Are they pseudo intellectuals?


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she is

i dont know but her pussy is thicc as fuck my dude

Yes to both




Lauren Southern is legally a man. Look it up

Are they on Youtube? Are they speaking? Then...yes.

They are smarter than most academics. Are they foils for people like Noam Chomsky? No. They are more than smart enough to eviscerate the arguments put forward by SJWs though. Many of whom are "educated".

Pseudo-intellectual reporting in

According to this fine mind, the solution to refugee problem is:

>be poor

Stefan Molyneux is one of the prevailing voices in the new conservative movement and I believe that he was crucial to the success of Donald Trump. As a woman, I share his views about the need for the stable family unit and that women should be mothers first and foremost. One of my favorite podcasters and philosphers.

Jordan Peterson is on youtube, I DARE you to call him a pseudo intellectual to his face

Not sure about them, but this fuck certainly is.

This is the "not an argument" guy, right?

Because yes: he absolutely is a pseudo-intellectual.

Statements are not arguments. They are statements. Pointing out that a statement is not an argument does not refute the statement. It states the painfully obvious.

"All cats are mammals" is not an argument. The statement is both valid and sound. And anyone who passes even an introductory course to logic is aware of it.

Basically he is an intellectual three year-old.

her thiccness is just right

>Basically he is an intellectual three year-old.
That explains his appeal.

Europe is poor already. The illusion of which is based in cheap credit.

Also according to that fine mind:
>all Neanderthals were blonde
>Christianity is the worst thing ever but Islam is okay
>modernism sucks except for my solar panels, internet connection, petroleum powered equipment and vehicles, and my modern weapons
>you should eat only what you grow and raise, except for 90% of it that you buy at the shop
>it's okay that I murdered somebody because they weren't, according to my physical observation, an ethnic Norwegian Neanderthal kinsman of mine

Yes. They're for the newest of newfags.

literally who on the right

HE's a christian and she doesn't know what she is talking about

Chomsky has done a lot of valuable research in many fields, but his - let's generously call it - political though does not transcend the typical SJW nonsense

Lauren is hot, i would fuck him.

A blond girl on youtube who Sup Forums likes.

Blond, attractive, conservative women who pretend to report news? 100% guarantee that they are gibbering idiots. No exceptions, ever, in all of history.

anyone who thinks molyneux is a psuedo-intellectual is in fact himself a psuedo-intellectual contrarian faggot.

Hold heheproductions a psuedo fucking dj keemstar a intellectual? why would these morons be classed as intellectuals .. fuck off retard

yes, molyneux has had very few orignal ideas ever, anrchy is not automatically the answer to everything

Or has ever read a single, introductory-level manual of logic.

Who cares, I agree with them both.

Fuck no. They poise good arguments to the current status quo, but their alternative ideas are fucking insane if you consider nearly anything they state as a potential truth or worth considering.

They parrot online discussion and state legitimate complaints and then put out the most retarded ideas as follow up.

>the voice of a 1st year Poli Sci student

lmao. this meme is great

Or they've actually read a philosophy book and understand the basics of logic and debate.


The guy on the left was on Joe Rogans podcast. He's well spoken but doesn't really know what he's talking about. He speaks in the abstract and doesn't reference or discuss any studies. He just rambles.

He's also an acclaimed, highly credentialed and well-respected professor with years of rigorous study and debate under his belt.

How many other youtube "intellectuals" do you listen to that can claim the same? At least from the Sup Forums or "alt-right" perspective?

On a side, the only alt right YT person I can enjoy would be TheGoldenOne. He may be well up his own ass at times, but the guy is dedicated to his own beliefs and follows through on them. It doesnt seem like he is in the game just for fame or $.

anyone that believes in god is a pseudo intellectual


What's the difference between an pseudo intellectual and just an intellectual? Is there any real way to separate them from each other? Is the only difference having a degree? Was Benjamin Franklin a pseudo intellectual? He never went to school - just read books is all. Is the difference having invented something? Is there an established criteria? It would be helpful.

Being knowledgeable and using your knowledge and skills as a tool, vs learning a gimmick or trick and over-relying on it to impress people who know even less about the topic than you do.

