What is the position of "Black Pope" and why does the real pope look like he's subservient to him?

What is the position of "Black Pope" and why does the real pope look like he's subservient to him?

Apparently this organization deals in suppression.

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Bullshit. The Jesuits were a force against slavery in Latin America.




>Jesuits work in education (founding schools, colleges, universities and seminaries), intellectual research, and cultural pursuits. Jesuits also give retreats, minister in hospitals and parishes, and promote social justice and ecumenical dialogue.

So pretty much the Catholic CIA

As early as 1511 we find evidence of the political conflict about Indian enslavement. A Portuguese decree stated that for those Indians who fought against Portugal, slavery was just. Also any Indians who were cannibals, or who sold themselves or family members out of need, or those who were rescued from being sacrificed were not protected. The settlers claimed that they were feeding the Indians and teaching them farming skills. Jesuits claimed any Indian slavery was against the mandate.


>So pretty much the Catholic CIA

Stop dribbling you anti-Catholic sperg.


You seem pretty bent out of shape for speculation. Don't worry Father, I won't question you because you told me about something nice you did over 500 years ago.

>he doesn't realize the jesuits are a satanic/luciferian organization and the black pope actually runs the world

Is this the Bogpill?

>Who are the Jesuits you may ask? Arent they just missionaries, priests and general do-gooders who establish schools, universities and pride themselves in being pillars in the community? If so, then why was The Jesuit Order abolished in over 80 countries in 1773? J.E.C. Shepherd states that “Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] was expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection.” They are overlords of chaos. In a nut shell the Jesuits are Warlords, Assassins, Teachers, Infiltrators, Tyrants. They tried their hand at global domination with the “League of Nations” but it failed, now they are trying again, under a new name…The United Nations, and its about to work!

What's this?

Well, Jesuits currently have infiltrated or control the United Nations, NATO, European Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, various central banks, big corporations, secret services, numerous societies and cults, such as Freemasonry ("The Brotherhood") and Opus Dei.

>"The Jesuits have no women. They have no love of a woman. Because to have a wife, to have a woman, means you have an allegiance to your wife and family, and you cannot obey the General. That’s why they will NEVER be married, and that’s one of the great KEYS to their success." - Eric Jon Phelps

Just like the Jews. They were persecuted because they were different. That's totally why.

Why is it that they seem to never be spoken about on Sup Forums but seem to be much worse than the Jews?

Despite any meddling they may have been involved in (I was merely being humorous, I have no real knowledge or opinions on their Order), they didn't kill Jesus. Nor did they deny his message.

So they're not quite on the same super villain level as the jews.

Because Jesuits control Sup Forums you imbecile

Because they can't be identified as easily as jews. They are master infiltrators

Because the power that nowadays have the Jesuit is close to nothing, even if they have been in Europe America and Africa, they had more power in the XVIII and that's why they were banned in lots of countries, all the other shit like control the United Nations, NATO, European Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, various central banks, big corporations, secret services, numerous societies and cults, such as Freemasonry ("The Brotherhood") and Opus Dei is bullshit and belong to

Good point

I call bullshit, you seem to know a lot about something other don't and ready to disinform. Suspicious.

>The power they nowadays have is close to nothing
>what is brexit
>what is trump

Or perhaps he's wondering why a man would swear off property and marriage in the name of an Arch-Angel before committing to a "shadowy" brotherhood like the Jesuits.

They are literally making me rethink my "Blame the Jews" ways with this shadiness.

This is some illuminati-tier shit