Women cant do anything right, leaving there dumbass posters everywhere after there dumbass protests

women cant do anything right, leaving there dumbass posters everywhere after there dumbass protests

>pu$$y power
what did they mean by this?

Most western women are trash-tier. A lot of people have a hard time swallowing that pill.

>that pic
Women are a mistake

Organize some KKK, Nazis, and/or Neo-Nazis to go help clean it up and get good PR.

Do you or do you not want some succ boi?

I will start a crusade against her. Fucking eh! Taking God out of the CHURCHES

They get paid to protest, not to clean.

Irony will be when another woman has to pick them all up for minimum wage.

Clearly these ones weren't cut out to be homemakers.

>walk around for a couple hours
>scream something about pussy
>take selfies
>casually discard sign on street
Wow, really makes me think.

For large events like these people are told to leave their signs in a pile to make cleanup easier


everything women do is duplicitous and destructive

>date 3D
>observe 2D waifu

The contrast is undeniable

What kind of garbage is going into these people's brains

I hope photos later show mexicans working minimum wage cleaning it up

Corn Syrup.

>women cant do anything right
>leaving there dumbass posters
>there dumbass protests

jesus christ leaf...

kek you must be fun at parties... if you ever end up being invited cuck

>lesbian bishop

Should we just throw Christianity away
