Denying denial denying

Hey Sup Forums,

a friend of mine send me link to rational wiki article about Holocaust denial. It does seem like a well put, coherent rebuttal to the most common arguments of revisionists/deniers.

I would like to come up with equally strong rebuttal to what the article is saying. I myself am doubtful about the scope and intent of Holocaust, though in the end, evidence is what matters most when trying to find truth, and if persuaded otherwise, I will adjust my worldviews.

I hope this thread attracts people from both sides of the fence (pun intended) and that it will lead to discussion that might show light, wherever it is and whoever holds it.

Here's the link to the article:

Other urls found in this thread:

To get the ball rolling, one of the questions asked in the article itself:

"Documents showing evidence of personal culpability of Nazi leaders and ranking subordinates were discovered in huge numbers after the defeat of Nazi Germany. Such documents included architectural plans for the camps, engineering drafts, test results, accounting ledgers, railroad timetables, payroll records, commendations, orders, deportation lists, and death counts. The victorious Allies could not have forged so many documents so quickly, and Nazis who may have claimed that their signatures on incriminating documents were forgeries did not claim that the documents themselves were forgeries. If these incriminating documents were generated by the Nazis, then why would they create such evidence that would surely lead to their imprisonment or execution as war criminals?"

Bump, interested to see where this could go.

Honestly it doesn't matter if you can't question it in your country in the first place.

If someone just sends you a giant fucking wiki without being able to explain it themselves they are providing nothing to the conversation and should be laughed at.

Nazis hated Jews.

Nazis oppressed and murdered Jews - often undeservedly.

Nazis imprisoned Jews and forced them to work. If they were too weak they were murdered.

Were six million Jews gassed by the Nazis? No. Was there an official program/policy to genocide Jews? No. Do Jews benefit from pretending there was? Of course.

I do agree that he bypassed going against my arguments head to head in a conversation, though that doesn't deem the article and whatever it contains any less considerable.

I would only use such a thing as a way to check "if I missed anything" when dealing with a particular topic that I was already heavily informed on. These (((things))) can have a way of misdirecting you if you start with them and go forward

>a definition
This is how you know the whole thing will be a long winded exercise in bending the truth

Do they include any actual documents?

Can't see what is in those documents tho


Personally I think they were work camps for undesirables and pows that went terribly awry on account of the axis losing the fucking war. The architectural plans wouldn't establish the motives behind the camps, and nothing I've ever seen confirms they were built to eradicate European Jewry.


the camps were made for jewish bolshevik prisoners (zionists) who were trying to take over government using unfair tricks.
gaschambers were for removing typhus virus from dead bodies.
these prisoners were forced to do all the dirty work there.

The 'gas chambers' weren't actually gas chambers at all. Take for instance that embarrassing shower chamber lie.

If you guys like Hitler and the Nazis so much and also hate Jews then why not just accept the Holocaust actually happened and the Nazis planned it deliberately, both of which are true facts and not "alternative" facts?

It simply is mathematically impossible and insane to believe we gassed and burned People while the whole World was attacking us.

Resources were short already, and the work Camps were in the east to create supplies for the attack on Russia.




>both of which are true facts and not "alternative" facts
Wrong Forum Snowflake

>why not just accept the Holocaust actually happened and the Nazis planned it deliberately
Cause there is no hard evidence
>Hurr durr Eye Witnesses, forged Papers

hitler did one thing wrong though. he didnt make the holohoax actually happen.
rip in piece fuhrer

>rational wiki
gtfo normie

I applaud OP's attitude.
Too bad I'm at work and can't stay for the discussion, but I'll check what came from this thread at a later time.

Here's one of the best introduction to Revisionism user, if you're serious about the truth, spare the time to watch it!

So what would count for you as "hard evidence" if documentation and eye-witness accounts dont cut it? I dunno how it works in your shitty country but in America you can be put to death in a court of law for less

You are me OP. I don't care enough to archaeology it myself, but would listen to reason summarized.

check my post

This is stupid. Every revisionist doesn't deny the camps. What's denied is the gassing and that there was a program set up to systematically kill kikes. Jews were enemies of the state, mostly communists and supporters of international Jewry which declared war on Germany. Every country at that time put enemies of the state in prisons.

