Was her name Norma Zahory?
Was her name Norma Zahory?
what am i looking at here op?
also nice forced maymay
numbers get
Landwhale lits a female trump supporters hair.
>Trying to identify an undocumented piece of mexican shit
Good luck
It looks like either her or her sister Hanna
Are these real IDs? Did you guys find them?
Shame the cucks took "trump supporter" out of it. Now it has no context.
Ugly, shit colored, subhuman garbage. She's jealous, even of a fat white woman. She was probably triggered by the pigtail QT, and took it out on the chubbster.
Was locked on reddit, but it looks like her.
>Norma Zahory
Wait, there's a break in the Torched Hair case!?
Any additional photos?
that is one fucking ugly cunt
Posts on reddit were taken down, but I think she's an educator.
Thank you!
I'm ghosting thru her facebook friends to look for the yellow clad bitch. will post potentials for eval
Someone left a noice post for her to read.
What a fat piglet
Darker & Carrying some extra food in her cheeks
can you fuck with the manlet who punched the Canadian reporter? I do not want this to be forgotten. He is our new Carl the Cuck
is there even an investigation? i say leave the poor girl alone jesus, nobody died
Guise i dont think she looks like norma at all
This is the worst thing to do. We need to keep it dark until we know for sure. If you retards give her warning like this then she's going to close everything down and make it impossible for us to track her.
Bump for justice
I'm looking now and they look similar but I have my doubts. Unless she's gotten darker and fatter
I don't think she can run far...
>attempted murder by law
>leave the poor girl alone xD
You're just as bad as niggers who say its ok to rob just because they're poor.
>tfw we found her
What's the charge with lightning someone on fire for their political views?
yeah, you did lolz
Checks out.
spot the antifaggot
Are they left wing attacking right wing?
Are they right wing attacking left wing?
Firing squad for doubleplushate crimes.
One of my friends knows the victim. He'll give her the info you guys find.
>female trump supporters
both are landwhales you stupid indio.
Attempted murder
Such was life pre 2017
Report this to the police anonymously as soon as you can.
you're going to ruin her life dumbasses
is that what you want?
Does she eat shit?
Whoa I know the victim in person and just want to say ty to all, I never thought this would blow up
It's not her
Play a stupid game, win a stupid prize.
she has afghan ancestry, she went to afghanistan, that's a terrorist attack.
It's not her. You got the wrong person
Would seem her family is muslim
The girls here are not the girl here
Yup, she needs destruction so she can build herself up as a new human beingddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
Clearly someone else's hand in that picture. Mainly because it's black.
>finish bachelor of arts
>work as cashier
>then work as whatever an ECF admin is
>move on to work as what sounds like a forum mod
That schooling was so worth it
Yes, it's not the name in OP's post. Those bitches that stole the large Trump sign have all been identified and are facing charges.
It doesn't look like her... the one in the pink nation hat has a different nose and beady eyes
>Don't report her to the authorities! You'll ruin her life! She only lit someone on fire, that's not a big deal!
Just noticed that name at the bottom
What in the fuck
How do we know its her tho? Does she have a facebook so that we can match the details that she attended? What about the accomplice in yellow?
Yes you insufferable piece of shit
ohh yess, plz destroy her
wouldn't make me wonder
Where is the fatty facebook? Don't listen to the antifacucks trying to save her face.
I hope any of you dumbfucks who think is the same girl never ends up being a witness to a crime because you fucks cannot even match up a suspect when you have a fucking picture of her. Could imagine how fucked up your memories would be.
Thats not her!!!!! You fucking cucks!!!!
If she didn't do it, the bitch should at least go to court.
Looks exactly like her
"it's impossible, so just give up now goy, cease your inquiries." - t. leaf
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
no stop, this can't be her you shitlord
you can't find her and blumpf can't have those codes
bump for justice
It's not her, you fucking morons.
norma pls
What the hell does her beanie say?
cringey as fuck. shut up
Is this another shining example of the tolerance of trumpfags?
Don't forget to criticize SJWs for doxxing and getting trumpfags fired over their beliefs
You're gonna look like such a based anti degeneracy internet warrior
Pink Nation. Its a Victoria Secret hat.
They just can't fucking stop terrorizing people.
>getting a criminal arrested is a bad thing
Are you retarded?
Could be an older photo which could mean she gained weight.
I would ask to try to light your hair on fire, but putting out a grease fire is too much effort for me.
kys spic
She's fucked, now build wall
>>getting a criminal arrested is a bad thing
>Are you retarded?
What did she do? Hurt your feefees?
Because it sure as fuck isn't mentioned anywhere in this pile of butthurt proto Nazi shitposts
>not helping police identify criminals
Is this what leftists do? Let criminals run free?
Rhinoplasty? Darker skin? The arsonist's nose looks like it's been squashed a couple of times.
dont think its her -- if you look up this person's social media there's no sign of her being political at all
Sorry that your mom lit a girls hair on fire, Paco. On the upside she will probably get deported after she finishes prison!
She lit another person on fire. That might not be a crime in Mexico, but it is in the USA.
She lit a woman's hair on fire you dumbfuck
welcome to Sup Forums
We have been doxing and ruining people's live for over 100 years
It is bad when they do it because they are stupid and wrong
It is good when we do it because it is funny and we simply do not care about moral high ground
Excatly like her??
Pol ITS not her you fucking retards find her on fb she has a public profile and see its not the same person. Keep searching!!!
>fat and shitskin
>must be her!
I don't think it's her lads. I want to string up the cunt who did it but this isn't her.
The more I look, this Norma girl seems to be a lot more light skinned than the arsonist. Thinking this might be the wrong girl.
what does her hat say? .. NK NAT ... ? it might offer a clue if it's a school
Hard to tell but my first impression is it is not her.
Do not ruin our revenge by doxxing the wrong person!