Climate Change Denialist hate thread


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I hate them so much

Who denies that the climate changes?

climate change is real. Man made climate change is a meme

>Carbon dioxide 0.04 percent by volume

Climate change is real, it's global warming which is the hoax.

There is an entire billion dollar book industry on consensus denial.

Is that the same field?

Reminder that global warming shills will never acknowledge or much less defend their many models from the past decade and beyond that predicted cataclysmic temperatures by now.

>"Lol, idunnobro, I AM an astrophysicist so I must know everything about human history and climatology to, so..."

Fucking liberal faggots.

Taxes paid by the consumer will solve catastrophic climate change!

astrophysics is the gender studies of the physics world.

Don't give that guy too much credit.

Climate change is real, we are in for a big freeze, and it's our fault for pumping our atmosphere full of shit. Global warming is a lie made up by the Chinese, this is very clear, and agreed upon in the scientific community.

these people are legit fucking insane.

they're in the same dumb fucking group of mouth breathers that deny evolution.

and they're mostly american.

do these people also deny that pollution is real or do they just think jesus miracles that shit out of the air and onto pluto where he lives with santa clause and the easter bunny or some horseshit so it has no effect.

astrophysics literally has nothing to do with climate science.

I really don't understand why we're so concerned with our impact when China literally has constant smog.

Neither are real. Niggers of science (atheists) need to fuck off back into their caves.

>My degree in Cinematography makes me an authority on glucose

If climate change is a problem what makes anyone think it's possible to stop it at this point? It's a total non-issue, because it's not a fixable problem if it is indeed a problem at all.

But it makes me feel good to be really fucking green, while the working class in America starves because of regulations/not drilling increasing costs.


Climate change is an issue because these things compound upon each other. It's a sort of feedback loop. don't you know by the year 2003 the ice caps will of melted and by that point we'll be right up fucked.

I know right. Last night it was cold and today it was hot.
The climate is changing people! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

When people deny it, they are denying AGW specifically, not the fact climate is changing--a very normal thing.

This is why nobody takes Conservatives and Republicans seriously

>anything to do with climate change

Would fuck in the dark

climate change is overrated because our records of weather only date back over a 120 years.

there were mini ice ages during the medieval period , 13th and 16th centuries.

exactly this asshole proved his point, most uni dipshit "scientists" are so far up their own ass with confirmation bias that they don't even question the consensus let alone a different field of work, fucking culty cucks doing bullshit research, no truth to be found just mucking ground

There's zero evidence that one or two degree change in earth surface temperature will cause catastrophe

I also have a PhD, and my PhD is related to climate science as much as astrophysics is.

Climate change is a scam.

/thread you can go on and live your life now

One of the coldest winters in my area and yet they tell me there's "global warming"

Kek, seems like that's as much of a scam as the "global war on terror"

ps: never trust the white

Because having a degree in astrophysics makes you an expert at reading other scientists opinions? Kek

Why are you guys so against the scientific consensus? The shills and sellouts are the ones against climate change, being bought buy oil and fossil fuel companies.

Checked for truth

That 99% of scientists believe in global warming stat is bullshit.
You really think they got EVERY scientist interviewed? It comes from a survey of climatologists, which are all crack pots

It's 97%. You do know that scientific papers go through peer review, right? There are no noteworthy journals that include articles against climate change.

I feel like I've seen this same exchange in regards to water boiling in space.

I wonder if they're actually the same person.

so, just 99% of the people who would know best?


I didn't know they let retards become astrophysicists.

>Scientists say it's true and they must be right
>Farmers say farming subsidies are good, and they must be right
>White collar executives say freemarketist economics works and they must be right
>Trade union staff say worker's entitlements must be raised and they must be right
>Priests say god is real and they must be right

Almost as if people who chose to work in a specific field are not an unbiased source

im a mathematician

i work with geologists, biologists, chemists and also geophycistis

they are horrible at rigorous science

thats why i wont believe a single word especially if they sperg out

Science works differently to those others. Science has no side. The scientists side with the science. Thats why most scientists turn out to liberal.

Well then who the fuck should be the source of reason? Some motherfucker who isn't even in the field in the first place?

A ton of scientists in climate change say its a scam. In the year 2000 they all said the ice caps would be melted by 2013.

>a PHD in astrophysics makes me an expert on climate science
>my training as a cardiologist makes me an expert neurologist

Talk to an actual climatologist and they'll tell you they're really not certain.
>source, watched a professional jazz musician argue with a climatologist that climate change was real

Trips of chaos.
Let's make the planet burn

Science funding just descends from Heaven?


i got a PhD in a science of some description, i know without a doubt bill nye is a science guy tyvm sir

I study physics and have done work on atmospherics before.

