Fuck the People

seriously guys, what is going on? I'm going crazy over here

We're living in a time where the mainstream makes fun of politicians who want to put the needs of their own citizens on the highest priority.

isn't that supposed to be their job? how is this a bad thing?

>mainstream makes fun of politicians who want to put the needs of their own citizens on the highest priority.

they also cry when they lose elections.

let them learn deutschland über alles

what message does that image try to convey

In America I think there was some thing about America not helping to fight the Nazis was argued with America first.
So I think that is why it has a bad connotation in America.
And do you really have to ask why Germany first makes people uncomfortable?

The rest of them are fine I think.
Technically America first is also fine of course. Just generally find a different way to phrase and nobody will complain.

it means we should be more respectful to Hitler apparently

>no muslims first
>no mexican first
>no jew first


>mfw McCain's campaign slogan was "Country First" and nobody batted an eye; but "America First" has muh nazi connotations
>mfw no face

Hitler is sleeping and we're making too much noise

Because it's against of todays trend which is GLOBALIZATION

I don't see and haven't seen our gubmints here not putting us as citizens first. You're probably just some angsty loser racist shithead.

Bro... what is the immigration crisis?

Technically that happened before the world went nuts

We need more noise.
Can't let him sleep for too much longer.

>If I draw them with ugly faces it means loving your country and its people is evil lel.

Lots of things, for us mainly relieving a poor and fucked up Schengen state because it couldn't deal with the large amount of people on their own as well as preventing a humanitarian crisis at EU borders.


They are german "citizens" now.

The most retarded thing about politics today is that it's controversial for a government of country X to put people X first.

It's globalism plane and simple. It's the number one enemy of the world. The people who own these companies are bought and paid for by globalist. People who abuse other countries for extreme profits. Of course they are going to fight against nationalism and protectsionist policies to hurt their bottom line.

Remember there is a reason the main stream media hates trump. He is standing up to the globalist. They have been running a propaganda campaign for decades to trick people into thinking its a good thing to be a global economy.

Politicians only care about money and power for themselves and their clique. The people at the top of the pyramid, social, economic, and political, are scared that they will lose their control over the world.

Why stop the humanitarian crisis at the border? Lets bring it inside!

is that supposed to be Hofbro, it doesn't look anything like him

>Putting your own country and community interests first so it won't become a shit hole is literal nazi

This is why we can't have nice things.

Yeah, don't understand why being a "populist" is an insult either.

Why are they trying to interview me with invisible microphones? What did the artist mean by this?



Trump won, and the left is self destructing.

It was a critical blow to the leftist delusion. It's like waking up from a dream and trying to make sense of what happened.

Well we have these asylum laws, which frankly weren't designed for millions of war refugees from shitty countries coming at the same time or in a relatively short time.

guess who controls the media and the entertainment industry

these people aren't infallible patriots; they whore out their services for the highest bidder

>what is the immigration crisis?

A cleansing of the white race in white countries through funding by leftist jews.

I will never get the left. Trump obviously just wants jobs for AMERICANS not some shit head who skipped in line and avoided getting his green card so he can steal even more jobs from The America people.

How long has the left been an anti-workers party?

I guess that's why he picked that guy who'd love to automate his workforce or why he wants to have more.. factory jobs which are prone to automisation and cheaper labor competition? I don't see him proposing something more concrete than magically maga'ing anyway.

but the problem is a lot of those politicians are saying citizens are the highest priority with paradoxical plans to do so.

>holland first
Shows how little this political "artist" knows, it's The Netherlands. Holland is just a region there.

Because the (((media))) are foreign parasites

According to.... The media. Ah. Ok.

Because a divided west is weak. And it will damage us in the end.

The thing is, it isn't even about what these politicians want.

normies oppose the general concept of "putting the own people on highest priority", not any specifics but this whole basic idea itself is bad in their minds.

Kill journos before you kill your fellow human.


You mean Jews and their pets. Obviously you are not supposed to put your own people first, you are supposed to put Jews first.

No, otherwise you'd have Linke or radical Grüne in power. Which we won't.


>Why are they trying to interview me with invisible microphones?
All with the same hand.
>What did the artist mean by this?
He's a bit shit and can't draw hands so he needs Copy + Paste.

All of the nationalistic retoric is waking up the hate from the past. I don't agree with it but that's what it is.

what is Marion doing on that image?
if Marion takes over, the FN will lose half of its voters

>why is the globalist narrative mocking the nationalist narrative

Is this picture imply that resureted hitler will be savior of the left who will stop rise of the right?

How so?

Those same laws stipulate the refugees are supposed to stay at the first safe country they come to, not cross the continent in search of the best handouts.

Its bad because its short term solution that leads to war in the long term.

Not to mention is a minority that profits from the "something something first " movement.

