Transgender Rights

What sort of protections should Transgender individuals have against systemic societal discrimination (the cause of the high incidence of suicide among the Transgender community)?

>cause of the high incidence of suicide among the Transgender community
You mean recreational hormone abuse?

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. Castrating yourself and taking hormones does not change your Y chromosome to an X chromosome. Thinking you are the opposite sex is as loony as thinking you are a dinosaur or Abraham Lincoln.

>You mean recreational hormone abuse?

that one should have the protection of my dick

having XY chromosomes does not mean that you cannot become a woman, and conversely, XX chromosomes do not mean that you cannot become a man

biological sex =/= gender identity

it's prefectly normal and healthy

Thinking you are something you are not is a mental illness.
>(the cause of the high incidence of suicide among the Transgender community)
In the netherlands, pedophelia, drug use, and gender dyshporia, and other mental illness is not discriminated on whatsoever and the suicide rates remain the same. Get help for your mental illness.

transgenders are based af though. its like talking to a guy with a girls body. even though they like to think they have a womans brain, deep down they are men, so they are really cool about most stuff that women are boring or bitchy about.

if you find an attractive one its like having a best friend and a girlfriend all in one.

i am hwite now whaoahoahao

the suicides are caused by a brief moment of clarity, realizing trans is a fleeting phase, and the regret of not being able to go back.

Why wouldn't you be White, aren't you Spanish? or are you a refugee?

There is nothing "based" about having mental delusions. They are a danger to themselves and others.

>All non-white,non-streight/heterosexual """"""people"""""" need to be shot at sight.
>As simple as that

Found the beta manlet


>biological sex = gender identity
Fixed it for you

You've never met someone with this illness have you? Or at best you're friends with one but you don't know the details of their personal life. As someone who has a sibling I was very close to go through this shit I can assure you it is in no way normal or healthy.

When will you mentally ill faggots understand that Gender is a GRAMATICAL TERM to describe a form of a word. Like waiter and waitress.

i'm 5'6 but if i was 6'6 id feel the same way

most biological females are cunts. ive never got on as well with a "real" woman as i do with transgender ones.

I've been studying this transgender shit for a while now

Here's the breakdown:

Some girls wanna do boy shit like wear pants and play with trucks or some shit

Some guys wanna smell flowers and look nice

Society's like what the fuck are you guys looking men can't like flowers why aren't you wearing a dress samantha

Kids get forced into lifestyles they hate

Kids develop issues

Kids grow up into adults that think wearing a dress and looking pretty is what makes you a woman

Basically society imprints kids with a bunch of bullshit and it ends up warping them

The irony is "let your son wear dresses and he's less likely to chop his dick off when he gets older"

You are just a faggot, stop trying to find excuses.

fuckin souce me brah


I'm not sure what you have fixed. A man may think he is Jesus, or Gandhi, or the opposite sex. That doesn't make it so. Falsely identifying yourself something you are not does not change your sex.
It's a noun, synonymous with sex.

>biological sex = gender identity

Fixed it for you.

Mentally sick people are not "based", you beta faggot.

Infosec fag here. You can IDENTIFY as anything. You won't be able to AUTHENTICATE tho.

>ive never got on as well with a "real" woman as i do with transgender ones

that's because you're a faggot, harry.

100% this

>wants to smell flowers
>thinks that smelling flowers is girly
>cuts off penis
>smells flowers

Trans people are the biggest perpetrators of "gender roles" in the world. They literally believe that if they want to do something feminine they have to cut off their own dick and take hormones to do so.

Fucking sad.

Based poland

They already have the right to free electricity under Pence, what more could they want?

>biological sex =/= gender identity
That's correct, but when biological sex does not match gender identity, that is a mental illness and should be treated as such.
Castration, implants and hormone abuse do not arrest the sky-high suicide rates in those mentally ill men (and they are almost always men). Other methods of treatment should be found.

are you faggots gay? this whole thread you're talking about boys wearing wigs but no one is talking to emma watson's hotter sister that OP posted, give me the fucking souce I'm in love

>Just because I have a penis doesn't mean I'm a man.
>I better take hormones and go through an intensive cosmetic surgery to cut my penis off so that I am a woman.
>The pills I want to take to also help me achieve my preferred aesthetic also better be readily available and cheap to obtain through my insurance.

the suicide rate doesnt increase after they have surgery or hormones

gender dysphoria in itself is the cause of the depression, not the treatment

Transgenderism is a symptom of schisophrenia in 90% causes. Schisophrenics makes suicide more often than other groups.

