Are we a pro or anti abortion board?


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is the baby white?

anti here
can't help it, grew up on Jesus, scared i'll burn in hell.

The baby could be any race

red and yellow
black and white
they are precious in his sight

>following a religion because of fear
Looks like the book got you. Lmao.



Then there is not a blanket answer for this. This is a "for thee not for me" issue all around. A useful tool to manipulate the population for the betterment of society at large.

Isn't that how it works?

Allowing nonwhites to abort helps keep them afloat financially which allows them to survive in a white nation. In a no-welfare, no-abortion nation, dumb minorities will breed too much and starve to death.

Men don't get pregnant so this is a woman's issue.

Whether the woman believes she should have the abortion or not because of her beliefs is up to them

I'm an anti, abortion is too easily abused by people who are too careless with themselves, they should pay the consequences and mature.

im 100% pro life unless the woman's life is in danger and she's not white
not my fault you nasty fucks dont know what a condom is

shit i meant to say that only black babies should be aborted not the white ones

If its not white it must be aborted sorry.

Only when the baby is deformed, is a product of rape or incest. Other than that, those two fuck wads had unprotected sex, and unprotected sex leads to babies, it's their responsibility. Also, there is adoption.


Jews and so-called Nazis are usually pro. Truly forces one to cogitate.

This is the most bluepilled attitude. Here's why:

Use this goys



no you mean you are pro-life. OP was asking if you are pro or anti-life.

If you ignore the autistic christfags, the debate over abortion essentially amounts to a contest of rights.

The fetus has a right to life. The mother has a right to physical integrity and autonomy. When a fetus is physically dependent on the mother, it necessarily infringes on her right to physical integrity. For the state to deny medical intervention and force a mother to carry the fetus to term would also be an egregious infringement of the mother's physical integrity.

Personally, I feel that it is pragmatic, realistic and ethical to allow the mother's right to supersede the infant's. Just as the state cannot force you to give up a kidney to save the life of another, they cannot force you to bring a baby to term in order to save the life of another.

If its your brightline stance that the fetus's right to life in uninfringeable. Then would you allow for abortions when the pregnancy is the result of a rape? Why is the fetus' right to life suddenly worth less in these instances?

Illegal for whites. Mandatory or at least highly encouraged for minorities. Do like the Romanians did with gypsies and forcibly sterilize them when they come in with a kid

We think abortion is murder.

It just so happens we think certain peoples are also worth murdering.


if women were forced to having to look for coathangers like the old fashioned way, then maybe a lot of lives will be saved, and for those women who go through with it, you can be sure that they definitely didn't believe the tissue inside her was a living baby. because no one wants to skewer a baby in their own womb.

>implying the right to *braaapp* is equal to the right to live

oh no

Most aborted babies are non-white

I'm pro-life personally but I don't care if it's legal or not.

What I do care about is whether or not my tax dollars should be spent on such practices, and that's a resounding no from me.

Anti-abortion from a moral standpoint. It's not "your body", that fetus is its own body. You have no right to make decisions on it's permanent existence once it's been created.

But if someone is really hellbent on killing that thing, they will find a way. And it won't be safe. So it is logical to allow it happen where at least the mother has a good chance of surviving it.

If forced to vote, I'd vote pro-choice, but I wouldn't be happy about it.

What about Mulatto's and Quadroons?

no one with a womb has an inalienable right to autonomy, if they engage in sexual activity.

The right to physical integrity is the foundation of basically all of our criminal and tort laws.

The right to life is merely a branch of the right to physical integrity.

If it's white it shouldn't be aborted. If it's non-white well...flush that turd down the drain

>he would raise jamal's son
>he does it for FREE


hahah, it isn't fucking 1678 spaghetti bro.

black and white,
red and yellow
put a condom on this fellow

Anti child sacrifice.

Rename all non white abortion centers to "Pro-Health Clinics" and offer it free on welfare, buy one get one free on suspected rapes

Rename all white abortion centers to "Murderer Lounges" and require at least a £500 stipend

Should solve a couple of problems in a few generations, give or take

Fuck off jamal

Women should be able to actively harvest stem cells from their own aborted fetuses using StemBuddy® at home kit.

Most abortions are done for white women, not minorities. Black women want the checks from 'dem programs for having 12 kids @ $750/month each. White women are intelligent enough to just kill the things if they can't handle it and a respectable life at the same time.

Pro because almost all aborted children would have turned out to be a detriment to society.

cant make up my mind on it, but most pro-choice people are assholes

Pregnancy is not a necessary consequence of having sex.

That's not right, most abortions are non-white, and that's not even accounting for this country's retarded demographics categories with regards to what is and isn't white.

The fuck is wrong with Quadroon it's not like I called them a nigger.

Get rid of welfare so those niggers can't survive, get rid of abortion so that those middle class whites (who are getting the abortions) don't abort.

Rephrase it to get the SJWs onboard.

"Only black women deserve the right to choose abortions! To mitigate white privilege we must force whites to carry through their pregnancies and be forced to endure the financial hardship, and we can use it to burden white men with child support! If a black man gets a white girl pregnant he gets the choice of letting the woman abort because he should decide whether his black life should grow up under an oppressor!"

Sup Forums is pro-life, not realizing that population control is the necessary condition to become a developped country.
Best sample nowdays: China vs. India. Both started at the same point but China implemented the population control via all means at disposal while India let the free will/market decide. Result: Both countries have a severe skewed sex ratio, but China is the 2nd world economy, growing to become the 1st, while India can't go past # 5.

