Which is the next country to be uncucked?

Which is the next country to be uncucked?

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American here, I hold out some hopes that you leafs will uncuck yourself and vote out the Cuck King in the next election.

Then it's our turn.

Us, soon

New Zealand probably. France, Germany and Netherlands aren't ready yet.

I'm hoping it'll be yours. It's influencing others too much.

HAHAHA you put Korwin Mikke there, the last time guy was in our parliment was in the fucking 90's, now he is just a joke, Nigel fucking Farage bailed after brexit, you really wish to believe your dreams are reality, don't you?

>Justin Trudeau

Well in a way Trudeau is doing more to uncuck and redpill Canadians than anyone else ever could. Aside from leaf shitposters here and the BBC facebook page I haven't seen many Canadians approve of him.

>jimmie åkesson
He is a massive cuck. Remove him from the pic and replace him with Simon Lindberg.

Jimmie Åkesson has kicked out people from SD simply for saying that immigrants rape. He has also cooperated with antifa to get information on "racists" within his own party. Fuck that cuck.