tfw Sup Forums is "alternative facts "

> tfw Sup Forums is "alternative facts "

Yeah that was cringe probably what was worse is how she tried to deflect the question and turn it on Obama pretty worrisome if this is only the first day of trump being president and they're already becoming unhinged.

Are alternative facts best facts?

Well many here feel like we come from alternate reality so why not?

Fucking CERN compilcating everything.

I loved how she coined a new phrase. Her only mistake was not quickly being able to answer his declaration that alternative facts are just falsehoods.

She could have stated that alternative facts are simply using supporting facts in response to the facts used in an opposing viewpoint.

the only people who voted for trump are rural and suburban retards

Doesn't even matter in the end. Trumptards don't have to create rational arguments or engage in critical thinking anymore. The goal is to cause confusion and anger among the intellectuals. We are lost, as now stupidity itself is in power.

Yes, and you've been a good boy this year, and in other alternate fact news, I have a million dollars for you.

However, it's tied up in alternate fact banks, so I need your credit card number, SSN, date of birth and full name in order to get you the money. Alternate facts are the best facts, remember!

Thank you based OP. This claim deserves a more superlative laugh

don't you think she looks tired?

Cities produce most of the wealth, rural diabetics consume most of the welfare (and vote to take it away from themselves via Trump/Congress).

Most cities have localized welfare programs of some sort.

feels whatever man

She's fucking exhausted. I wonder when people like Conway and Spicer will just quite because their integrity has been ground down until it almost doesn't exist any more. It's the kind of situation that would make me feel shit to even look in the mirror in the morning. I can't imagine how this people live with themselves.

No just ugly

It was retarded. Don't be a leftist, admit your mistakes. Admitting a mistake is a respectable thing to do. We've all been backed into a corner and blurted out something we've immediately regretted; no one could legitimately hold it against them if that's what they'd done.

But to double down by defending the statement, then threaten someone when they keep asking about it? That's inexcusable. Trump deserves better than that in his staff.


You're not wrong about at least one thing. My entire worldview exists only to infuriate "intellectual" liberals at this point. Libshits are melting down all around me and I just can't get enough of it. I've started pretending to be bible thumping climate change denier just to piss these people off. Their tears sustain me

Underrated comment.


Fantastic. What a truly admirable and righteous approach to politics. Pragmatism and discussion are pointless- best to just be combative, illogical, inflammatory, and spend your energy masturbating your agenda into people's faces, rather than trying to actually CHANGE THEIR MINDS through a compelling argument. Pure fucking genius. Great long-game, that. You will surely never find yourself alone, angry, disenfranchised, and alienated from all those whom you irrationally disagreed with, lied-to, and disrespected with the complete stupidity of your agenda. Find a way to die in a chemical fire before you have a chance to reproduce.

Also, you elected a bible-thumping climate change denier, so you might as well drink the rest of the bullshit shake.

>getting so butthurt you pretend to be retarded

i c wut u did

>hahah telling the whole truth when Jews deliberately ommit facts is edgy and laughabe



I expected as much.

"Lol, I won the argument because I was alpha inane fag. See this dank meme?"

Same old shit. There aren't 5 neurons among the lot of you.

What would you know? You're Canadian.

Typical tricks there schlomo

>Trump people bullshit meaningless inauguration numbers

media implodes

>Obama people say that forcing literally everyone to buy something then taxing the shit out of it will cause prices to go down

*crickets chirp*

>Obama parrots the 77 cents on a dollar meme

*crickets chirp*

kill yourself op

He tells you he loves baiting people and the first thing you do is getting triggered? Are you acoustic?