they unironically can claim with a straight face the the picture on the left has a different angle with more people

> they unironically can claim with a straight face the the picture on the left has a different angle with more people

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know how this Turkish rape baby could afford a computer

If you are against Trump you are antisemite and anti israel. Watch where youre going with this...

Stop triggering the poor Drumpftards

>Giving power to the people
>Lose public vote by a few millions

>op unironically spams Sup Forums with an image taken hours before the inauguration started

H-hey guys, CNN said Trump had a small turnout, so it must be true!

Definitely not FAKE NEWS and whatever you do, don't look at pic related.

Ha ha... d-drumpf... current year...

no, but i can claim that trump's rally was on par with regular republican numbers

also the fact that DC is 94% democrat

You can see how empty this actually shit is when you take the dick out of your ass and start to look at the back of the picture

This GREAT country..... Will survive.

>trumpkins desperately spamming this ground level picture every opportunity

You can just see how desperate they are. Trump has no mandate to run the country, he is an illegitimate president.

Taken at the same time during the inauguration? Was ist also raining/cold back then?


You guys 4% of Washington DC voted Republican

Obviously Obama is going to have an easier time filling the place up

city people voted hilary.

trump is a petty reality star... he's mroe worried about addressing the size of the crowd at his inauguration than addressing the frustration of the general public at possibly the largest protest in US history

About half of city people are essentially paid to.

>trump won acres of land with little people and economic value while Hillary won cities of people that actually help the american economy

This image has already been rebutted. What shithead still believes that this thread is in any way, shape or form relevant. The media intentionally used images from early in the day in contrast to during the inauguration.

Its true, trump had a small turnout, but do remember that it was a weekday and republicans actually have jobs

democrats win the major city centers nothing new here. in fact, more americans live in large city centers than ever before.

rural america is declining off because of because of automated agricultural farming techniques. no more jobs in rural america.

aside from that, the democrats won the popular vote by a large margin, but came up short in places they thought they would win like michigan and wisconsin who lost manufacturing jobs to outsourcing.

i think the russians spammed the net with fake news, but i dont think they were hacking voting machines like the mainstream was saying.

>i think the russians spammed the net with fake news
Also helped by Russias useful idiots: Sup Forums

Watch this video and share with us at what point the crowd doesn't look embarrassingly small

We're all waiting :^^)


>Greeks in charge of numbers
Pay denbts

Drumpf is surely finished this time.

It's amazing how many people Obama fooled.

If you compare the video and the pictures from CNN you can see that 5 sections (white squares) are partially filled in both mediums.
Both Obama's and Trump's pictures (top pictures) were roughly taken at ~11:00 on their respective date. The bottom picture is a zoom from CNN's recent Gigapixel Photograph (~12:20).

>big turnout for first black president in a city of 80% blacks

Its almost as if all the attendees in 2008 could just walk there.

Also they didn't have violent protesters harassing them, and it wasn't raining.

I forgot about the clause in the constitution where if you don't meet the minimum required attendance numbers you don't get to be president.

There is no such clause, but President Trump seems to care tremendously about his attendance :^( SAD.

Who gives a shit? 4 years faggot, now fuck off back to Shitbook.

looks about the same. go trump. good job winning more states than obama




Who is going to get more attendees in a democratic state?
1) The first Black president who ran as a democrat
2) A white republican whom liberals detest

Really makes you think.

>its impossible to have cities without the rural/ agricultural areas supporting them.
when was the last time you had a Manhattan raised burger you fucking retard

Hell, he even had his very first press conference about it and sent his own Baghdad Spicer out to lie to America and the rest of the world about it.

Well you assume everyone who votes for the party goes to the inauguration. So i have to ask, where were the 1.2 Million Washington Trump Voters that day?

automation, automation, automation

Its also why the smart rural people are fleeing those shitholes since there's no way to make a life in sticks now.

I don't think this has anything to do with that, it's more about the fact that he said that it was the "LARGEST ATTENDANCE IN HISTORY" not even recent history, all time.

It's the lowest out of the past 5 elections.
He also said it stopped raining for his speech, and started up again soon after. His own religious speakers said that wasn't true right next to him and he still denied it.

Why even lie about attendence? First president to be inagurated with negative net approval ratings, of course you're not going to pull big numbers.
Why lie about the fucking weather?
Something is not right with im

Uh oh, "drumpfkins" getting stale already? Why are liberal memes so shit?

Where does any of the shit in your city come from?


>hurr drumpkins

Kill yourself kike I'll penetrate Netanyahoo and constantines delicate cunnies with my swift but just sword.

President Trump. House. Senate. Supreme Court. Literally nobody cares what you think anymore. Stop literally shaking.

That's the same crowd, just from a different angle.

Of course the areas closer to the stage are better filled, but the areas further away were far from full.

Sup Forums:

> We want to piss everyone off!
> I can't believe they didn't come to Trump's inauguration!
> no wait it was probably just the camera angle

Thank god they popular vote does not count that much in the US.
They would have ended up a social justice hellhole like Germany.



