So I was thinking Sup Forums

So I was thinking Sup Forums

The 2nd amendment says:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Now... most people talk about the guns but I wanna talk about the militias.

Now that trump is in office I think militias need to start becoming a major thing again.

Do you know what I mean...?

I think we should look into this. See if we can't start something.

Cough*4th reich* cough

The time for talk is over. It's time for action

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm all for militias but I'm in for the redistribution of wealth, not outdated fascist dogma. Fucking nazi loser.

imagine the same picture
strafed by a helicopters minigun

the lil man vs biggy gov

Come on.... it'll be fun!

Yeah....... no....

>redistribution of wealth

kek. fucking commie

Don't worry yourself, cuck.

The conservatives are way ahead of you anti-gun retards.

It's called the National Guard

militias are already here. we don't advertise.



Alright. Well I'm asking. How would you go about learning more?

fuck off and stop instigating violence

All you need to know right here

Every single one has some FBI or ATF dude in there spying on people. Just waiting for any illegal gun sale or some dumb shit.

>bunch of neckbeards LARPing in the forest dreaming of a time when they can defend their country from big bad invaders


You'll see a bright flash and everyone you know will be dead.

>Not living in a bunker with top tier scouting technology.
Sheeplike pleb waiting to be culled detected.

>digital acu
Literal trash

>Now that trump is in office I think militias need to start becoming a major thing again.

I agree.

The US Army is already pro-Trump.

>People can't own helicopters
What did user mean by this?

Could you guys even imagine a lefty militia? Holy shit watching them get mowed down would be brilliant. These are people who can't even get out of bed if they're misgendered in a text message.

started our own, it grew. helps if you're a vet. combat vets gravitate towards each other.

we're large enough to hold, and mobile enough to cause real problems if shtf.

Yeah. But we need a totally civilian political militia. Kinda like a certain somebody had like 90 years ago.

Pretty sure you're FBI

Here's a picture from Sup Forums's last meetup.

Militias are already a real thing.

Lol don't even doubt it. I was going to go to a local one until someones Moms BF was going to hold all our weapons "for safety" at the /k/ meet up.

OP is a faggot. There is nothing to discuss.

Why don't you advertise?

You people are insane. I am FOR militias.

Anyone want to firebomb some federal building?

Yes send me plans for bombs at [email protected]

That's the organized millitia. OP is clearly talking about the unorganized militia.

>Cough*4th reich* cough

Wait, scratch that. OP is some combination of retard or government agent.

You have the wrong idea. It's more like Neighborhood watch, but with guns.