Drumpf lost by 3,000,000 votes

>Drumpf lost by 3,000,000 votes

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Yet he's still your president.. Mmm that makes me feel so warm inside =)

Victory becomes even more beautiful like that

Not my president. I will do all I can to undermine his rule. I want nothing to do with him or this country until he is gone.

Trump won with a deficit of 3,000,000 votes

Hillary was playing blackjack and you're bitching she lost when she had three sixes and a pair of twos because that's a good poker hand.

Just move to Sweden you cuck.

You're not white and therefore will never be a real American

Not my president, fuck drumpf and fuck white people.

It is your own fault for not understanding a republic. Trump won, settle in.

Don't you have a rape video to be watching.

>3-5 million illegals and dead people voted

Still won the popular vote faggot

>Trump lost
>Sitting in the oval office rn
Really made me think

>Trump won by -3,000,000 votes

I am white, with hazel/green eyes and sandy blonde hair. The difference between me and most here on Sup Forums is that I am not white trash.

Technically, given that he lost be anywhere from 1.5-3M, given that when a person votes, the pool of total Americans voting makes it so that vote is actually a +1 to one candidate and a -1 to the one that did not get that vote. Considering how terribly independents did, I think it would be safe to say that the majority of those votes were going to go to one of the two main parties anyway, so it's probably much closer to 1.5M.

The irony of course is that illegals are not in that pool because they are not registered American citizens, so the values are skewed by these cheaters, illegals and multivoters fuck up the system more than a simple "3 million difference", how the fuck can you make an accurate calculation when all of the baselines you are given are not actually the real amounts because cheaters fucked with the entire equation?

It's not the united states of california, faggot.

Means fuck all until you have voter id laws enforced at the polls.

and he still managed to become the leader of the free world. u salty?

>not white trash
>belongs to the party of niggers and spics

Sure thing.

That's not how a democratic-republic works.

lost what?

Is there any source on this?

>Hillary lost the Presidential Election to Donald J. Trump who is now the President of the United States.

Trump supporters are fools, just you wait and see. Glorious Hillary will come out and tell us it was a big joke and that she is the real president.

>Not your president

This is only true if you are an illegal. Don't worry, Trump will send ICE after you soon.

Do us all a favor and put a bullet through your brain

What is funny is that the man WILL actually do it.


Damn it couldn't have gone up to 6 million

What happened to the power of memes?

Daily reminder Hillary actually campaigned for the popular vote

>But there also were millions approved for transfer from Clinton’s campaign for use by the DNC — which, under a plan devised by Brazile to drum up urban turnout out of fear that Trump would win the popular vote while losing the electoral vote, got dumped into Chicago and New Orleans, far from anywhere that would have made a difference in the election.

