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Just ignore this thread, please don't answer

Nah I'm not a trashcan I'll be fine

desu fuck him theres a reason he himself said neo-nazis don't like him hes just a watered down white nationalist.

He sure showed that Nazi he was wrong about black people!

The guy that weakly hit him underwent a Sup Forums investigation. He is quite literally a shit-eating cuck, look it up nigger

Please don't beat up my trashcan

well now i HAVE TO reply

I hope so.

>muh limpwristed fag choking in anger behind his small screen
literally is there anything more unmanly than pretending to be an "antifa" these days
maybe going full trans
tough call

This was disproved. The shit-eating cuck is dead, and Charles C. Johnson's organization is offering a cash reward to any antifa who can identify the actual guy.

Show up without a crowd of 50 and I'll go any time, flamer.

>domestic terrorist

That man should be given a medal.

Better watch the fuck out you fat losers

good night alt-right fascist scum

Your new hero is a poo mongering cuckold who throws punches like a limp wristed polio patient.
This is literally the top of your food chain. Really gets the almonds roasting.


National CCW is coming

Prepare your anus, cuckboi

My theory is that he wanted to distance himself from his fetish past and do radical political activity, hence his death is a lie.

lol, Its the shit eater

>it's a "Sup Forumstards fall over each other in their rush to take obvious bait" episode


whop dee fucking doo

>Sup Forums
gud 1 m8

Where can I buy his pepe pin? Need to decorate my MAGA hat for when I go back on campus.