The fundamental notion behind global warming, that increased levels of CO2 and other pollutants trap heat inside the earths atmosphere is sound. Heat is primarily sub-visible light frequencies, CO2 and other greenhouse gases act like mirrors to these frequencies, bouncing them back towards towards the earth and keeping heat trapped.
This is undeniable, simple chemistry and physics.

The models however I am generally inclined to disagree with, the earth is a very complicated system and the nature of atmospherics in particular makes these things very hard to predict.

If you want to blame someone you need to be blaming the media, most climate scientists will release their models with a very wide margin of error. Media take the worst case scenario of these and broadcast it as fact because sensationalism = money.

"We must stop global warming"

*the globe stops warming*

"Uh..... we must stop climate change!"

You idiot, global warming/climate change (or whatever they're calling it today) is a hoax in the sense that it is NOT man-made (like they say it is). Earth has been going through NATURAL CYCLES of warming and cooling SINCE ITS BIRTH. Furthermore, ALL of the planets in the Solar System are warming up right now. This does NOT mean that pollution does not exist, because it DOES. I am NOT pro-pollution. In fact, I am VERY ANTI-POLLUTION. It's just that I REALISE that a carbon tax is NOT going to stop pollution (and so do they). Free energy exists EVERYWHERE IN UNLIMITED QUANTITIES (like Tesla said) and it is COMPLETELY CLEAN. They are using global warming/climate change as a way to further their globalist agenda to establish a single planetary government. Remember: Global 'problems' require global 'solutions'. This is the Hegelian dialectic on a global scale. Not only do they want a single planetary government, but they also want to DE-INDUSTRIALISE THE WORLD via their global warming/climate change SCAM. Don't fall for it.

Enlightening pill to you, faggots.

Environmentalism got fucked by bipartisan bullshit.

Environmentalism is an apolitical concept of preservation that was actually invented by republicans (I.E Teddy Roosevelt). We need the environment to be healthy so that we are healthy, we need biodiversity so we can enhance our understanding of biology and have access to the countless unique and useful chemicals species produce.

The problem is the shittiest elements of human nature are very resistant to environmentalism because it has long term effects and requires some level of sacrifice. If there is anything humanity hates doing, it's planning beyond it's own lifespan.

At a crucial point in American history some really stupid shit backed by just terrible circumstances split the issue. This cuck Al Gore comes out of nowhere and decides to make the left "the environmentalist" party. His idea? Nothing but taxes and more taxes. At the same time neo-con retards dominated the right.

This was the period when religious fundamentalism was saturating the right for some bizarre reason. The problem with christfaggotry of this caliber is that there is that every generation is duped into believing rapture will happen in their life time (Specifically looking at you, mormons). They believe the world is just a god's test and all is there to rape and destroy because it doesn't matter.

This probably the main reason why the right, instead of answering Al Gore with a more attractive solution, chose to just shit on environmentalism.

But there is a reason why neither the left or right offer any real solutions is because as I mentioned, it requires sacrifice. There is no money in environmentalism, no direct beneficial results. It's preparedness for preparation and preventing problems before they arise.

It conflicts with both capitalism and communism and affects the freedom of industry. So it's essentially a fucked idea and we're all doomed because people are too retarded to think long term.

To be fair mate a large part of astrophysics is atmospherics. Everything you learn about foreign bodies like stars and planets you learn basically from the light filtered through their atmospheres. Sure they're not climate scientists but they're a reasonable authority.

She is a leaf!!!

>The polar ice will be gone by 2010
>Manhattan will be underwater
>polar bears will be extinct

I stopped believing when doomsday predictions failed to materialize on time and kept getting bumped back a decade. It's the same thing as when some fundie declares the Rapture is on for this weekend but it doesn't happen, so he reschedules it for a week from now.

Cheers to all my climate heathen brothers out here! Stay strong boys! Remember that they adjust the temperatures, and that there used to be glaciers right where you are standing 12,000 years ago!

That's actually a pretty interesting question. Water boils at lower temperatures as you climb in altitude because of lower atmospheric pressure. But it's really fucking cold in space.

>scientific consensus
Science is not about consensus. Science is about providing demonstrable proof through a repeatable process, something "climate change scientists" are unable to produce, pic related.

Zoom in into last graph of yours. At the very end.


Geologist here,

This is mostly true

However this has a lot to do with the fog of time in the science and that we can't actually see what is going on down below the surface of the earth. Its not a bad thing, its a product of the problems the science tries to solve, but I wouldn't put our civilization and industry on the line over it.

Dependable ski season has already shortened by one month in Europe. Something happened to cause that. Is it co2 emissions? I don't know.

All I know is that I have been directly affected by whatever this is and I care.

>Climate Change
>not Man Made Climate Change
>Implies that there's no politics involved in climatology consensus

>astrophysics makes you an expert on climate change

They should work in Academia as long as I have and they will realize that a PhD is not a great indicator of a varied knowledge base.

