Can we get a rare Sup Forums picture thread?

Can we get a rare Sup Forums picture thread?

>pic related, its Jeremy Irons after he fell face first into a land mine the second after WW2 ended

Other urls found in this thread:

what a warrior

Did he died?

Nope just a few stitches

fucking ROASTIE!

the Bogdanoff twins before their assention to godhood

I hope he had face insurance.

vladimir lenin looking for some cheap underage hoe

Looks fake

English psychologist Abraham Lincoln

Pretty sure I'd rather just be dead.


Too much good Bantz going on right now to get a ban shithead.

WW1 elephant sentry unit, who knows what happened after the photo was taken?


Rare picture of the inauguration

he is in the white house now

rare mugshot of an unidentified russian manlet arrested for stealing shoes

Goering enjoying the ur-NEET life

he was attacked by a grizzly and lived

he actually survived

>brave U.S soldier pictured after fighting the battle of hung wop (december 1968, vietnam)