine heads?

You came of Sounding like Wayne lambright or something.

Legalization would be the ultimate fuck you to shitlibs.


There's really nowhere you can place the issue on the spectrum since it's supported by a wide range of people. I guess when it comes down to it, everyone wants to engage in drug use.

Well, yes, you should be happy with the idea of reducing the amount people's freedoms are being crushed.

The more pressing issue, though, is your syntax.

Wow you type like an autist. Also, they're right. Prescription drugs are the most abused drug on the market.

>and so we have a justice system that works only after a crime is committed.
Thats how a justice system is supposed to work you idiot. A crime is committed and a person is punished for said crime. Youre advocating for some sort of Minority Report where people are arrested for "future crime".
>We also release people out on parole when they're clearly unsuitable to be released.
Thats bringing up a whole separate issue of criminal justice reform.
>We shouldn't create a bigger mess.
Right, lets just keep arresting and incarcerating people for having a plant. That hasnt been shown to not work at all.
We do need to re-evaluate the war on drugs because we've been using the same tactics for almost 50 years, spending more and more money on it, and yet, the supply and demand for drugs has in no meaningful way changed, despite the millions of people incarcerated and the trillion dollars we've spent on it.

I simply do not understand how someone could type "like an autist" unless they were spastically smashing their Cheeto-covered fingers at the keys on their keyboard.

>Youre advocating for some sort of Minority Report where people are arrested for "future crime".
>Right, lets just keep arresting and incarcerating people for having a plant. That hasnt been shown to not work at all.

No. I am advocating prevention measures to be in place. The government should work to prevent crime. I think that if prevention measures were in place that educated people and helped guide them away from marijuana, we would not have to rely on legalizing the drug. I also think that medical-only would be a safe compromise. We should not give in to the indulges of the darkness of the minds of most people. This would allow for prostitution to be legalized. Sure, brothels could be safe and cleaner than a street-corner hooker and it would be a safe and legal avenue to get your rocks off at a cost, but it would also be accepting and promoting a disgusting practice. I see the same with drug use.

>Thats bringing up a whole separate issue of criminal justice reform.

I understand, but I'm just highlighting an example of our broken justice system.

It's called grammar you stupid fuck. Learn it.

> I am advocating prevention measures to be in place
The punishment for crimes IS the prevention measures. Dont want to go to jail for years? Dont rob a bank or steal a car. Dont want to get shot by a police officer? Dont attack a police officer.
It's really that simple.
>I think that if prevention measures were in place that educated people and helped guide them away from marijuana, we would not have to rely on legalizing the drug.
We already have those. We've already been using those for decades. What do you think DARE is for? What do you think the "Just Say No" campaign was? What do you think all the anti-drug PSAs are for? They simply do not work, and theres decades of evidence that shows this. Again, we need to re-think our war on drugs.
>This would allow for prostitution to be legalized.
Again, I dont see how consenting adults making decisions for themselves is a bad thing
>Sure, brothels could be safe and cleaner than a street-corner hooker and it would be a safe and legal avenue to get your rocks off at a cost, but it would also be accepting and promoting a disgusting practice.
Ah, youre one of those moral busybodies. That explains alot. Youre agreeing its safer to legalize, but then in the next sentence youre saying youre against it because it hurts your fee-fees. You might need to re-evaluate your position given your brazen cognitive dissonance.

Be careful, /pol is full of neckbeard rage. Proceed with caution and remember to wear your Fedora and bring your "daddy doesn't love me" teen angst.

Incoherent rambling, shit grammar, irrationally angry, no real structure

so says mr.alcohol, "everyone who doesn't like my legal recreational drugs should be thrown in prison. I'm not degenerate, my drugs are FDA approved" blurb barf brurb

>Should I be jumping for joy
Going back to r*ddit is what you should doing.