/pol slowly being taken over
/pol slowly being taken over
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Commies can post all they want, but Sup Forums is a free market of ideas and communism is too shitty an idea to spread to any but the most naive people here. It can only thrive in an environment where censorship and social pressure support it. On an anonymous board that loves free speech it can easily be outed as the wishful thinking it is. I see no problem.
This is where communism comes to die. Too many red pills are dispensed here.
Its good that these racists will be abonded by their own site
The election is over. They will slowly start to leave but some will remain here. You faggots just had to meddle in the real world and now they all know about us.
This is nothing. It was much worse during the last two weeks of the election. The shills come in ebbs and flows.
America and the whole world will be RED.
Uhuru, my niggers!
I'll skull fuck your arab boi pussy faggot.
Easy there Muhammad.. if you kill the natives, no one can fund your iPhone bills.
>slowly being taken over
More like, shills no longer being paid to fill the echo chamber with alt-right ideas. You see now how truly alone you've been all this time.
They'll try and fail over and over.
Ironic that the cure for red is red pill.
2ndpost best post
Kommunism will win nigger.
"redpill" aka Kommunism pill.
Subversive isnt it ?
>They'll try and fail over and over.
The same way we fail against them over and over?
>muh shills
Not an argument.
Stalin should have killed even more people
>Wishful thinking.
If an ideology where a totalitarian government can take my income and give it to those of lesser ability based soley on the fact that they produce less than i do is wishful thinking I am a 4 ft jewish nigger.
>when your ideology can be refuted by shitty memes
Never stop fighting, Anons. The commies are trying to seize the Memes of Production. We may have won this battle, but the shills are still dead-set on this war.
Meme on, Anons!
>/pol slowly being taken over
This is an environment with a very high casualty rate for leftist shills.
pol is a 'free market of ideas'? hahahahaha
it is an overtly fascist board where all alternative points of view are bullied out of existence, there is no liberal forum on Sup Forums, I wonder why that is? anything to do with Putin shills hmmm?
/lgbt/ is right over there. Defend yourself or fuck off.
Good. It's a solid improvement over these plebbit-tier Trump-tards. At least communists, in general, are intelligent and well-read. Drumpfkins are just retarded.
Exactly. "Free market of ideas" doesn't mean all ideas are equally represented - it means that ideas can compete freely and the best ones gain prominence. The popularity of fascism here is almost all just edgy memeing anyway - people LARP about it a lot but every time lefty fuckwits propose or employ fascist tactics (e.g. limiting free speech) everyone jumps on it and points out how hypocritical and counter-productive it is.
Is it so bad over at criple chan that you have to shitpost here?
You can dismantle communism pretty easily here.
By whom? 2 autists that make the same threads everyday where 95% of the responses are insults and memes?