The earth is not fla-

>the earth is not fla-
>aaahheem. i-it's a G-GO PR-

Other urls found in this thread:

>the earth is flat
I bet you've got no proof of that

What is perspective?


So, the Earth is a HALO?

It's the shape of a pancake. Just like the 2d anime faggots like it.

Trump will make Anime real, you'll see.


Imagine working at the nasa and upload the wonders of space for everyone just to see how retards fuel their conspiracy theories with it.

Must be fucking depressing.

If the earth was flat there wouldn't be any weather or different temperature variations across the world

>How to destroy a globecuck in one picture

What part of this picture proves anything...? You can see the bend and everything...

If the earth is flat then why is every celestial body a sphere? Do you really believe that the earth is the only Pancake planet in the entire universe?

I want to spend an hour flatposting but Im too tired

they're disks rotating around the Earth

It's called "alternate truths" these days, user. They believe whatever shit they want, because reality doesn't matter to them.

>pool balls are spheres
>therefore the table is a sphere

How does gravity work then, nigger?

> I am a retard


Thoth comfirms flat earthers are terminally retarded

Aside from the fact that this view strays way too far from Occam's razor, what pray tell happens when you go past the edge of the flat planet?


People cant really believe this....
Can they?

Everyone that wants to be a flat earth retard should work a few years as a technician for measurement especially for long streets. He will have to swallow the globe pill or his streets will not connect.

Even Namibians know the earth is round

>What are metaphors
I'm a Christian, but this is bullshit m8.

quads of truth

Earth isn't flat on the photo, it is curved.
Checkmate flatearthers.

No such thing as gravity. Its only needed to explain why you don't fly off a spinning ball moving at 60000000000000000000000000000000 celestial miles an hour.

>>What are metaphors
Not a metaphor, that is how all middle easterners thought the universe is.Us Slavs and Germanics believed in a world tree but they believed in a flat earth that is surrounded with water

>No such thing as gravity

Explain this

>blue pilled normie thinks he's cool for laughing at a theory that not even Newton could prove

It's just constant upwards acceleration of the disk.

They're just playing retard like those idiots "praising """""kek"""""" or the right chickenwing safety squad or Trumptards

We would be breaking light speed by now if we had to be constantly accelerating.

And so it shall be until the end of time itself

That is just the meniscus curve all water experiences when contained in a flat surface.

Disprove one of these with facts.

if you have any actual argument against it, bring it on.

it's obvious that you literally know nothing about flat earth or even the globe theory.

get your uninformed retarded ass out of here, you little bimbo

Explain bridges, oh right you can't

fuck off flat earth trash

How do you explain time zones with a flat earth?


That doesn't look flat, either.

Where are the elephants?

what do you mean? the largest bridge in the world is as flat as a pancake

disinfo from fe society - literally no one believes that

Disprove this, ballbaby



Why can't everyone see the sun at the same time if it's flat?


Or just google "Vendée Globe and see for yourself

Go pro fish lense.

GlobeCucks BTFO

Because theyre bluepilled and jews covering sun :^)

>spheres don't even exit
>baseballs are flat

oh my fucking GOD this post is as bad as the flat earth posters

What are you sliding, Shlomo? Also:

Earth is hollow with polar openings that lead into its hollow interior. Outer Earth governments know about this, but are not telling the masses.
Daily reminder that there was supposed to be a voyage to the North Pole in 2007 to find out if there's an opening at the North Pole that leads into the Inner Earth World (and thus prove once and for all that Earth is hollow). The leader of the expedition was Steve Currey and he suddenly died from a brain tumour shortly before the expedition began so all of the money they got from people who were going to join the expedition was refunded. The new leader of the expedition was Brooks Agnew and the new expedition was meant to be in 2013, but shortly after THAT expedition was about to begin, his film crew suddenly vanished without a trace so THAT expedition was cancelled too (and, once again, the money they got from people who wanted to join their expedition was refunded). The expedition was/is known as the 'North Pole Inner Earth Expedition'. Here's a link to the official North Pole Inner Earth Expedition page:

Also, Terry Smith was an Alaskan bush pilot associated with this expedition who agreed to fly directly over the North Pole to see if there was an opening there but he suddenly died in a plane crash on August 9 2010 before he could make that flight. NONE of these incidents are coincidences. There is a world inside our world.

you already made it clear that you have no fucking idea about any of the models

we're all kinda sick of replying to your elementary school "knowledge", nigger

no shit

>inb4 light speed doesn't exist and we just keep going faster and faster for eternity, in spite of the lack of force causing this acceleration, because forces don't exist

I really hope some user really believes this one day.

