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why'd you crop out his wife and the bull?

how the fuck did this guy get elected?


his overwhelming charisma


Leave the racists to me.

Is that the swede that got gang raped?



He has a very effeminate posture

Seriously, Canadians, I need an answer.

How the fuck is it possible for a nation to be anywhere close to this fucking cucked?

You guys are what a satirized version of a country filled with cuckolds would look like, but you aren't satire. You are an actual nation.

I mean, why not just mass suicide? Fucking Christ, leafs.

DUDE WEED LMAO + wowww he's so cuuute

You just know that at some point in that moment, he actually thought "I'm not manspreading. I'm setting an example. This is why I was elected. I'm doing so well!"





He pandered to the Left, made Harper look like a Islamophobic Homophobic ect ect, and that got him the win. Like, everything he does is in the name of Political Corectness, and the people hear eat that shit up for whatever reason

hey bigots, can you leader do this?

Take that Trumpists


Canadians are disgusting


his dinker must be tiny lol

Thats what ur mum said to me last night, didn't stop her from swallowing though

Our PM is the best in the world.

So progressive.

he's the son of Fidel Castro