Blondefags BTFO


Hey neo-nazis, how does it feel knowing that women STATISTICALLY prefer brown and black haired men over blonde men? Fuck, even gingers get more dates than blonde men!!

Where is your god Hitler now?

Other urls found in this thread:


What's the matter, Nazis? Too busy crying and jacking off?

Truly Italians are the master race.

>tfw I have blonde hair and my gf is a full-woke aryan who soon will be impregnated with my seed

I'm a nice blonde person and it sucks. I get picked on and was bullied all through elementary too. At least now I'm getting a phd and an md

also fuck roasties.

women prefer to date Muhammeds, thats why they are pro open border policies...

and that's why they shouldn't be allowed to vote. Fucking backstabbing sluts. We should be like muslims and put them in burkas

Italian women are the master race.

But honestly nothing against any European people ( i don't count Albanians European)

>Implying all white people have blonde hair
>Implying men want to date women with blonde hair

>tfw non-whites crying again

Masterrace reporting in.

Shitskins need not apply.

you bait gobbling redditors know how to sage right?

I suggest you learn if not

This will soon change, lad.

>billions of dollars, pounds and euros into (((media))) promoting shitskins
>still hasn't even effected social standings that much
>one (((article))) is real

I know this is a waste of time typing, but I just wanted you to know this will change within this year.

>believing 'statistics' about anything, ever

That doesnt show a cross section of the population, it shows a cross section of people who fill out opinion polls on
and while im not to familiar with im gonna go out on a limb and say that its not a great representation of the population

Polls and statistics have been proven flawed again and again, most recently by the msm polling which claimed old Trumpy never stood a chance.
A cnn poll only represents the type of people who fill out cnn online polls, aka like minded faggots

Blonde is master race, you know, i know, everyone knows it

but i'm dark blonde

>white women choose to get blacked and browned
>white men think it's a jewish conspiracy
>turns out women just don't want sissy hair colored faggots as mates

wew lad


>6' 2" 240lbs
>Blonde hair blue eyes
>Always having women come up to me and give me their numbers.
>Always have women smiling at me.
>Go to get haircut hairstylist asks me if she can keep my hair

Yeah. I think I am doing just fine.

Yeah it's true. Being blond as a male is pretty shitty. Most white girls prefer darkers guys. Here in germany it's exactly like that. The common sense is that girls like ''southerners'' wich is a term for italians/spaniards/turks/arabs maybe also africans lumped together. No girls will tell you that she likes blond ''men''.
I am blond myself and I hate it. Dark hair / light or brown eyes is the best combination.

Blonde man here. Good. Im tired of being sexualized by poop eyed beige skinned whores.

>be me
>6'1" 155lbs
>brown hair
>green eyes
feels good man

fucking manlet

t. 5'9" manlet

>only 155 pounds at 6'1"

Lift some weights, you lanky fuck.


If you jump from source to source you see it all just ping pongs from one leftist site to the next. It's a giant jew circle Jerk.

Pro tip: women don't give two shits about looks. The far more important aspect is confidence and self worth. Yeah. You should dress well and groom yourself. But other than that women don't give a fuck. It's about how you make them feel with your confidence and charm.

t. 5'8" obese man



White people are the minority in the world, and blondes even more so. It stands to reason that they would get less dates since there are less of them.


wew lad.


being blonde with blue eyes is fucking awesome. I don't know why you have trouble with it, maybe grow a beard? I live in vancouver and can literally have any asian woman I please, but have always been with white girls.

master race reporting in

>mudshit detected

6 foot 2 Brown haired blue eyed master race here AMA

I'm the same height at 110 lbs

Clickb8 crap


I'm a black haired, green eyed arab. I prefer light hair.

This survey probably oversample white people, where blond/light is a common phenotype, thus they want something different.

Did you guys read the article? It says the girls are more willing to go on DATES with brown/black haired guys while they are more willing to get FUCKED by blond men.

ie. dark haired men = beta providers
blond haired men = chads


this word invalidates the rest of your post

>gingers get more dates than blonde men

fake as fuck desu laddo

>scrolled down a little
>opinion discarded

I'm ethnically arab, I've lived in the US since I was two, left Islam, changed my name to sound more western, and am dating a Christian. I'm as American as you at this point.

Sad Hyde

Achmed you have to go back,american are the white peoplpe that came to north america from europe,the rest of you are shitskins....

>Where is your god Hitler now?

He had black hair -.-

100% correct if you change self-worth to be net worth.