>what is a population density map

also love how no one wants to respond to

Because it's a fucking lie.

What is?


fucking shills

Nah I'm just kidding with you. Problem is that truth doesn't matter anymore as long as your guy is winning.

I don't think he's counting those """"People"""" as people.

Here you go diet-Turekey

I was working.

Most of Trumps voters are working Americans.

Democrat free loaders usually have no jobs.

Trump is popular for his policies, most people just bear his flaws. However, some entertainment is gathered out of how mad the other side gets, and how powerless they are, especially since they were very very arrogant before. But I would say that even on pol, most Trump supporters could articulate the areas that they wish Trump would modify. Again, his rock solid support from so much of the country is do to his written policies.

>They unironically need to hold on to quantative arguments because there is no quality.

Here's one. It's total bullshit though. The last years of politics have worn the people down, shown them the injustices and the manic attempts to sway public opinion by all means. There is a complete disillusionment with the political process for most people, therefore less people attending the symbolic inauguration.

Same crowd, just different angle.

Notice all the white empty spaces - they are the same as in OP's pic.

>check flag

The crowd is still fairly dense, and to say that it didn't reach the Washington Monument is a blatant lie

here's the full argument
>People are worn down
>almost no trump supporters live in DC
>most people heard that commies were announcing a a terror attack
>most people suspected an islamic terror attack because it's such an easy target
>The subways were clogged with protestors
>someone said that new areas were opened up on the front/side

germoney ebin xDDDDDDDD

Crowds look more dense at a shallower angle.
OP's picture shows both crowds at possibly the worst angle - but it is a fair comparison.

And I have no idea what a Washington monument is.

>Most of Trumps voters are working Americans.

No, most Trump supporters are uneducated retards who lost their jobs to robots and foreigners.

Okie Dokie Mr. Colgate, let me teach you something.

This is the Washington Monument, you can see it quite clearly in the other pic i posted too

Do you not know left from right?

Thanks. KEK confirms, no need fo me to question it any further

You're forgetting the furthest most have traveled is their towns Walmart. Plane tickets are cost prohibitive. Crowds and mobility scooters don't mix.

The crowd didn't reach that, no.

You make it sound like a good thing that your own uneducated starve while the menial jobs go to illegal immigrants who can be blackmailed into working as slaves.
Why are leftists always like "fuck dumb people".

Picture on the right is taken 6 hours earlier (technically 8 years and 6 hours earlier, but still) than the one on the left, you dumb fuck.


All the other pictures posted here show a very similar crowd.

Were they all taken 6 hours before the speech?

learn the definition of illegitimate, then try again.

I wonder why they're uneducated in the first place...

the 2017 photo was taken early in the morning hours before the event started.



>Trump won the people who feed the Hillary voters

I love how the world went from 1080 to 144p in 8 years.

>fucking libshit capital
>orangutana inauguration has more people, trump btfo
you're retarded

We're talking about people who choose to be in this situation because they think higher learning is some jew liberal brainwashing machine.

So yeah, fuck them.

Well....DC is full of niggers with nothing to do on a weekday afternoon. Most Trump supporters were at work

If you believe CNN you are simply either DUMB or evil, There is no middle ground. Now go back and fix your country before muslims attack again and kill innocent people with trucks during Christmas.

>few million
>20 million illegals voted for hillary
>not even statistically significant but A MILLION IS A BIG SCARY NUMBER
>system specifically set up to prevent states like california with their millions of people from dominating the system

fuck you, cuck.

Obamas crowd is all niggers

tyranny of the majority =/= power of the people

>it's raining
>the white squares are tents
>people are in the tents

we are going to let putin fuck your european union and we are going to laugh about it.

People dont show up to shit when
1. its raining
2. they have jobs
3. terrorist literally blocking access to the inaugeration by setting up baracads and burning shit

Taken during different times of day. Look at the shadow on the building the background. On the left it covers half of it (indicating that it's around 1pm-2pm) on the right it's non existent (indicating that it's in the morning, while the crowd was probably gathering.

Your jewish tricks don't work here Benjamin.

>He doesn't know blue states have local farms and farmers markets, He doesn't know that limousine liberals love buying organic local, He doesn't know that we have big beautiful gardens in the middle of cities & share produce with our neighbors. Beehives and chicken coops with a prius parked next to it.
Only our underclass eats like shit. How clueless are you?

>Not understanding viewing angles
:'D it's suddenly very clear why you mongs chose Trump

Trump Gigapixel:

Obama gigapixel:

Wasn't that to be expected?
Considering the amount of blacks and democrats that live in DC

the only ones losing their jobs to robots are the ones demanding 15 bucks an hour

When was the last time you were able to purchase your feed and seeds without federal government subsidies that are financed by blue states?

Never. Rural america is the cancer killing America.

Robots are a meme.

They don't even account for 0.1% of all jobs.