Really gets the marbles going

Really gets the marbles going..


Kids probably in high school. Should we ruin his life over this?


thats cute you think your report gonna do shit. hayward county public defense attorney could get him out in 5 seconds

Those tabs are genius!

I'm an attorney you stupid faggot. I say otherwise.

Yes praise kek

If that counts as a death threat, then I need to start reporting more threads on Sup Forums.

doesnt matter what your LARPing ass thinks no one has ever been convicted over social media threats against politicians

Why do people do this? I don't get it. If I were Trump I'd have them jailed instantly now that I'm President.

Even if the kid faces no real consequences, a police visit and being taken out of school for terrorist threats against the president will probably mean more than nothing.

Start reporting!

Really gets my neurons fired up.

>Scams and Safety


My uncle is a police detective. I already should him this and he personally just contacted an F.B.I. contact of his.

Kys Muhammad.

showed* not should

LARP it up pal just keep LARPing I know it makes the pain go away. No one has EVER been convicted of social media threats against politicians. It only takes half a brain to figure out why.

You're literally retarded kid.. an online threat is just as valid as a threat in person. Jesus read a book..

Can you show me any record of an online threat against president resulting in a conviction or even a charge?

Yes, every single one of them until they get it.

Are you that fucking dumb that you can't look it up yourself? Lol that's cute.

You can't spare your feelings for liberals. That little shit is killing his own country.

Welcome to Sup Forums, you seem to have missed where we did this in the past and got people in a shitload of trouble.

Here's a complimentary dragon dildo for your anus.

I can't look it up because it doesn't exist. Why don't you email your nonexistant Jack Bauer uncle to go fuck your ass and see if he can find the court records in there

>baby can't use Google
>baby is crying because he's an autistic sperg

You're the dumbest piece of shit I've ever encountered on Sup Forums.

Just curious.. is it difficult living with full-blown down syndrome? Do you have government subsidized assistance to help you with your mental disability?

implying xkeyscore hasn't already flagged this shit

Would they hesitate for a conservative?

When they go low, we go lower, turn about is fair play and it's time to win

Yes... keep yukking it up you retarded morons. 20 posts later you still post no evidence of your le pol raids resulting in any court procedure. I know it hurts to realize how little power you have behind your computer screen. It sucks, I know. However, there is a solution. Take your best polos and turn them inside out, then invert your own anus and step through it like a hula hoop. I will take it upon myself to return you and the polos to walmart to get enough store credit to buy your dignity back

Does this guy not realize that if that were to happen, Mad Dog Mattis could become President?

He would fucking nuke every liberal city in sight

>high school
Practically a man, a cucked sad feminized man.
So yes.

They're just sick of you normie cunts shitting up the board with your ignorant fucking posts.

Every special snowflake and his mother has been coming here making their "Prove me wrong, give me attention" bait.

This whole thread is attention seeking bait. This kid is some dude OP hates from his high school, how else would he even know about his literal who twitter. It's not bait to call morons out on their bullshit


Did you look it up yet faggot? No? Oh okay.

>being this butthurt


"Page doesn't exist."

Why hasn't Shaq released dick pics? It'd be a scientific gain, an oddity, and a true joy for those who crave the ultimate BBC.
