
Who is more abhorrent, Hillary voters or nonvoters?

Who is more abhorrent. People who assault me, or people who don't assault me?

The Irish.

As much as I hate people who vote democract, I hate people who don't vote at all, if you didn't vote, don't complain.

The violent mobs and protests are probably made up of non-voters

Why don't you stop living in the past, and try to be a leader, Goldman Sachs.

Hillary voters.

Not everyone should vote. If a person isn't informed enough to make a contribution to the political process, there is no benefit to 'democracy' in having them vote.

low information voters. The idiot who does not vote because he knows he is an idiot is one thing. The idiot who votes with no understanding of what they are doing or who they select is something far more dangerous.

Both parties have become dominated by low information extremist voters. Its depressing

Not voting is part of the voting process, if people think your candidates are full of shit and refuse to participate then fuck off.

However, people who don't vote and complain about the results are the worst. If they do/don't want something to happen then they should vote.

This is probably the most correct response. Should voter tests be reinstated to make sure voters are informed?

far to much potential for abuse. I much rather see better public education and reinstitute the fairness doctrine. entertainment news needs to die

No, that would backfire too. Many on the right would be excluded. Just give the dry boring facts to people and bore the to death and they will leave. Stop hyping up voting.

No, just require a few community service hours per election

Voting is irrational and anyone who shames non voters is probably a real idiot.

That favors leftist.

Not voting is a legitimate decision.
For example if you don't know shit about politics and you are too stupid to inform yourself, then it's better if you don't vote at all than just voting for some random person or the candidate which the media tells you to vote.

But if you don't vote and complain later about how horrible everything is and you protest on the street, you are cancer.

>Hillary voters or nonvoters?
This election has proved those are the same people.

Did you violate the NAP

I wish, but we can't even have voter ID's because "muh blacks, muh old people, muh dumb people"

But as soon as they talk about having a permit for a rifle they're all about it.

Fuck these people.

Just need to keep it to simple shit. If it was something like "how many justice's are on the supreme court" you would already clear away almost 40-50% of voters, that's how sad the situation is

>Not voting for something else than the two main parties.

2 party system is fucking retarded.

Only chumps vote. Your vote doesn't matter, so unless you're too dumb to understand this objective fact why would you?

It depends on whether the non voters are protesting and starting riots

only an autist could ask such a stupid question

>2 party system is fucking retarded.

It isn't as bad as you think, it just requires people to be more involved in the primary process. I don't think most voters in the general bother with the primaries, so you get very extreme candidates on either side.

This is what happened with Bernie, regardless of what the DNC did he would have been more popular with the general population but the SJW and the black party faithful voted for Hillary.

Only the losers of any given election get butthurt about non-voters, believing that they would vote for their candidate if they had just bothered to cast their vote.

That's shit happen when you did not vote. Well done United States of America. In hoping this example involve France to vote against extremist party as Front National or Comunist

what if i dont care who becomes president. like either way it would be funny as hell? hillary wins then women defend her the way black people defended obama and they lose the last bit of integrity they had. merkel in action in europe is a prime example of this. feminist protesting the removal of foreign rapist all to protect 1 woman they never met... idiots

or trump wins and i can talk about how they need to make a triumph over adversity flick about a rich white man over coming all the odds and doing what they said couldnt be done

The electoral college does to a certain extent breed nonvoters. Look at California, Republican turnout is habitually abysmal because everyone knows that California is a blue state and always will be. A lot of nonvoters are simply succumbing to the pressures of the system, Hillary voters on the other hand wilfully voted for a criminal fraud and were more than eager to take the media's clearly biased party line for no other reason than she appealed to their "What about ME, how do I personally benefit, how do people who look like me and agree with me benefit from this election" mentality.

So it's the former.