Hahaha oh wow, smdh drumpf btfo

hahaha oh wow, smdh drumpf btfo
>drumpfkins will unironically defend this

Other urls found in this thread:


>liberals judge how good something is by its popularity

Really makes you think.

Trump can lie and his blind followers will not dispute it. This is why propaganda works so well.

>media cheers on violent protestors blocking the checkpoints and scaring people
>media talks about low turn up and ignores the reasons why it happened

this is when people start realizing that the media is very biased.....

>Trump administration judged how good something is by its popularity and then lied about it

Really activates your almonds.

>fake timestamp on image because it was actually taken hours before inauguration


You just start this thread because you're jealous about Barron's height

President Trump. House. Senate. Supreme Court. Nobody cares what you think anymore. Stop literally shaking.

Good lie faggot

This is hat ctr is reduced to.

Its fake, jesus christ.

Look at the time lapse of the entire inauguration from start to finish.


pic related is the fullest it gets

>>Obama gets more niggers into the Mall in a 99.9% black city. Trump has a Quality crowd, not a "Free KFC" mob.
After all of the tantrums and whining from the left since November, this is all you got? Will you finally shut up and move on or will you now hold your breath and turn blue.

Celebrities don't lie.

They should have gotten the memo months ago. We need to work harder to expose their lies and corruption.

yah that fake timelapse, u need to move onto the ol' trump supporters have jobs, hate rain and have never flown in their lives.


I just love watching you kick and scream.


% less niggers in the Mall.
This is a bad thing how???
The MAGA just keeps on winning!

>zoom in just as it fills

Cat approved, it's a proofs.

>unironically beleiving fake news

Your salty tears are delicious

Holy shit how are people this retarded.
Nice "time lapse" that cuts while its still filling
Check how many people watched it on TV
Far more than in '08.
OP believes what he sees on mainstream media

camouflage, yes I said it. This photo does not take into account the millions wearing camouflage.

Nice bait faggot

>is inauguration day a national holiday?

Inauguration Day is not a public holiday and many people are expected to work as usual.
people are expected to work as usual
expected to work as usual
expected to work
to work


I never gave a shit about the size of Trump's crowd, anyone who knows about the area in and around DC and Trump's approval rating compared to Obama's knew this would happen.

check out the crowds at the hillary inauguration


>Comparing post Bush recession and two wars America to now.

The photo on the right has a fake time stamp. It was taken around 8:00-9 Am so 3-4 hours before it even started.

How is that a fair comparison?

It's a meaningless argument, but the butthurt left is taking it deadly serious. They are trying so hard for some type of validation after losing,losing,losing!
It's dominating the news cycle this morning and I suspect that it's a Trump 4D-chess move to distract the Lugenpresse, they are so easily controlled.

>media brings up petty shit like the inauguration crowds

>press secretary addresses said petty shit brought up by media


>media says "anyway, back to this petty shit"

Literally Meet the Press this morning.

>2004 Inauguration crowd much smaller

of course there were alot of people at obama's inauguration, he's the FIRST black president


kek has blessed us with this vision of an alternate timeline, look at those digits!

Trump's press secretary was so asspained that he declared that Trump's administration would 'hold the press accountable' for reporting numbers that made it sound like Obama had attracted more people. The man and his followers are taking this more seriously than anyone else. If he hadn't freaked out like this it would have been on twitter for a day or so and then everyone would have moved on.

>Check how many people watched it on TV. Far more than in '08.
Why do you lie on the internet?