The majority profits from globalism as it produces more markets more work more trade and stabilizes the world in general, while nationalist movements destabilize and only create tensions.

Look at Israel and there Israel first politics that they have since decades, they constantly at war and constantly civilians die.

who is the new Austrian politician?

Reality isn't just magic MAGA'ing, you know? I wonder when your president and a whole lot of disappointed voters will realize that.

I know political cartoons in this day and age aren't exactly high quality art but hot damn that is deviantart tier stuff.

Our elected officials should not represent our interests, they should represent the interests of the globalist elite.

No goy it's israel first

Hofer. He lost to a literal communist though. :(

>implying "country first" wasn't a reference to the NWO mega-country endgame so (((they))) were fine with it

Actually, it is, when your country doesn't have over 100 of our military bases on it to make sure you stay a cuck

Doesn't look a thing like Hofer to me. Austria needs a few nukes now, they really are lost to history at this point.

>t. Abdul Al-Achmed

Literally Hitler.

>m-muh nazis?

Oy vey put israel before your own country or else you're an evil Nazi!

And take in refugees goyim, we would help but Israel is full

This kind of bullshit has been creeping up on us for years. At least since the Clintons sold us out as "preparing for a time when the USA isn't the on top" or maybe longer.

Over 10 years ago the web filter my employer was using blocked my credit union for being a hate site.

That credit unions name?
America First

And amusingly Sup Forums was still reachable

This is the picture I have waited for all of my life. Why didn't my school teachers teach me this crap.

>copy pasting the same fist over and over
why are political cartoonists such shit these days?

nice trips. the America first thing dates back to WW2, when an anti-semetic group in the US used that name, and opposed our entrance into the war.

its been a dirty word since then.

>people bash populism and bash a President elected on populism
>cry when their candidate lost the "popular" vote

But Trump is putting Israel first. Her daughter even converted to judaism for that BJC.

It's bad because Jews want to make whites endangered via immigration and redirecting our resources through racial and international redistribution of wealth. This is why the left are socialists, but they believe a lie that everyone will be treated equal. Really it's an occupational government that tears down whites, restricts them, and takes their resources and no one elses.

Putting our people first would prevent whites from becoming marginalized and eventually facing extinction. So jews reee about it and say every inflamitory thing they can to stop it.

The thing that makes all of the left's inconsistencies make sense is when you consider everything they do to be an attack on whites. It's clearly their goal.

Ex Africa is growing fast and using tons of respurces. When they all get second world and want power they will use cheap abundant fosile fuels and cause more greenhouse gasses than China.

The left should be opposed to modernizing and growing African populations since it will have the polution of 50 USAs. Yet they encourage them to breed, send free health care, food, and financial assistance for families.

Then to the west they tell us to enjoy the child free life advertising it exclusively to whites and say that having children is a huge impact on global warming and overpopulation is a problem and we need abortion and condoms to help save the world from over population.

Why does Africa not need to linit it's breeding to combat overpopulation? There isn't one aid group there even slightly implying they should breed less.

> The majority profits from globalism
What. "Majority" which profits from globalism are top 1% on the West, and sweatshop owners on the rest.
Western people losing anyway because when you mix honey and shit, you have shit as outcome.

No the new goal of the power wire is the same as every power hungry tyrant through time

World domination.

Putin is a problem because he stands for Russia first, china is not cause china is on board with global oligarchic governance

Because SJW's don't want politicians to do their job.

And SJW's are very vocal and tend to be the sort of special snowflakes who can only get jobs in the media or 'celebrity' things such as acting.

It is simple, really, the "progressive" globalists want to destroy western culture. The only way to avoid that is to take the nationalist stance to block invasive culture spread.

unbridled autism.
typical blue-pilled german cuck.
i know your ilk.

>tfw no strong leader to battle degeneracy, sand niggers and globalists

It´s horrible. We need to move forward not back. You people all shill for social nationalism here. Even "your guy" Churchill said that Democracy is not the best but it´s the best we have. By the actions of intelligent and wise interests across the world we will soon see an alternative to all other forms of government. A superior one led by philosopher kings, wise men and women who knows finance and societal control like the back of their hand.
United as one for the first time in history. Humanity will not be divided by race any longer, no one will punch you on the street for holding differing views, nation states will not fight over resources or land, war will be obsolete, religion is now a point for UNITY and coordinated worship - not a toxin causing wars and hate between humans.

It will be beautiful.

Caring about your people first is selfish! Give all your money to third worlders or suffer public shaming. Never mind my personal actions indicating the opposite.

t. Goldman Shekelstein

So rude! They're disturbing old uncle Adolf, get them out of there!

I don't think so.

If she takes over the party, they'll retake a part of the "traditional" right-wing electorate, which, historically, makes for the majority of the people.