The sudden popularity of the Flat Earth theory two years ago is a CIA psyop that is designed to hide the fact that Earth is actually hollow. This is a common technique that intelligence agencies use to deceive the masses (I call that technique 'conspiracy misdirection'): They promote a conspiracy theory that they KNOW is FALSE and want you to think you're red-pilled by believing that false conspiracy theory is TRUE while using that false conspiracy theory to hide a TRUE conspiracy theory related to it that has even MORE far-reaching implications than the false conspiracy theory. For example, the 'Moon landing hoax' conspiracy theory is being used to hide the TRUE conspiracy theory that we went to the Moon and found artificial objects there (or we knew there were artificial objects there all along and went to the Moon simply to bring some of those artificial objects back to Earth). The official account of the Moon landing AND the Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory are BOTH FALSE. NASA itself is covertly promoting the Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory. There are two American space programs: One that the masses know about (Apollo 11, for example) and one that the masses don't know about which is VASTLY MORE ADVANCED and has even colonised nearby star systems.

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity..... anything you can imagine, we already know how to do." - Ben Rich, Lockheed Martin

>he hasn't taken the flatpill

The thing is this, you ask people "How do you know X?" and they'll probably reply by saying something like "Well, because it's in my science books." or "Well, because it's been peer-reviewed." or "Well, because it's been agreed upon by a majority of scientists.", but these are flimsy defences, because unless YOU can verify for yourself whether something is true or not either by OBSERVATION or by doing an experiment about it BY YOURSELF, you are relying essentially on external sources for your information and it is naïve to think that those sources don't have agendas.
What people call 'mainstream science' has been hijacked by politics, religion and corporations. So-called 'peer review' these days is usually nothing more than a circle-jerk. Just as people support the separation of church and state (and RIGHTFULLY so), I support the separation of SCIENCE and state.

some flat earther actually fucking told me the moon is an illusion or sorts like a light so how in the fuck do we see the earth's shadow on it in flat earth theory? lmao you guys are retarded and this is just one example, every argument FOR flat earth theory is cherrypicked disinfo that is crafted with a high precision and presented to RETARDS that just gobble it right the fuck up

What is the distance between Australia and the edge of the Earth? Can they actually see the edge from there? How many Australians have been to the edge?

What seems to have you booty blasted my Armchair physicist?

>unironically turning Sup Forums into LARPland
you should keep doing this actually, you're attracting normies and killing this cancerous board

Explain day and night cycles

>being the cancer that fuels on fake news and cgi
>not even realizing it
you dummies in denial are the best

Can we please ban flatearthers from this board?

there is no edge, only the giant ice wall ie the aouth pole

Can anyone answer the building question if not I'm officially #withgod #flateoutlies

This. Sup Forums does not need to be associated with these idiots.

Why are there no pictures of the ice wall?

> Pizzagate
Drugs makes 9000% more sense than worldwide elite pedo ring.

>There are two American space programs

If they've already got fusion or FTL drives, it makes all the other space stuff a lot easier if we can get the really high tech stuff declassified.

The sun resolves around us.


We flip like a coin

your use of hyperbole tbqhwyf

I think you know better but you're acting like a retard

are the bogdanoffs involved?? why are they hiding this information from us?

When Pangea broke up, why did South America go so far West, but Australia went North? Also is Europe South of Australia?

Why do you resist the truth, kraut?

>what is


>a pencil falls from my desk onto the ground
>"gravity doesn't exist gaiz!! Hurdur"
Flat-Earthers need to stop posting. Take this shit to /x/

>didn't learn about manifolds in high school math
lol bet you wish you went to catholic school now, faggots.

The antartic IS the ice wall

>we flip like a coin
That makes zero fucking sense whatsoever. Are you saying that some continents wrap around a 180 degree plane because it can be day in one place and night in another at the same time. It's not all or nothing.



The constant upward acceleration of the plane means that everything appears to be "attracted" to the earth's flat surface

fake and gay

if the earth is flat, why are globes round? check mate, flatards.

>why does the horizon rise to our eye level no matter how high we go?
>eye level

What are you even trying to ask?

>If they've already got fusion or FTL drives, it makes all the other space stuff a lot easier if we can get the really high tech stuff declassified.

The public space program is essentially just there to distract the masses from what the Cabal are REALLY able to do (and are doing) in space. And yes, they can travel faster than the speed of light.

It wasn't a hyperbole, it was actually incredibly generous, we would reach the speed of light in a couple years if we are constantly accelerating at 1g

>Fuck I am you cat


>why you don't fly off spinning ball
cause the gravitation force is stronger than the centrifugal force faggot, the Earth spins at rate of .0007 RPM, kys

How can flatcucks even compete?

..You do know how big this world is, right..?

>why are there no real images of earth from space?

See, this is all the proof necessary to call out the bullshit globers.

top kek, your head is so deep in shit that you don't even know where to start

pangea is a fucking fairy tale, you mong

>this is proof of gravity
topkek, you're literally retarded

this thread is fun
what's causing the acceleration?

The fact there is a horizon to begin with lollllll cuz it's round, ya dig?

flatties on suicide watch