"Blacks comprise only 13% of the population of America but account for 37% of all abortions. Black women are five times more likely to abort than white women. "

>American education

The reason we allow abortion for rape victims but not others is because sex is a conscious act committed by the mother.
Your logic implies that a baby is just a thing that happens rather than the result of an action taken. We're it so, then I would see your point about the right to bodily autonomy for the mother. This is the case in rape where the mother did not choose to have sex. In a normal scenario however, the mother exercised her right to bodily autonomy when she had sex. Therefore once she is pregnant she should respect the rights of her infant.

Does it matter? if it's legal or not people will still do abortions, so the decision is either it'll happen in a hospital or a basement.

Pro-abortion for niggers and leafs.
Grudgingly pro-abortion for rape, incest, deformities, lack of a father, and extreme financial hardship, but the taxpayer shouldn't have to foot the bill.

I'm pro abortion if it's niggers

Anti abortion if it's white people

Do you have a uterus, Op? Yes? Show tits. No? STFU, you don't have a say.

>LARPing law

In the law property rights, which are essentially at issue when the mother claims 'physicial integrity' are in all other instances subordinated to life. It's the reason why you can't set spring-guns on your property to protect your home from invaders.

Even if you could come up with a rationale to justify abortion it would only be in cases where the life of the mother was at stake, in order to maintain logical consistency and harmony with tort and criminal law as it existed before Roe v. Wade.

That case BTW is a joke, and has been amended several times in successive cases to the point of being completely muddled. It's partially the reason why you've seen such an uptick in pro-life cases recently--the case was just that scanty.

Pro. As I don't care what others do.
That's their business.

As for myself and my gf, we are both against it in our lives. As we have fucked up and gone through one together, it is something we rather not have happen again. Shit sucks man.


Molochites aka Christcucks are against it
KEK-praising realists are for it

Both, you fucking kike.

"We" aren't anything. I'm a fan of Abortions but the Christfags hate it

>Then would you allow for abortions when the pregnancy is the result of a rape?

Should women raise a kid and put their life in danger of childbirth with no choice given after being forcefully inseminated.


Fuck off I just want your opinions

Gas/abort anything that isn't white.

against abortion, do it yourself throw the bitch down the stairs, dont involve others in that shit

and you got it.

I'm not a christfag, but I think you should only be allowed to abort as long as it is very early in the pregnancy, or due to health issues - like if the child is going to be born retarded or disabled

You didn't give me an opinion, you just asked for my tits.

Property rights are completely different from the right to physical integrity.

Again, would you be ok if the state ordered you to give up a kidney because somebody else needed it?

Only for abortion if there is danger to mother's life (where SHE chooses to live over the baby, not the hospital). Also if the baby is conceived due to rape or incest. We shouldn't be promoting a culture where any woman (or man) should just irresponsibly indulge in recreational sex without protection.

Pretty much this. It's a messy debate, but I believe we should always have a choice when things like downs are detected. If you don't believe in abortion in some contexts, you could end up like this woman. (Sorry for the res, hard to find a decent quality cap)

I don't think so. But then, that's consistent with my stance.

Do you think the fetus has an inalienable right to life?

So because its dependent on some one else giving it everything it needs to survive, a life's right to exist can be terminated by it's host?

So can we just get rid of welfare, social medicine, etc. Because they have been in the working classes womb a bit too long....where is my shop vac?

I'm really torn on this issue. I think in certain case abortion bight be a better option than bringing in a child who will be raised by shitty people, traumatized, and overall be a drain and even potential danger to society. On the other hand, encouraging women to make terrible life decisions because they have the choice to terminate unwanted pregnancies is awful way to go.

My ideal solution is keep it as a last resort option but bring back the heavy social stigma and ostracism that goes with making the choice to abort a child. And never EVER have the government subsidize it.

Not realizing that hell serves as a a place holder for the long term negative consequences of bad behaviors. That's if it doesn't physically exist I mean.

>Don't abort baby or you'll go to hell, in this case hell is your grandchildren who will be totally outnumbered and subjugated by a stronger tribe

What is some of your lads opinions on the event of protection failing actually. Like if the pill was a dud or the condom had a hole in it, would you say abortion was ok then?

Who cares.

The majority of Americans don't adopt though

I don't think you can conflate economic dependence with physical dependence.


Anti abortion, excepting rape cases.


it's a risk though.

just like if you ride a motorcycle with a helmet, it doesn't mean you are immune from being killed in a crash

we are Sup Forums, so we are what we want to be

fuck off with your virtue signalling bullshit

I love how much pro-lifers tend to boil down to salty little faggots getting mad that people are having sex.

I am against abortion, abortion in the majority of cases is part of the leftist disease infecting the west and a cornerstone of femininism and sexual degeneracy.
Seriously how fucking hard is it to close your legs and not be a disgusting whore?

>Implying the act of abortion isn't the physical murder of another human being intact within the womb of his or her mother

A human in the womb is not a kidney. Physical invasion? That's a stretch.

Governments maintain an interest in what the citizenry does and does not do with, Yes, Their own bodies. It's part of the reason why there aren't smack and H dealers on every corner, and opium dens in tenement houses free to all.

But the main reason for it..

We are not one person, fuck off.

Just gonna put this quote here for the sake of discussion.

>"A parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host and gets its food from or at the expense of its host."

Then again, I think welfare people should be forced to take drug tests and sterilized.

this is a bait question in real life and its a bait thread here.

Both-depends, easy for Sup Forums to be objective but then when you're part of the equation, stance can change. We have to have a "public position" and a "private position"

Can you imagine any other reason people might have sex?

Abortion only ok for non whites

>virtue signaling