>>a friend of mine send me link to rational wiki article
>(((""""rational"""" wiki)))

Yeah, no. That's all the argument you need.
>not a credible, unbiased source

some of it is forged and that throws shadow over the entirety of it
it was real in my mind, masturbation machines, shrunken heads, soap, etc, etc

>In 10 seconds
>In 20 seconds
>Eric Hunt: Majdanek
>Eric Hunt: Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor
>David Cole
>David Irving
>Gerd Shulze-Ronhoff
>Steven Anderson
>The Haavara Agreement
>The 6 million
“You shall return minus 6 million"

>Redpills of Zion
>The Jews
>The Truth of Races
>Holocaust Revisionism
>Negroid facts
>Hitler was not a Jew
>Christianity is not Jewish

It's literally impossible to of killed so many jews in that time frame, they may have actually killed genuine communist kikes but it was probably in the hundreds of thousands rather than millions, it's basically insignificant and George Patton was completely correct when he said we defeated the wrong enemy.

See this image?

Wikipedia says it's Nazis killing jews but I saw someone on /k/ saying those are the rifles and uniforms used by soviets.

I don't know what to believe. Though it's been confirmed that some pictures in the Holocaust Museum depicting dying jews are actually german POWs.

>this. add my post (You)

>Documents showing evidence of personal culpability of Nazi leaders and ranking subordinates

no such thing as an innocent jew

yeah.. if the brittish soldiers would see london now they would not have stepped to the shore of normandia even with their little toe

Jews despises their host nations and lobby for things that decays society.

>ID G0y
don't know if I should take your word for it

>It's literally impossible to of killed so many jews in that time frame,
Oh what, you mean the time frame in which we conducted the deadliest war in human history, where over 60 million people died? You're a fucking idiot

>Eye-witness accounts
if that's all it takes then I guess there's enough proof that UFOs and ayy lmaos exist

>So what would count for you as "hard evidence"
Gas Chambers in Action. Photos of dead gassed bodies waiting to be shoved in an Elevator.

Hitler or other high ranked officers saying we need to Gas the Jews - even though when you look at american Gas Chambers for a single Person - they are made out of metal and completely sealed. Not shitty concrete walls and wooden Doors

What do I consider hard evidence for the murder of 11 million people? Simple.

The human remains of 11 million people.

A Jew created Google, a Jew created Facebook, both companies benefit their host country.

The Guardian, a British leftist pro-LGBT pro-Muslim anti-Jewish paper always oppresses Google for racist non-feminist etc search results, which forces them to tweak search results to hide the truth.

A Jewish doctor loses his job for his anti-LGBT researches.

Have you even seen auschwitz and all the other gas chambers? how are they fit for purpose of killing and burning 6 million?

If there had been 6 million killed , you would've seen A LOT more evidence than we have now simply because it's impossible to burn that many bodies in that time, most of the bodies posted about the evil nazis are just americans killing fucking nazis or soviets killing nazis too.

People were killed. Some jewish slums were liquidated, especially nearing the end of the war.

A few higher ups were involved, however on numerous occassions people who were close to Adolf noted, that he took news of mass killings poorly.

In one case he sent a very angry message to an officer, stating his orders had been far in excess to what his command allowed, and that he should cease such actions immediately.

After reading further information, as well as diaries and logs written by people that were close to Hitler throughout, I believe a splinter group may have begun extermination, especially when some belived that Germany was doomed to lose the war.

Adolf with his failing physical and mental health, was obviously oblivious or uncaring to the circumstances, especially with more pressing matter at hand.

Jews may have been killed in large numbers, however the number have no doubtedly been inflated.

This is especially obvious when comparing to prior Jewish publications, and their obsession with the 6 million number.

I believe one of their religious scriptures mentions 6 million will die for israel to be born (sorry for basterdizing the quote)

What makes it more obvious that something is amiss, is the intentional ignorance regarding soviet war crimes / the communist death count.

