>females attempt suicide three times more often than males
>males are 4 times more likely than females to die by suicide

what's the reasoning behind this Sup Forums

Women are attention whores in general, thus their "suicide" is just a way to get attention.

Men are outcast from society more often, and follow through with ending their lives because they actually want to.

women want attention


Women are attention-whoring children who will even take something as taboo and sacred as death and turn it into a cheap excuse to force men to give them sympathy.

No one gives a fuck about men, so when they are critically depressed, they go off into the woods and shoot themselves alone.

Men aren't pussies

>females "attempt" suicide

Men suicide with a gun, since pain is scary and they want it over quick.

Women suicide with pills or cutting, since guns are scary.

Pills aren't very good at killing you.

>Women aren't even as good at killing themselves as men
women can't do anything right

The old people part should be fucking obvious. Suicidal people aren't likely to make it to old age.

men are better at everything

Men are more likely to use methods that kill you immediately like gunshots, hanging, or jumping. Or more surefire sneaky methods like CO poisoning.

Women are more likely to use drugs to attempt to overdose and either do it incorrectly or are caught just in time.

Guns are good at killing. That's why women don't use them.
They don't want to die, they just want people to coddle them and give them attention.

When I was in highschool there was this chick in my circle of friends who was a complete attention whore.

She would have constant "suicide attempts" that would involve running across busy roadways (when it was safe to do so) and taking 6 regular strength aspirin at once.

That's why. It's all attention whoring bullshit.

Whereas men actually know strife.

Men are 3 times better at killing themselves, and women want 4 times as much attention

Undeniable facts

OP, what you have to understand, is women lack conviction

They can be pragmatic, sure, but they lack logical, honor, and self worth that men hold.

They constantly need attention from men to feel relevant, so why is it a surprise that they try to commit suicide and are less successful?

Because they're so self absorbed they can't imagine a world without THEMSELVES in it.
Subtle narcissism

Don't take it from me though.
Just visit LE tumblr
The cognitive dissonance is astounding

Wrist cutting counts as a suicide attempt. Women generally survive so they can reoffend as well. That's why their rate is so high.

Men get shit done.

Women crave attention, but they can only half-ass.

Beyond just the numbers, I wonder if women's suicide "attempts" aren't over-diagnosed like everything else to better fit the victim narrative. Many, many mental illnesses are considered to be "overwhelmingly" skewed towards women, like anorexia, borderline personality disorder, etc. when psychiatrists are questioning if there isn't more to it than that, if they aren't just simply missing many men who have the same issues because the diagnosis would require slightly different symptoms.

You have to figure out what a suicide attempt is, and see if the definition fits the reality of it. Also if it's applied evenly: would the same gesture, coming from a man or a woman, be classified as a suicide attempt? I'm pretty sure men would "win" both categories if equal attention was paid to their behavior.


Elderly people have less reason to kill themselves to begin with.

They're not going through relationship struggles, they're not overly worried about finance, and they've already been through most shit.

Women "cry for help".

Men end their lives.

A lot of old people are completely alone and destitute, and they suffer through a body that's pretty much breaking down, spending half their time in hospitals where nobody cares about them because they're going to die soon anyway. They have plenty of reasons to kill themselves

Men aren't pussies

Women never run out of ways to "cry for help," and for statistical purposes in victim culture, each one is counted as a suicide attempt. My guess is that includes impulsively running up 15 grand on the credit card for a Puerto Vallarta vacation.

I LITERALLY can't refute this.

Actually, the exact opposite is true.

Men commit suicide 4 times more often than women.

for the success rate? Because men are more likely to jump or just shoot themselves. Women are more prone to taking, pills, cutting themselves etc. Someone can more easily have their stomach pumped than there brain put back together after a 12 gauge.


We learned this in high school.

Men use much more effective means. instead of sleeping pills they use guns, real poison, nooses, etc.

They do it for atention, if they were seriously attempting suicide they would take the most lethal method with the least chance of survival, like the shotgun to head or the hanging method

Women base their suicide method on how they feeeeeeel.

Men base it on what will actually kill them efficiently.


Men get the job done by making sure they will die.

They're not alone when they have their children and grand children.

Besides, most of them are more than happy just getting fat and watching TV while waiting for death to come naturally.

Another thing to consider - a woman takes pills and then gets to tell everyone how they just took pills and wallow in attention and self pity for a few hours.

Methods that are good at killing you quickly don't give you time to wallow and get attention.

Women want attention so they do it in stupid ways
Men want to die so they buy guns and rope

Women attempt suicide because they want attention.

Men attempt suicide because they want to die.

Jesus y'all really hate women.

>Basic reading comprehension
Pick one

Anorexia/bulimia in men is severely overlooked. Especially bulimia. Google excercise bulimia and you could make a damn good argument that a lot of gym juiceheads have this


Women are more emotional then men and rely more on emotion for decision making, but once common sense hits them they back out.

Case point, woman is a failure, even at kill themselves.

