What is the alt-rights stance on depression ?

what is the alt-rights stance on depression ?

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Depression is for betas

N-no bully pls.

*kills self*

If you're to weak to stay on this ride just BTFO. Just rustling your jimmies, you should seek help immediately.

It happens.



Who is this alt-right and what does he ?

just be yourself xD

>le alt right maymay
kill yourself


You are depressed because you feel that your life has no purpose, that you squandered your chances to succeed, that you've let people down, that people would be relieved of pain if you died.

Listen to me. Sup Forums. I am here to tell you that that isn't true.

I have been extremely depressed before. I had it all. A good job, a good side-income. A good car. Fine clothes. A girlfriend. Everything. I blew it all when I got a DUI after a bad argument with my dad, and ruined my life. I spent a full year depressed. Everyone abandoned me. I was cast out of my home, my car was towed, the bills racked up, everything was shit.

But one thing kept me going. That one thing was my hatred of leftists. I was literally homeless when I realized that hate. I got a job at a shipping center. I stole a pair of shoes so that I could go there. I worked until I could pay my debts. I worked until I could afford to recover my license. I worked until I could get back in school. My hate kept me alive. Your hate will keep you alive. If you kill yourself, they win. Your death is submission to their victory.

You must live, Turk. You must live, and embrace the hatred which flows through your veins. That trace of Ataturk's blood which pounds in your heart even now. Listen to the cry of your ancestors in your skull. What do they tell you? There is a beast in you that will not die. It will fight back.


Depression is for leftists and feminists

fuck off faggot

Cheer up you puff

what is altright?

>Shia LaDouche
you want the guy to kys, right?

Depression is a meme, you can be pretty sad for a length of time but depression is only for those weak of mind. Those "suffering" from it need to kill themselves as soon as possible.

Pol is not alt right. It s fascist

It's not real.

>all this inspirational shit


cheer up roach

Understandable if you live in a Muslim country.


Stop using MSM made up terms.

Depression is in 90% of the cases just big pharma getting you hooked on their dope.

Chemical inbalance can exist but they have no Scientific way to measure it.

They just ask you questions and if you answer a certain way they say you got it.

That's like a doctor asking where you have pain and then ambutating your leg because of a bruise.

Just don't be up all day in your room boppin the weasel and playing hentai games up until 4 in the morning.

You're overstimulated, your neuro-endocrine system can't deal with constant dopamine flashes, you have essentially fried your dopamine transmitters.

Stop playing videogames, masturbating, watching porn, shit i'd cut out TV, Internet and music altogether if i was you. Stock up on HTP5-Nettle, GABA6, Vitamin's E and B12 are essential, try Maxler's T6 but be careful with dosage and stop after a month. Take up running or lifting, early moring to make the most of it.

"Psychology is a Jewish invention" - Dylann Storm Roof

here's the difference

Whatever you do never lose your fucking momentum.

He rabbi wacha doing?

feels bad man


Going out on your own terms is red pilled. The government shouldn't be able to tell me when it's my time to go.