Of course Germany had to be demonizes to justify such a waste of young mens lives, the enemy is always the devil.

History is written by the victors. When the world turns against you, what chance is their for truth in the end?

It's a soviet with a Mosin Nagant, the German Kar 98 is noticeably longer. Can't be sure these where Jews though, the soviets executed a lot of civilians.

Thats retarded. People get convicted of murder in court all the time without even one body. It's precisely your idiotic logic that made them literally burn the bodies as they killed them, so there wouldn't be evidence. Boy you guys are fucking dense.

Which newspaper(s) are these articles from

There's a difference between murder and mass murder. You can't accuse a state of killing 11 million people when you can't produce evidence of even a few hundred thousand of them.

On the matter of the Holocaust bodies, supposedly we know exactly where they are. But we're not allowed to check. The one time someone surveyed one of the camps with ground penetrating radar, he proved that there were zero bodies and the ground had been undisturbed for centuries. It's now illegal to survey Holocaust sites with ground penetrating radar.

Lol, do you know how many ovens they'd need for that? and the size of the ovens too? it takes around 2-3 hours for a body to turn to ash, how exactly do you burn 6 million in this time frame with such small infrastructure in these gas chambers, you're fucking retarded.

This desu.


Source? Stormfront doesn't count. Neither does an infograhic quoting one 'jewish' guy from the 1920s

>It's now illegal to survey Holocaust sites with ground penetrating radar.
it takes around 2-3 hours for a body to turn to ash

Read their retarded scripture for one.

Brilliant! Jews are right!

Okay someone explain this to me

This document seems real and legitimate and all that, but it also states that the Nazis executed over 360,000 jews within four months in one occupied area of Russia. Literally how is that even possible? Even if you fully buy the gas chambers story, it's not like they had gas chambers in Russia... What the fuck?


Lol is that why Putin banned that zionist George Soros from going to Russia?

>Nazis persecuted Jews
>lots of them died in concentration camps through disease, starvation, execution, etc

>gas chambers as method of mass execution

>jews are herded into a 100ft corridor with no resistance
>packed in like sardines, again no resistance, despite gas chamber stories being common among jews
>Zyklon B pellets dropped from above, evaporates quickly enough to gas jews
>Zyklon B evaporates at ~75F, a cellar in poland, in the winter is MUCH colder than that
>Jews die from poisoning peacefully. Do not panic and destroy wooden door
>Kapos (jewish collaborator prisoners) remove the bodies one by one and move them up a small elevator
>somehow survive the cyanide gas still in chamber
>fit 4 bodies in ovens that can fit maybe 2
>can cremate bodies in 15 minutes, despite cremation usually taking hours

>somehow this was efficient enough to kill 1.5 million people in 2 years.

Putin & criminals defend the oil, their asset which guarantees their power and money. They don't give a shit whether someone a Jew as long it doesn't jeopardises their asset. I'm not a supporter of the Russian Federation. I was born in the USSR, a plundered and destroyed by the government country.

Middle-class Jews are useful idiots for the Synagogue of Satan; "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do" still rings true today


"Can we see them?"

Isn't it funny that I cannot see any of these videos because they are censored in my country?

Scared of something?

Europe is the orwellian continent

>I saw someone on /k/ saying those are the rifles and uniforms used by soviets.

Well if someone on /k/ said it it must be true


They did execute plenty of partisans, the logical way. Not in retarded gas chambers but with a bullet. 360,000 sounds really high, though.

Here's a jewish historian on Auschwitz:

New York Times

Modern crematoriums are built and used a bit differently user. Remember that once you burn one body the subsequent bodies are burned faster

If the holocaust never happened why did the number of Jews drop

Show me the numbers senpai

>implying it dropped

>>It's now illegal to survey Holocaust sites with ground penetrating radar.
Again, source on this. This is interesting.

Was any justification provided for the sudden increase in death counts?

It's not even that, it's literally beyond all measure of impossible, they didn't even have the number of ovens or space required to burn that many bodies, so it is what it is i guess and that's a big fat fucking lie.

Are there wildly inconsistent testimonies of holocaust survivors?