Man contributes to change. You have to be retarded to ignore this or have an agenda.

>agw can't be a scam
>but anti-agw is

Nope, while those do exist. Most science follows the almighty laws of funding!

But all of these graphs demonstrate that the world is going to shit rather quickly user

I find it odd that amyone considers it as such when most people will talk about how they didn't retain anything from class.

oh hey user, did you know that there are other countries besides America?

why are PhDs so dumb?

The 99% consensus among scientists is that there is climate change, not that it's caused by man.

it's just geoengineering user. tell your government to stop fucking with nature.

Here you go. You'll notice we have a ways to go to reach the Medieval Warm Period when they grew grapes and made wine in northern England or the Roman Warm Period when the Empire was flourishing.

Man, I want (man-made) global warming to be fake. I want it to be. But I don't know, I think there are some good statistics and information which supports its existence. Can anybody prove me wrong?

You would be amazed the general knowledge gap with some individuals. I have more easily met an electrician or an audio/video guy that was far more knowledgeable on such topics compared to a professor of whatever field.

It's not to diminish their knowledge on their particular field of study but the premise that this translates to knowledge in other areas is absolutely laughable to me as I know this is not even close to the case.

I have met Farmers in my local area that would put most academics to shame.

it was 97% of scientists. The sample was scientists who were authors of papers that concluded that GHG emissions from human activities were a main driver of climate change.

You've now go to wonder why those 3% don't believe what they've published.

>mfw dum-dums can't read graphs

See you in 50 years when the temp has only gone up by 1 C or so

>Science is about providing demonstrable proof through a repeatable process
people don't understand this
they see a chart trending upwards, are told humans are doing this, and then the believe they are "scienceing"

Use logic.
We are putting stored carbon (co2 is greenhouse gas) and stored Sun energy back into system. We are fucking with Earth climate system feedbacks what are there to stabilize climate (albedo, deforestation, ...).

Climate change is not a trivial concept, there are natural inputs, feedbacks, storages, stored energy release mechanisms and mankind is so big that it has an effect on all those.

Age of Anthropocene. Humans are acting as one of the global Earth shaping forces.
Learn to have responsibility what comes with this.

Even if global warming isn't real the prevention measures being pushed to combat it are good for us no matter what.
We only have a finite number of natural resources and if we keep using them up at the rate we're going at now we're fucked.

>Use logic.
Yes, use logic.
Don't just make up conjecture and then call it proof.
Use the scientific method.

>"green tech" is better for the environment and uses less resources
>carbon credit scams that make it harder for people to live and for companies to provide jobs is an overall good

Real evidence research is not funded by political masters. The fact that it's so politicized is a red flag.


Fuck off.

If climate change is man made we should speed it up so niggers, poo in loos and others will get fucking flooded. If its not then we should do everything in our might to made it so.

I do!
Nothing is a constant, which includes climate, but climate has for the most part only been changing with the turn of the seasons for as long as human has recorded it, that is somewhat around 4000 years.
It is therefore safe to say you will die before the earth is so drastically changed, that it turns above average hot, or cold.
some winters are colder, some summers are hotter, it always feels that way and it always scare people to hear that it will get colder when its cold, or hotter when its hot.
Sounds like some political tactic right?

Be afraid! the waters will rise and consume your land, the winters will be long and cold, and the summers will be longer and hotter, and it shall rain ash upon the land for ye have terraformed it in to what might be considered a more hospitable planet.
>le Co2 is bad maymay.
Co2 is what keeps this planets climate in check nigger.

People dislike climate change activists because of how fucking smug they are. At this point I don't even give a shit.

You stupid motherfuckers. After all that science has given you, and all you can do is sit there with your electricity and your internet and spout bullshit and argue with one another.

This pic also shows the reason why older people tend to be more skeptical than young people. Because they've heard it all before ...

So literally burning resources somehow uses less resources than harnessing the power of the sun and the wind?
u wot?

Having energy > having jobs

1 C up with 50 years is already huge change.
The rate of change is important, systems stabilizing Earth climate can not cope with changes too fast.

Where will it stabilize out and what wild local swings are there waiting to fuck with our well-being?
Do you know or do you trust in sky-daddy telling that everything is OK and you can fuck up whatever you want?

>on Sup Forums
>believes in anthropogenic global warming
>on Sup Forums
>wants to stop anthropogenic global warming

It's actually "97% of those who responded to the census with an opinion". I believe the real figure is below 30% of climatologists even gave a shit to respond.

Peer review is bullshit. Over half of articles published they can't even reproduce the results.

Pic related is climate change (aka man-made climate change, since of course the climate changes as it is a dynamic system) in a nut shell.

so evolution is no longer a thing? didn't they teach us that we can evolve and adapt? was that all bullshit and we going to die if the temp goes up 5?