Then we need to kill everyone who has gender dysphoria.

Ok I lost it...
>gender is a social construct

No it isnt: as a proof, I would never want to fuck with a trans however feminine he looks

Trannies kill themselves because they are mentally ill. And by "accepting" them we never tackle their issues as an illness and they continue to kill themselves.

In 50 years time we will look at the whole acceptance agenda and condemn it as cruel. Today's society ignores the plight of mentally I'll people, rather than helping our society chooses to encourage the illness.

Suicide is high because they have a mental disease and need treatment not affirmation. They have a physical imbalance in the brain. They should be treated liked the tards they are so none


Are you sure?
I thought watching your mutilated, not functional crotch every day would make me want to an hero.

Hmmm really gets my hormones firing

When my grandad went senile and started saying the tv was talking to him, nobody said he was correct. They got him medicated.

Been in relationships with trans people and have trans friends. Most of them are noticeably mentally unstable and some are a serious danger to themselves. I would bet that most trans people that commit suicide do it because of mental illness not discrimination.


Gender and sex are the same thing. Its like me saying that species and species identity are not the same. Look fuckyard, you cab feel like a fish but guess what if you try to breathe under water you'll die

A man can cut his cock off but that doesn't make it a woman. It has never done and it never will. I feel sorry for trannies, everyone ignores the root cause of their problems and society encourages them to mutilated themselves. It is disgusting.

>It's a noun, synonymous with sex.
Definition of gender
a : a subclass within a grammatical class (as noun, pronoun, adjective, or verb) of a language that is partly arbitrary but also partly based on distinguishable characteristics (as shape, social rank, manner of existence, or sex) and that determines agreement with and selection of other words or grammatical forms
b : membership of a word or a grammatical form in such a subclass
c : an inflectional form (see inflection 3a) showing membership in such a subclass

Shut your anglo mouth

Pretty simple really. Mentally unstable people kill themselves at a higher rate than regular folk.

none, neither should there be special rights for women or blacks or gays or any other group.

just because you're a minority or genetically predispositioned to not work doesn't mean you get free shit.

white bois make cute girls

>I feel sorry for trannies, everyone ignores the root cause of their problems and society encourages them to mutilated themselves. It is disgusting.

I think its more of a natural selection.

If they are dumb enough to cut their dick off instead of thinking "hmmm, maybe im just fucked in the head? I should get mental help" i just cant help it and not give a shit about them suiciding.

Darwinism at its best.


They should be allowed in all womans sports (Aside from beachball and gymnastics) so they aren't so boring.


You're not gonna find one in the UK as Anglos would make disgusting tranny's.

Best post

none. 5000 american shekel reward for their head.

Being a poofy, girly femmy sissy with a boyfriend in the bedroom is the real cure for transgenderism. It is ultimately fetishism. And looking like a boy in a dress just turns my bf on more

And outside it you can be a normal guy who doesent take hormones or cause a massive social transition in trying to become a girl.

I don't want to be a femboy forever. I'll grow out of it and just be a regular fag by 25 when test does its work.

I still get treated like a girl by my bf anyway. Hand holding. Being Cuddled in his big arms.

>You mean recreational hormone abuse?
9/10 would kek again

That is not a transgender women
she has a beautiful moist tight pink pussy
You are mentally ill and NEED TO STOP

My friend's sister was in a "lesbian relationship" with a guy who was a transfag. He was the most insecure, over the top asshole imaginable. He'd go into a crying rage-induced bitchfit if you used an improper pronoun, and would threaten to commit suicide at a moment's notice. I hated that retard for how unbelievably insufferable he was. He saw my MAGA hat in my car and went crazy. Wouldn't come in the house while I was there visiting.

