What did they mean by this?


I stared at it for 5 minutes and I still don't get it.

They mean those who enter our country will be vetted and we will no longer allow rapists, drug dealers, murderers, and terrorists to waltz in.

It basically means it is wrong to make people work harder to enter the country and they should just take the easy route through the wall.

Trumps wall prevents brown people from getting in easy..

why follow rules and order when you can just take what you want by force and violence?

fucking moron brings an axe to tear down a brick wall
nice job

Who here can't wait till Trump starts the deportations? I live in LA and can't wait till these smug anti-American bastards start getting shipped back to Mexico.

The cartoonist is saying that instead of being a stupid lemming and entering the country legally, you should take the easy way in by being an undocumented illegal.

The left indicates a real process for citizenship, that actually vets people, weeds out the bad.

The right indicates the current process, a formality that means nothing, a low wall that is easily climbed over and abused by dangerous evil people. See the footsteps on it?

But that would be... Illegal.

It means "Wahh, why wont you let criminals in anymore, don't you know they're brown?" God damn pinko faggots they are.

It's going to be shit show. Expect the media to be bringing painting allusions of the holocaust and deportees as the Secret Service

It's literally everybody in the whole world's right to live in America and be a citizen and enjoy the gibs me dat paid for by American citizens' tax payer dollars and sheit. Viva Mexico.

people who immigrate are lazy and stupid.

>It's going to be shit show. Expect the media to be bringing painting allusions of the holocaust and deportees as the Secret Service

Bring it on, I couldn't give two fucks so long as they all get deported.


>I gotta abide by rules and laws and shit? Fuck Drumft and fuck white people.

It's a Pink Floyd reference.

what does the guy with the axe represent? Im guessing the wall was put there by trump and the metal detector is his vetting process. Are they saying beaners will still come but much less? Do we need a bigger wall? And what the fuck does the iron fence represent

The government makes life complicated for no reason.
Or, illegals are shameless about destroying property and braking rules.

Basically, its trying to convey that we shouldn't look at immigration reform/laws and see what can be made better and we shouldn't be selective about the people coming into our country. Instead, we should let them in illegally so that they can be slaves to corporations that refuse to pay them actual wages or benefits because liberals are still the same slave owners they were in the 1800's.

>refuse to pay them actual wages and benefits

Yes. This though.
Behind every liberal who thinks illegals should stay is a capitalist rubbing his extra sheckles together over the cheap exploited labor of another human being.

This drags down all of us.

"Destroy America. Do it now."