Daily reminder that the nazis used nukes against the 6 gorillion

Cant wait for mongoadmin to come here and sperg everywhere and then come back on his page to claim I WON IM SMART POL BTFO



>Donald’s daughter Ivanka has converted to orthodox Judaism. That makes Donald the first president in the history of America with orthodox Jewish grandkids.

captcha: aurelia gases

T.cryptojewish Tót

Non abbiamo il reato di apologia dell'olocausto qui o qualcosa del genere? Magari è per quello.

Dannati nasoni mangia-matzo

They sound Sup Forums through and through.

The camps existed. It just doesn't make sense that if they wanted to mass execute a population that they would go though all that effort.
Gassing then cremating bodies uses up a lot of resources that could be used for the war effort. Why use up gas to dispose of bodies when you have shortages of gas on the war front?

If you look at the killing fields they had the prisoners dig mass graves and then shot them.

The simple fact of the matter is that they were work camps meant to hold enemies of the state. The reason why so much death happened there was because death was happening all over Germany on the account of them getting their shit bombed. Our interment camps for Japanese Americans during the war would look the same if we were low on supplies and having our supply lines bombed.

What really pisses me off about the Holocaust is that we treat it as the worst thing that has ever happened, when communism has done much worse. Why is it that you can have a sickle and hammer tattoo and praise communism and everyone thinks your oh so progressive when over half of their regimes practiced ethnic and cultural genocide?

Also if the jews were going to come up with a bullshit number to gain sympathy they would use 6 million because of the religious attachments to that number when it comes to high scores for dead kikes.
>So how many jews were killed?
>Uhhhhhhhhh six million! oy vey its anoda showa.

Deve essere facile vincere gli argomenti se la tua controparte è bandita per legge :^

These retards are brainwashed by people such as Muslims who were outwitted by Jews. It's envy or brainwashing causes hatred. They want harm unrelated people like Albert Einsten because some of Jews get succeed and some did bad things as any other people can do.


Look up holodomor and the Katyn massacre, the soviets also had a bad habit of "losing" thousands of German POWs in Russia.

once i had a debate on the ovens in the deathcamps, in my local bar where i grew up, with a guy who started coming drink his beer after work more and more.
i asked him this: if for a single unit cremation oven from that era, you need 40kg of coal to burn an averedge body to a grindable heap of residue to ash. and where did they stockpile the needed coal for such opperation.
couldn't answer me, neither could i, so i started to investigate.
of all the blueprints i could got my hands on of these "death"camps, nowhere was drawn a stock emplacement or building for the amount of coal needed.
i started to lookup charts of trains to see if not daily coaldelivery, which would make sence if they can't stockpile it and the industrial level of extermination they claim.
i came to numbers of tonnage that even all the working coalmines in europe could never output the number of tonnage needed for these ovens...
hence why these immaginary fringe nazi sience they invented to still keep their claim legit? pff.. laughable .

Yeah, and if you don't see how dangerous that is for goyim like me and you you're part of the problem.

What would be the reason for falsifying the holocaust?

Serious question no bully!

>inb4 to get Israel back

I'm pretty sure most of Israelis would rather live in EU now and not be surrounded by bloodthirsty savages. Also, Those Jews who allegedly left Europe were high class Doctors Lawyers etc.. Why would you want to leave all that? Argument disputed.

>Gassing then cremating bodies uses up a lot of resources

1. Gas canisters which can be produced in bulk under 1 day to cover all the Zyklone B needed for all the camps for years.

2. Not everyone was cremated, this is a forced meme in order to asses the hoax srawman. In fact, most of the Jews were buried in mass graves in Ukraine and Poland, these mass graves serve as a physical evidence too.

Because they wanted to execute Nazi leaders after the war.
Also before the Holocaust everybody fucking hated Jews. We turned ships holding Jewish refugees away. After the muh six million its a crime to slander the Jewish people in Europe.

Why is India green on the map?

Oh really? So why is it called the holocaust Moshi?

Neck yourself, juden.

As a result you've got ingenious pros who are making the American economy the best in the world.

Don't take this gentile seriously, he's kinda animal according to the picture.