White power is retarded. White pride is retarded

White nationalists and generally anyone obsessed with being white is obnoxious. Sure, it had its positive sides for economic purposes, but these people obsess over the racial and nationalist side of it.

What's truly pathetic, though, is how they have this weird fetish about germanic runes and use scandinavian names. White power indicates a lack of responsibility in one's self, which inspires a need to attribute their identity to the achievements of a few people throughout history.

All of the 'nationalism' (hate), racism, and intolerance here stem from feelings of weakness, insecurity, and inadequacy. When you picture Sup Forums picture a chubby, bald, short man with a penis size of 3".

yeah that's nice and all but white power, retard

You're confusing us with liberals. Go home antifa before your buddies end up shooting you

Not an argument

Sounds like your average nu-male to me, which are all liberals.


Actually, no. The difference is that cucks actively embrace pathetic and open their assholes wide to ass-rammings.

White Supers ARE afraid, because they see their future reflected on those ass rammings. But the difference is that white supers will fight rather than accept jamal's cock like a cuck.

>obsessing with being white is obnoxious

now how do you think we feel, when niggers like you pride yourself over being black?

I'm not obsessed with being white. I'm just tired of nig-nogs normalizing racism against me because of their victim points.

>Multculturalism is retarded. Multiethnicism is retarded
>Multiculturalists and generally anyone obsessed with multiculturalism is obnoxious. Sure, it had its positive sides for economic purposes, but these people obsess over the racial and tolerant side of it.

What's truly pathetic, though, is how they have this weird fetish about child-free lives and use non-binary gender pronouns. Multiculturalism indicates a lack of responsibility in one's self, which inspires a need to attribute their identity to the achievements of people who want to replace them.

White Power is just as stupid as Black Power, which is just as stupid as Latino Power, and so on.

It only makes sense when your corporate overlords flood your country with barbarians

so basically it's just 'not fair' everytime you see a white piece of shit get called out for sounding like a prick?
This is a black problem?
grow the fuck up, you sniveling child.

Kenyan children mirror test. Google it.


cmon everyone its fun!

>selfhood varies culturally and exists on a continuum

>most white Americans know their heritage (polish, German, Irish, English, whatever)
Most black Americans do not (stolen from some bush in Africa..?)
We TOOK that from them, we STOLE their heritage, and replaced it with 200 years of torture and subjugation.
And white assholes TODAY, stand around an go
"Huh, their 'normalizing' racism. fucking savages, get over it."
But most of these assholes never considered what it might be like to have no history that insnt controlled by another race.

I just genuinely feel that racially homogeneous societies are more orderly and do better in the long term.....like japan.....i think ill be proven correct over the coming decades :)

>White Pride is retarded
>Other racial pride are ok

Dafuq you are doing here, nigger?

I will never understand white traitors.
Why do you get off on flooding your country with mexicans and islamists?

I do enjoy me some white powder

What is truly retarded is the random Leshawn tryna hard at being scary as in KILL ALL WHITE PEOPLE because he just cant into logical thinking.

> dude claims to hate blacks and gays.
>spends alot of time thinking about black cocks
>comes to Sup Forums and discusses black ass-ramming
...you might be on the wrong board.

>200 years of slavery meme

Russia was under jewish control for almost 100 years.

>White power is bad
>BLM is good
No one cares what you think, jungle bunny.

We like being all inclusive.