That's stupid. Giving up your veto power for what?
He's taking this isolationism thing too far.
>cucks think we want NWO
Dismantling global government
LOL, do you think they have any power to do anything that affects individual countries that don't recognize them?
way to get rid of those refugee agendas
also anti Palestinian, nice
Or maybe not far enough.
Exactly, leave UN and tell everyone fuck off we are full. What don't you get?
>Giving up vetoes
no thanks
> Get countries that want security to pay
> Not us paying the U.N billions to protect others
> Use that money for healthcare and infrastructure
> Countries will end up paying for security
> Will have strong military budget and presences while making our home better
Feels good man
I imagine all those useless delegates leaving the building with cardboard boxes and moving to Berlin or geneva
Brussels, there's all kinds of kindred spirits waiting there.
Lefty Sup Forums here.
Clearly we need to e-mail Hillary and Obama to contact the UN to come in an investigate the election.
Our Democracy has been hacked.
We need to have the UN take over our government which has clearly been hijacked by the fascist capitalist dictator Putin.
We need to start a campaign.
#CalltheUN #UNrecount #UNcontrol
We cannot let these fascists Trump and Putin rule America.
It is time to make America a citizen of the world again. No h8. No fascist USA.
btfo, UN is out, lol
When did Dave Mustaine become an advisor???
"The United "Abominations" as it were
Forged to prevent wars and froze in the face of disaster
And stood silent while terrorization took hostage of the world"
in name of peace goy
>t hernandez the cuck
Is this a serious bill?
Clearly the folks that ran insecure servers that got hacked need to make the contact. That report based on 19th-hand information is all the proofs I need!
[autistic screeching]
no wonder you people like him
>lefty Sup Forums
lol this board is just Sup Forums, there's no righty Sup Forums. You're just a shitty attempt to copy this board and spew retarded ideas.
No one asked for your input anyways, just post as a regular user you assfaggot attention seeker.
>here's your guaranteed reply
US/Israeli superstate when?
its been proposed before. never happens
But I am on the job now
I feel so warm and fuzzy watching globalism get rekt guys, god bless you burgers
USA, Israel, Russia vs the world?
Exited England Also
The UN doesn't have any power
we're crashing this union of nations
>tfw you start getting what you wanted immediately
they state that if you not take a number of immigrants you are out
also climate change garbage
They are the world government and its peacekeepers. We can't let some fascist leader like Trump remove us from the world stage. Hillary supporters need to appeal to the UN to have Trump removed from power an America's rightful leader installed. She won the election. She got more votes.
#ImSTILLwithher #UNrecount
With no Survivors.
Digits confirm
go to venezuela
Alex Jones is a shill. See, this is the reason why the UN/global government is inevitable; you motherfuckers are led by your emotions instead of intellect.
Just because some well-funded loud mouth agrees with some of your feelings, it doesn't make him your friend. The 'people in charge' have been in power for 100s of years in the shadows. Some stupid bill isn't gonna stop them.
If the US left the UN, chances are it's so if they destroy US economy it has no global aid to stop itself sinking.
You niggers, man. You don't realize who you're dealing with.
Inb4 memes. I wish you guys were as smart as you think you are. Maybe then the world would have a chance.
gonna need the shills to explain to me how we're being let down here
He's taking the Teddy Roosevelt route. It's so beautiful.
What are we going to do with the massive structure in the heart of Manhattan that hosts every single one of those meetings? House migrants? Not a bad idea desu senpai.
>tfw too intelligent for Sup Forums
Piss off you daft cunt!
fuk off m8
new alliances will be made with true partners and not with the arabs
>he makes it a hotel
Never going to happen. You have a better chance of ending the fed, which is also basically impossible at this point.
Zionist israel is not a problem
they get the temple and all will live there
the globalist jew like soros that is the devil
I think we're gonna become a full colony.
Face facts, the US is the UN and NATO. Without the US doing the actual work (particularly military work with NATO) these organizations are literally nothing.
>appeal to the UN to remove trump
>the UN
I bet Dems introduced this too, trying to imply that we're not fit to be a part of the UN. Everyone play along so we can lol at globalism getting btfo.
>The powers that be won't let anything good happen you dumb goys are falling for their trap they'll destroy your economy
Cowering in fear is the easiest way for your globalist overlords to have complete control over your life. I bet you didn't even vote for brexit ya daft cunt.