Ones to aw others get the job done?

Women: Look at me I'm killing myself, somebody stop me!
Men: I've killed myself, this is my note.

I hate modern day females yes

Women like attention.
Men have legit reasons for doing everything they do.

Because they won't fuck you?

Copfag here.
Women are attention whores, shocking right?
Typically when I respond to an attempted "suicide" it's some gloomy cunt who has been texting her friends because "omg I took so many pills."
Then they sit there and argue with EMS when they want to know what she took. Because fuck EMS, they don't know what they're doing, they don't need to know what you took on the off chance you didn't try to overdose on melatonin and might actually be in danger.

The best part is when they realize they're getting more attention than they intended and MUST go to the hospital for a mental evaluation.

This is when I have to explain to them that due to their statements they either have to go with EMS or be taken to the hospital in handcuffs in the back of a patrol car.

Men just shoot themselves in the head.

Hanging is pretty common, too.
Women attempt /don't with stuff like Burana od.

It's their hormones, man. In fact, something like 8 to 10% of women have what's called premenstrual dysphoric disorder, which causes their sex hormones to fry their brain chemistry. It causes them to become crazy from the start of ovulation until the 2nd or so day of their period. That's why more women attempt to kill themselves but fail. They're not rational enough during those manic periods to plan things thoroughly. It's also one of the reasons why more women are diagnosed with mood disorders like bipolar.

> be old
> see your body slowly brake
> realize that you forget many things and even your brain is slowly dying
> after being independent for decades, you are suddenly a burdon for you relatives and they have to take care of you
> you already lived your life... there is no reason besides TV to continue it
> you are no longer a valuable member of society
> time is passing and you see younger generations with completely different values than yours in charge

i worked in a nursing home for a few months — most people there are totally ready for death and some even are hoping to die soon.

then that brings up the question of should assisted suicide be legal?

Women don't attempt suicide, they commit parasuicide - slitting wrists, cutting, drinking pills.

It's not a real attempt, it's more a cry for attention. If you really want to kill youself you make damn sure, like men do.

If you want your dead body to look beautiful and tragic, you probably won't shoot or hang yourself. That leaves women with means of suicide that are much less likely to work.

They reduced medication here in like one tenth of the 'usual', leading to more capable and happy elderly. They could eat and move by themselves.

czech this stupid shit out!!

Females suck at everything, including suicide.

Women seem more in tune with their intuition, it's probably a natural want to not die

Men seem more likely to just acknowledge that part but also know that is what's to fight

Women dont do anything, they just want to be seen doing something.

pretentious cunts right down to their DNA

For women, "suicide" is another form of social signalling, she just broadcasts that she's victim and depressed to as many people as possible.
For men, suicide is a way to end their suffering.

Women can't do anything right, not even kill themselves.

Women turn to suicide as a cry for help

Men turn to suicide when their cries for help go unnoticed.

Because women do 'cry for help' suicides

Men are just stoic until the end and then do it

The amount of girls I've known over the years who have told me about their attempted suicide attempts and all their self harm and what not. I tried to kill myself once but the hook I fixed onto my wardrobe door took a chunk out of the shitty wood when I kicked the stool away and I just ended up on the floor with a sore ass. I would never ever dream of telling anyone I attempted it. Yet these girls run around 'omg I am so depressed I attempted suicide by taking 5 paracetamols luckily I survived pls give attention'

Basically same shit as virtue signaling. Just a play for attention. Latch key children and that.

what was the final thought that made you go free fall to attempt to hang yourself and why didn't you reattempt it? Emotional based or what


>Friend is dating some crazy bipolar/depression Asian girl
>Don't do it.jpg
>Girl can't hold liquor for shit, isn't supposed to drink with pills but does anyway
>One night he gets call that she took a whole bottle of pills and 10 shots of vodka
>Rushes her to ER
>Stomach pumped, said she did it because she thought he wasn't paying enough attention to her
I'm glad he finally broke up with her, no need for that in life.

It was about 8 years ago now. It was just the hopelessness of everything. Saw no way out of my situation so decided to end it.

It is a weird thing attempting suicide though. It was proper scary when I kicked the stool away and realised there was no going back. Only to immediately fall ass first on the flloor and have a broken wardrobe door. The immidiate rush of adrenaline from not being dead perked me up a bit for the next week or so. After that I planned to do it again properly. Then I looked at suicide statistics and saw it is overwhelmingly young white males that commit suicide. This made me realise suicide is a Jewish trick to help destroy the white race so I swore off it. Because no matter how much I felt like ending it after that, I will never give the Kikes the satisfaction.

Anti-semitism unironcally saved my life.

So cheers for that at least, lads.

How do you even attempt suicide?

If you're in America you have NO excuse.

If not you could jump off a building or fly to America and kill yourself at a tourist shooting range.

I just don't get it.

I was just wondering here, why would 5-9 year olds want to kill themselves?
I can already imagine how a spoiled 6 year old faggot crying and trying to kill himself because his parents didnt buy him the newest smartphone.