White man needs to go back to Europe

you live in a literaly third world country

I have black hair and light blue eyes.
I feel like I don't know where I belong.

Everything is exactly as it was before.

What the fuck is the point of that third article? Can these cunts get any stupider with their nonsensical rambling?

Another wonderful (((survey)))

Hey, here is the thing you ugly monkey.

Nobody cares what women prefer. They are our property and our slaves. Nothing more.

Indiferrent, why would I care what fad are these overgrown children entertaining now? Are you that much of a pussy you need validation from inferior gender?

Auhtor is SJW lvl 80 who hates white males

I'm bald so FEMINISTS BTFO. Where are all the women now will proceed to fug :DDDDD

I no longer have an arab name, achmed just bounces right off, gypsy.

Then why do i have a gf?

I tend to find blond people in general are more conservative and introverted, I wouldn't necessarily conflate desirability with # of dates a month.

Personally as a blond guy I don't think it really damages my desirability to women. Maybe brown haired men might be seen as a bit more desirable but I doubt it would be a massive gap and there are some women out there who absolutely love blond guys. Especially girls of the browner persuasion. My only qualm with my hair colour are my eyebrows. Blond eyebrows are shit tier desu.

Gaslighting cockroach detected.

>I get picked on and was bullied all through elementary too
for having blonde hair?



lol you faggots try too hard.

"I know, I'll link this article then they'll all get mad!" Cool story little niglette.

>Women don't like blond...

>tfw light blonde hair
>non-white literally throw themselves at me

I push them away however. those disgusting subhumans won't stealing my pure genes

>you delusional fat piece of shit.

Hey look, albino turd is back!

delet this

>fucking kek
>skinny faggot
>no wonder your girl wants about tall, muscular, dark, handsome Tyrones and Jamals pounding her.

Funny how no one ever rapes black people, they only rape whites.

I love guys with blonde eyes and blue hair, they're actually my preferred race of mans

>implying you're a girl
>actually a lonely depressed fgt

Too bad women don't want their uteruses filled with superior Aryan cum.

black girl raped a white guy recently

sounds like some propaganda

Weird. I'm blonde and have blue eyes. I have had several girlfriends. To be honest I get hit on by asian, black ,latino and arab girls though. The only girl I have ever dated who was white was Italian and really tanned. Kek, jew propaganda works both ways.

I don't think role playing as a girl would benefit me here?
I personally just love them my #1 preference
Pic related
Isn't "Chad" blond anyway?

Yeah and it's hard to take the OP seriously when some of the biggest male celebrities with young female fan bases are blond guys, eg: Bieber, Pewds, etc.

Good point, that's personally my type, I will say though I have heard other women fall for the tall dark and handsome meme

Seems a credible publication. No anti white agenda here.

Actual blondes are a huge minority, so obviously their total amount of whatevers is going to be a lot less. If this fucking retarded site wanted any credibility they should have looked at individual success % not total amount of dates over the whole site.

Having said that, there's definitely shit types of blondes. If you have blonde invisible eyebrows you may as well Jill yourself because you're literally no better than a ginger at that point.

I'm Fully Aryan. I gor brown hair and 130+ IQ.
If you want me to breed your daughter please contact me. btw.. i will allow her to fuck black men because im not backwards as Sup Forumstards

That guys aesthetic though, no homo. Women would flock to his dick.

>Online IQ test


look at your flag and look at mine.
one was given by god to its people while battling heathens. the other looks like a banana company logo.

blonde "men" don't even try lol, they just play video games all day


Bieber has brown hair, brown eyes, and is 5'6". PDP is only popular among kids, he has dirty blonde
chris hemsworth is brown haired if you look at any other photos of him

as someone with blonde hair, blue eyes and a broad face, i can tell you this preference strongly depends on culture, but it does exist.

In general, UK girls and most european girls do not find blonde hair attractive. In the US and Asia, however, girls see it as a bonus.

That screenshot. If you truly believe that to be your IQ, your IQ is probably sub-110.

You really sound like an expert saying "that screenshot". Is that even full a sentence?


I would do anything for a loving, loyal, blonde redpilled bf

>all that
>still posting 2d chinese cartoons

next you'll be telling me you work at wendy's and make 400k/yr you fat slob.

>excellent tier

How can one man be so wrong?

I dont know what woman are entering these stats but personally blondes are the hottest there is.

>implying you have a cunt
Is there some way you could prove this?