A friend pointed this out to me... Isn't his just a freshly introduced bill by a random senator? It's still miles away from Trumps desk.
good, so they accept US rules
pls stop embarassing us
leave the shitposting to the professionals
No doubt.
>giving up veto power
The UN is nothing without the US
Same thing would happen if Germany left the EU
any senator can introduce a bill but that doesn't mean it will pass or even come to a vote. it depends on if the GOP will rally behind it or if its just a couple of extreme reps with no support
ya know, Bill used to have on-stage voices, one of them sounds exactly like alex jones
We cant have dumbass commies in america, no retard usa
Oh, some of them try to seem important, remember the so-called inhumane treatment of Bradley/Chelsea manning that was called out by some in the UN? That's the rub though, everyone just ignores their stupid shit.
We can't let him get the Nuclear codes!!
Wow now Israel would lose their veto protection in security council.
The next 4 years could be interesting in middle east.
>Clearly we need to e-mail Hillary and Obama
Look into my eyes, I am president now.
OK. "Sponsored" by Mike Rogers who left Trump's transition team in November which was supposedly "alarming". I guess this would only pass if it were part of Trump's plans. It might still be though.
This bill has been introduced several times, it goes nowhere.
I think he means that he's from that other chan. Commies got tired of getting BTFO all day every day, so they made their own safe space and banned everyone who argued with them. After everyone with a brain was banned, they got overconfident by the universal agreement and started thinking that their ideas were really solid and popular. So now we have all these overconfident, perpetually butthurt faggots raiding us because their ghost town forum sucks.
>make fun of an autistic 10 year old boy
What happen to no h8?
Its really hard to take any if you seriously when you say one thing and then contradict it with your actions
You're doomed to lose, anyone can see that
>They are the world government and its peacekeepers.
No, WE are.
The US IS the UN
But has it been introduced under a Republican House, Republican Senate, and Donald Trump Presidency?
Thank God
So no more i have to help you if you gois get into conflict with china/russia
>They are the world government and its peacekeepers.
No, we do that, all they do is bitch and cry that we won't do all the work for them. And then when we do they bitch about how we are totalitarian dicks. Fuck em.
What will happen to this building then?
Fuck off CTR. You will not divide us. The Trump/Netanyahu alliance will cleanse the Middle East and return it to its true owners, Israel.
>Hillary supporters need to appeal to the UN to have Trump removed from power an America's rightful leader installed
As a /k/ommando I can say that this is our wet dream, please get some UN (((peacekeepers))) to walk into the deaths.
New Trump Hotel! Jobs for Americans!
Turn it into another trump hotel.
Provided the US can install puppet regimes and get most of the oil, then yes!
And where will the UN be placed next?
Trump; making the world a better place - one step at a time. It is time for a revolution. Let's get rid of all that globalism, feminism, gender, refugee and sjw bullshit altogether.
The future will be bright because the future will be right.
God bless Trump.
Hil had others plans
Hey, that's a good point actually. But still, I think the US should see Israel for what it is, a strategic ally. We should not dump money just because they are jews, but we should not miss out on good opportunities just because they are jews either.
>perfidious albion
Foreign soil, the USA won't be a part of the organization. The UN will become a bigger joke than it already is.
Bill Hick was funny
Alex Jones fails every attempt he makes at humor. He isconsistently un-funny.
They are not the same person.
They made the former head of the Socialist International the secretary general of the UN while the deputy SG is a British nigger muslim. Fuck the UN, it's a useless globalist institution, it's Human Rights Council has more Islamic and Communist dictatorships belonging to it then it has Western European countries. We have fucking Saudi Arabia and Qatar telling us how we must treat refugees like kings while these faggots do nothing but build mosques for them here.
The UN is a left-wing institution through and through and should be dismantled and discarded like the trash it is.
>Relevant if even active
Nice try, (((user))).
It would be preferable for the Middle East to be a crater. You can have your greater Israel, but there will be no "Trump/Netanyahoo alliance". The Synagogue of Satan is on its own.
I'm not Kurt Eichenwald.
You seem earnest, but see pic related, leaf. I don't think it's in our best interests or even our okay interests.
now i believe that trump is our guy