example of this actually happening?
because Sup Forums is not one
If pic related were true, this thread wouldn't exist. Anyone can post her; even shills.
What did Arnold's grandpa mean by this?
So we're the safe space of extreme right wing politics? How is an anonymous message board that can easily be manipulated be a safe space?
>lefties projecting to justify being a faggot on taiwanese kabuki theater message boards
Why can they only rip off our memes? /leftypol/ is the same.
Wow, lefty/pol/ memes are garbage. Way too much text, and the formatting is awful.
This, they realize that they look fucking stupid and ridiculous so they basically meme "NO YOU"
>MAGA hats
not exactly
>that flag
lol get rekt fuccboi buzzwords you got beat by emus ayylmao dank memes n shiiieeeetttt
>comparing websites to real life
So if we wanted to instruct newcomers on the rules of these zones, would we call it "Special Education"?
>Can post anything you want
>Already tons of threads made by people with similar thought process
>Safe spaces
Nice try, but you're projecting too hard.
>Sup Forums is a safe space.
So many flaws in this so I'm just gonna let pic related do its job.
more like speaking the truth, nazi faggot
kek. You Sup Forumsacks are pathetic.
Stormfront has a section for arguing with leftists
Actually, everyone liked that spencer got punched, GR8 B8 M8.