Did /our girl/ just get BTFO?
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this meme still cracks me up
>Laurenzo the Southern
Pick one
at what time did she get btfo? she can't debate for shit so don't wanna waste much time watching this.
Fuck off shill and plebbits
>A kike coalburner
>Our girl
(((Lauren Southern)))
>literally a whole 11 min video because she called antifa an anit-trump.
pointless fucking video, and didn't this guy actually like clinton over trump?
>Not our girl
>Thunderfoot is a faggot
>Lauren is a shill
Stop looking for internet people to tell you what to think.
>didn't this guy actually like clinton over trump?
Probably. that doesn't invalidate his opinions on everything
>/our girl/
Since when a controlled opposition pawn of the system, who is a fucking kIKE on top of it all, has ever been /our girl/??
Anarchist are same as SJWs
They are both marxists.
>thunderfoot faggot BTFO anyone, ever
nigger pls
seems T-f00t is right.
Fuck that attention whore kike bitch.
>our girl
No you're right, but I still felt like his video was pointless (and I'm not blindly supporting Lauren either). Makes a whole video about the nuance of wording of a reporter running with the crowds while flashbangs and teargas are being thrown. Oh no, she called anarchist, anti-trump, big fucking deal
Read some more faggot.
Poster child anarchists maybe, but real anarchists couldn't care less about sjws and etc.
Is this real
She's an idiot. she made a fool of herself. He's making fun of her.
she got btfo by a muslim to, she is a dumb bitch
Sinead is a fucking sperg.
He's sounding the alarm to get rid of the bad influences in the alt right. Best thing to do is to crucify this bitch and move on. She's another anita sarkesian, and tf00t is probably going to attack her every mistake.
>american standards
She is an ugly bitch faggot
Thunderfoot clearly fails to understand the connection between anarchists and antifa. So sad, maybe play with your exploding rocks and water a bit more?
She's just a nice set of tits, who cares about her "opinions"
is thunderfaggot still a thing in current year?
Are you antifa faggot ?
>She's an idiot. she made a fool of herself. He's making fun of her.
Go suck Thunderf00ts dick somewhere else, I don't agree with her on everything, but calling her a idiot because she called anarchist anti-trump is a waste of everyone one's time.
She's not even alt-right you twat.
lauren southern isn't very smart
she just reads off a script most of the time
>memecountry I dont know enough about to insult
You probably fuck goats
Is that her?
I even saw a variation on my facebook posted by a underage girl.
thanks pol for spreading the degeneracy.
that hand really looks like the hand of a troll or monster
>She's not even alt-right you twat.
She is. She's in the milo/rainbow/whatever camp of the alt right.
>She's just a nice set of tits, who cares about her "opinions"
Unfortunately, people do.
The um-ing and aw-ing she does with her man voice is unbearable, and she's 21 she doesn't know shit.
Her """"""book""""""" is a joke too
looks like that one sidekick from Doctor Who
dont think she was ever /ourgirl/ she's dumb as shit and can't win any debates
Thundercunt is mincing words. "Oh they're black bloc anarchists, they're not anti-trump protesters".
Well, they weren't out there protesting Obama, now where they?
They're protesting Trump.
That they're anarchists isn't really relevant to the fact that they are Trump protesters at a Trump protest, that's just an 11 minute video of him arguing semantics.
I don't particularly care about Lauren (would smash though desu), I think she just saw a niche bandwagon and decided to hop on it in the earlier stages for publicity and the like but this is just a dumb video.
>alt right
You burgers are really degenerate
I prefer sheep.
Doubt it. She has better teeth, mirth mark on her neck and different shaped nose.
Been saying this for awhile. Lauren Is the equivalent of a puppy dog. Cute, but dumb as fuck.
>"Oh they're black bloc anarchists, they're not anti-trump protesters".
This is a good point, and a question I had myself... but he's still correct that she used dishonest editing to imply something that wasn't.
I just got this delivered today,
Going to read it tomorrow, any good?
Also, Its ALOT smaller than i thought it would be, for the price.
>our girl
she's using you faggots to sell books and make money
t. alt right stooge
It's arguing semantics. They were protesting Trump. Who gives a shit if they're Black Bloc, Black Panthers, Pink Panthers or Tumblr United?