Men are dead socially long before they attempt it, so when they actualy do they mean it.

Women do suicide just like they wear slutty clothing - just to see who cares. And of course people come running to the rescue.

But nobody acknowledges the existence of men.

Men are more likely to choose violent methods.

>women take pills, slit wrists, etc.
>men shoot their brains out, hang themselves

Women can do anything right and yet they get the attention and sympathy. Men actually have it hard and this shows in suicide rate. It's honestly disgusting

>can't even go through with their own projects
>wonder why they get payed less than men
Literally the only thing they're good at is getting fucked.

good on you mate

I'd argue they aren't even great at that. Gays are far better at getting fucked, they live for that shit. Women pale in comparison, they just can't commit to the degenerate life of getting fucked all day like they can.

Men win(?) again

That's nice to hear. I hope you have a nice day user.

Women are just looking for attention, men are actually done with life

In truth women are trained from birth to solve their problems by seeking attention and subsequently help, usually from a man. think about the most common response a woman has to confrontation crying, crying achieves noting by itself it only exists to play on surrounding humans base instinct to protect the young and vulnerable. This effects their entire life, think about the women in your life and as a global force, are they more likely to fix there shit, or do they try and get others to fix it for them?

This means that when the situation becomes very dier for them, they may attempt the ultimate cry, an "attempt" on their life.

Men on the other hand are raised to action, or were raised anyhow. As a man, you fix your own shit, thus, have no reason to use a taictic like a faux suicide attempt. But that actionable attitude means that men are more likely to end their own life if things seem hopeless, rather than ask for outside help.

Tldr: women can and do commit "suicide" as a tactic to get someone to fix their life. And men do it to permanently fix their life.

This has been said over 10 times in this thread. What about the women who do kill themselves properly? Would you say that they think like men?

a women is likely to do it for attention or not want to do it at the last second

if a man genuinely wants his life over and done with, its over and done with

let's get this one answered, pertinent question i don't have an answer to


>What about the women who do kill themselves properly?
Women are terrible at understanding anything outside social manipulation. They think everything is "social construct" (no, really, go read some whitepapers by brightest wymen scientists), so it would "work out somehow" and they wouldn't die.

Probably genuinely depressed, with a handful of accidental suicides thrown in

Of course. Something my mom told my brother and I from the get go has been to dump her off when she can't take care of herself. "if I'm at the point where I can't take a shit without assistance and my brain is gone drop me off at the cheapest home and wait for me to die."

She's been a nurse for 30+ years and seen a lot of shit. She wants to go quickly when she can't care for herself any longer

This actually is a problem all around if you like your family, or don't want to terrorize train drivers.

>In China, more women than men commit suicide each year. According to official government statistics: in 1999, the suicide rate per 100,000 people was 13.0 for men and 14.8 for women, the second highest female suicide rate in the world.

>Bangladesh is also among the few countries where the female rate is higher than the male rate.

>Suicide for women in China is shown in literature to be an acceptable way to avoid disgrace that may be brought to themselves or their families.

>China and other non-Western countries have been affected less by the loss of manufacturing jobs, changing patterns of social relationships, and modification of family structure. This is one explanation of why suicide rates in China tend to be closer to the much lower suicide rate difference between men and women found in previous decades, in Western countries.[citation needed]

>Another explanation for increased suicide in women in China is that pesticides are easily accessible and tend to be used in many suicide attempts made by women.

>Another explanation is that women are seen as subservient to men due to Chinese gender roles.

So the Chinese have things correct?

>my father drives trains
>has hit multiple people

>what's the reasoning behind this Sup Forums
pursuit of attention

Doesn't explain attempts though I just realized.

You need balls to kill yourself

when women try it its for attention
when men try it they mean for it to work

Su recalls a traditional Chinese saying that there are three solutions to women’s problems: “one – to cry; two – to scream; and three – to hang herself”.

Gooks are crazy.

the Jewish code word for, "men are 4 times as likely to kill themselves than women"

Attention seekers cannot receive attention, if they actually die.

Its easy as fuck to kill yourself with pills, you just have to have at least a bit of grey matter in your head:
1. Dosage should be huge. We are taking about several grams of active substance.
2. Because such dosage almost guaranteed to trigger vomit, you have to take antiemetics like Metoclopramide 30 minutes before taking drugs.
3. Its impossible to swallow pills fast enough. You have to prepare solution of water + drug + alchohol + anise oil and then gulp it down in one go.
4. Research LD50 for active substance you are going to abuse. Some substances require impossible dosages to be lethal. Combine several different drugs for best effect (basically you'd want something suppressing your consciousness, something suppressing breath centers and miorelaxants to stop your heart).

>girls use sleeping pis and whine.
>boy use shotguns and knifes and jumping off skyscrapers.

For women it has more of a cry for help motivation. For men it's because they don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Splattered brains from shotgun blast is not tragic enough?

woman try suicide for attention.
men try suicide for results