I just outright asked my friend's sister why she didn't just date a level-headed straight guy since this idiot was just an absolute waste of a human being and in no way is this actually being a "lesbian." She said she wanted something different. I said you sure got what you asked for. She dumped him later that week.

>il get normal when im because age


None. If they act on their mental illness in public and people don't want to deal with it, they shouldn't be forced to. Forced association is absolute authoritarian cancer.

>achieve equality by obtaining special rights
So they all want to be women?

Anyone that uses their incorrect pronoun should face criminal charges like in Canada.

It's the only way to stop bullying against trans youth.

I don't take estrogen. I'm on martial hormonal development.

There's no delusion about it. I will age.
But not have to deal with any tranny side effects.

I'm just a crossdressing fag with a thirst for cock.

>implying there are homosexuals who arent sissy bottoms

>I'm 5'6
>most biological females are cunts. ive never got on as well with a "real" woman as i do with transgender ones.


>I'm a mentally ill faggot
>I know! I'll take copious amounts of hormones and have a cosmetic surgeon take a hot knife to my genitals! That's not mentally ill at all!
>*suicide a few months later*

Transgenders, ladies and gentlemen.

We need to outlaw the practices of genital mutilation in all forms, and make illegal the usage of hormonal injections for the purpose of transitioning. The goal of hormonal supplementation is to satisfy a mental illness, however as has been shown by the tremendous suicide rates, simply satisfying the conditions of the mental illness isn't adequate for these people.

Fuck, if the procedures worked for these people then I wouldn't care about any of the rest of the whole mess.

>systemic societal discrimination
You fucking cuck

>discrimination (the cause of the high incidence of suicide among the Transgender community)
Messing with sexual hormones is incredibly bad for mental health and the people who want to change sex are already bad enough in that regard. All they should get is some actual mental care, plus encouraging sex change should be a fucking crime.

Someone has to fuck the bottoms

True. However society helps other people with mental illness. We don't simply say to people suffering from depression to go ahead and commit suicide. But we do tell trannies to take a knife to their genitals.

It is pretty sick in my opinion that we not only treat mentally ill people like that. But also society demonizes anyone who tries to help gays and trannies. Any mention of attempted cure is met with accusations of Nazism.

Why give into your base desires or more likely desires that have come from bad experiences with girls and trap porn
Its that which makes you an animal. You have no moral barometer or dignity
No respect for yourself as yourself is a man
That is why come day of the rope you will be treated like the rest of the animals

praise kek

it's called condoms for their parents
abortion option after fetustests
after a negative test both parents are to be nutured to avoid further transexual spawns again.
those are the only rights to be conserned with

You don't treat OCD by giving a compulsive hand-washer more soap.

The VAST majority of trannies are mentally ill people who need legitimate help.

Ah yes the meme day of the rope!

You'll have a hard time finding me. Unless you put cameras in the bedroom.

You won't bother to remove Muslims. So I'm pretty safe.

Why? Uhh Because I love men and the feel of my boyfriends dick up my ass

people commit suicide it happens. not my fault some transgender is depressed about it

Alright so you are a muslim, then I dont give a fuck who you are or what you do but I want you out of my country alive or dead
and it will happen ;^)

Nah I'm saying. You won't have the balls to remove Muslims

you won't have the balls to remove gays

Single virgin I presume? I was like you before I met my boyfriend

This is interesting in that there is so much tranny hatred, but I feel the root cause is from insecurity and closet fags being butthurt about wanting boipucci.

>rights to healthcare
wont pay for your mutilation, but for normal shit shouldn't be punished because you self mutilate

We need to put an end to recreational hormone abuse lads!

ive had my fair share of whistle wettin
i realize homosexuality arises in nature all throughout the animal kingdom at 10% for lions even
but I dont believe you are an actual homo dressing up and such so the question is how can you differentiate and should i care about it

You never get along with women because they don't want a manlet. They probably even give you subtle or polite rejections that you think come off as cunt behavior. Thus you have convinced yourself that gays and trannies are better for you.

The right to be hospitalized indefinitely on their own dime until they are safe from themselves.

This is a Tranny?
Is there a real wonder why people don't pair off nowdays?

tranny isn't a very nice word

Its not a tranny


>mentally ill people are totally cool and not insane at all
wew lad


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