Real anarchists are sjw to the core, and are tier own special breed of retards
>some dumb bimbo
>/our girl/
>he fell for it
>It's arguing semantics
and nothing else expected from this cuck when it comes to politics.
>actually believing this
The term alt-right was coined in 2008 by richard spencer, a core tenet of the philosophy is identitarianism for racially european peoples.
Even Milo himself says he's not alt right
>I just got this delivered today
Everyone knows Anne Frank is /ourgirl/
>It's arguing semantics. They were protesting Trump.
She edited in images of people who weren't black bloc... so obviously she understood there to be a distinction in the groups.
It's not just semantics. They have different motivations and their actions have different meaning.
>pierced belly button
fuck is she degenerate or what?
The no true Scotsman fallacy fooling retards again I see. It IS an anti-Trump gathering, stop acting like it's something it isn't.
> it's okay they were smashing shit and protesting trump because they say they aren't anti trump
Still better than faggot.
>thundercuck btfo by his own subscribers
>he is also deleting comments
>alt-right was coined in 2008 by richard spencer
Whoever dribbles a noise out of their mouth first is irrelevant to who is part of a movement.
>They have different motivations and their actions have different meaning.
Well, one part of them is wailing and marching and another part of them is smashing shit. Both parts are protesting Trump. They're not football hooligans whose team just lost.
Seems kosser to me
Downvote and move on
t. illiterate.
Agreed. Still not good.
>concern posting
Fuck off, you brain dead feeb.
And you are what to the core?
If you don't believe in justice for social issues what the fuck do you believe in? Authoritarianism? Getting your shit pushed in?
You're gorgeous
Damnn she is fine
But like I said Milo, Southern, Cernovich, Paul Joseph Watson, none of them even consider themselves alt-right (the latter 2 did at one point but they stopped because they realized white identitarians were in the movement)
Where did you get this pic?
As far as (((Lauren Southern))) being /ourgirl/ goes, speak for yourself.
As far as Thunderf00t's video goes, he's wrong. Anarchists are anti-Trump and there is a lot of overlap between anarchists and radical leftist anti-Trumpers, all of whom have rioted in some form over Trump's inauguration, all of whom have displayed dogmatic, utterly hypocritical behavior -- so I'm not sure what kind of contrived distinction he's trying to make.
That said, Lauren Southern is retarded.
Not a fan of Lauren Southern either, but since Brexit he's really shown his true cuckish colors
The Fedoralord has spoken and as expected did not say anything of note out of fear having an actual opinion would make him vulnerable to criticism
>le atheist above it all too smart to have an opinion
Her twitter from 2013
>he's a scientist and wanted his home country to continue getting science funding
>REEEE he doesn't care about the same things as me!! KEK
How do you find old tweets on twitter? Is there a way to do that without scrolling through hundreds of tweets?
>taking any of these athiest "skeptics" seriously.
They're most pretentious assholes on the face of the earth.
Thundercuck back at it again. No shit they were anarchists. They were anarcho-communists which means they are anti Trump by definition. To say "these are anarchists" would be redundant and stupid. It's like thunderfoot needs to be told the sky is blue for a video to have any truth in it.
I am ancap so I am obviously anti-Hillary, and don't really care about Trump either way. I just don't want a government. If you said a gold/black clad crowd protesting right after Hillary was elected was anti-Hillary, you would be right.
Never knew she liked pegging.
Belly button piercings are on the fence for degenerate for me. They're not as bad as facial or nipple piercings or some shit like that, but they're still bad.
Earrings on the lobe are the only acceptable piercings (not on the high part of the ear, those are huge red flags).
>advanced search
>type her name
>put from 2014-07-01 untill 2015-7-18 for example
Don't know man. For me it's a huge turn off. But then again, different people, different tastes.
She doesn't even talk about jews and she seems tolerant of faggots. We should DOXX her.
Go to bed Lauren
>30% spanish
>/out girl/
No just no
"Holy fuck!"
What a reporter she is
>Scientific funding
Honestly I thought some of his Kickstarter videos were ok, but he's completely clueless when it comes to anything that's not science
man this place is fucking lame you guys are statist nerds
>4 Oct 2016
What do you consider this nipples' colour to be?
it doesn't look very pink
it makes me ree everytime
delete this