Every single one has some FBI or ATF dude in there spying on people. Just waiting for any illegal gun sale or some dumb shit.
Ayden Ward
>bunch of neckbeards LARPing in the forest dreaming of a time when they can defend their country from big bad invaders
You'll see a bright flash and everyone you know will be dead.
Landon Young
>Not living in a bunker with top tier scouting technology. Sheeplike pleb waiting to be culled detected.
Jackson Powell
>digital acu Literal trash
Elijah Baker
>Now that trump is in office I think militias need to start becoming a major thing again.
I agree.
Cooper Rodriguez
Hi FBI The US Army is already pro-Trump.
Benjamin Lee
>People can't own helicopters What did user mean by this?
Owen Anderson
Could you guys even imagine a lefty militia? Holy shit watching them get mowed down would be brilliant. These are people who can't even get out of bed if they're misgendered in a text message.
Jackson Brooks
started our own, it grew. helps if you're a vet. combat vets gravitate towards each other.
we're large enough to hold, and mobile enough to cause real problems if shtf.
Brandon Harris
Yeah. But we need a totally civilian political militia. Kinda like a certain somebody had like 90 years ago.
Brandon Morgan
Pretty sure you're FBI
Nicholas Brooks
Here's a picture from Sup Forums's last meetup.
Sebastian Jenkins
Militias are already a real thing.
Isaac Murphy
Lol don't even doubt it. I was going to go to a local one until someones Moms BF was going to hold all our weapons "for safety" at the /k/ meet up.
Andrew Phillips
This And This. OP is a faggot. There is nothing to discuss.