No: you don't need a degree to be intellectual. But it's not a coincidence that 99% of people who are intellectuals have one.

this, molymeme is leagues beyond Lauren Southern.


You need to understand how immature you sound when you're at the adult table.
Lurk and learn, kid.

They are of course degenerates.

Why? They use jewtube. Jewtube ruins everything, nowadays more and more information gets posted as 10 minute long video clips instead of being written down to a few lines. And this causes a lot of damage.

First it's absolutely inefficient, you can get more information by reading in less time.

Second texts are indexable, can be searched and stored easily.

Third jewtube videos are for people who can't read. Non readers.

If you want to spread information, write them down.

If you make jewtube videos: please kill yourself.

A pseudointellectual believes he/she knows everything already, and uses flowery and/or highly technical prose to disguise empty phrases.

An actual "intellectual" realizes he or she knows nothing and is constantly on the search for truth.

Lauren's ''book'' is literally posts lifted from Sup Forums archives

She is an opportunistic cunt. As soon as I saw her yoga pants with anime on them I knew she had a marketing person 'figure out' Sup Forums users and attempt to get publicity here.


Thats actually an ingenious way to make money - just rip copy pastas/redpill screen caps/etc. and paste into a book format.

>highly technical prose
The word you are looking for is "jargon." Way to be inferior to my vast intellect.


>t. psuedointellectual

Yeah except that the information contained in them is such utter nonsense and worthless trash that no one will buy your book unless you've got a nice rack.

keep shilling
the ability to record a university lecture and have it live on in history is unprecedented
the ability to listen and learn while you work with your hands cannot be underestimated
i could go on, but i have other threads to visit and i don't particularly like this user

Yeah there's a lot of people like that. You guys are a pretty profitable demographic for purveyors of alternative facts.

Depends on what you are going for. I wouldnt attempt to do some political treatise, as I'd have no way to source my shit.

HOWEVER, if you go to the more conspiratorial threads, you could rip basic ideas and make some damn good fiction books outta them. No seriously, I live for thse threads and /x/-tier threads just or that reason.

>See counterculture forming
>Come up with a name (alt-right)
>Shill your books and videos etc to earn tons of shekels from people suckling like it was a pair of titties
>Sup Forums buys into this shit because they're just as gullible as liberals

>tfw when Sup Forums used to have at least somewhat decent threads about a wide variety of topics
>tfw Sup Forums is now 95% baitposters, "Sup Forums BTFO/explain this/activates almods/etc" and people screaming at anyone with an opinion that is not expressed through kikebart

Unfortunately for authors, but fortunately for readers, the type of people interested in "fluoride is mind control" and "the moon-landing was faked" people tend not to have the disposable income necessary to spend ten dollars on a book.

I like this criteria.
>uses flowery and/or highly technical prose to disguise empty phrases.
is that like when Justin Trudeau remembered some wikipedia definitions of Quantum Computing when he had no informal or formal background in it but used it in a conference anyways and people ate it up?

Yeah, they're pretty bad.

Sure. But those are basic ("entry level" if you will) conspiracies.

If I was on my home computer I'd post one, but if you're ever in one of those "redpill" screen cap threads, the shit in there would be a great basis for some work.

Like if you take Sup Forums's established canon about itself completely seriously to its logical end, you get a story about Nazi occult wizards using the zeitgeist of the internet to meme into conscious reality the 4th and eternal reich.

Spin it well and you have an exciting novel about a cyberpunk dystopia mixed with high level esotericism.

He is and shes just an opportunist

Elaborate on what was incorrect on what I said.

Molyneux could beat Chomsky because Chomsky doesn't believe in ethnicity and IQ. He wouldn't think he lost but he would have.

Does any one have that "dude where's your argument" pic

Never listened to this guy before but how sad that he gets swarmed by mentally ill progressive degenerates like this.

Emphatically yes

They are pop-political entertainers, masquerading as media and philosophers

PS - if anyone uses that specific idea, please include me in the screen cap

Thank you for posting that handsome picture of yourself along with your post.

Molyneux is a genuine intellectual by any definition and Southern is an anchorperson and therefore neither an intellectual nor an attempt to be one.


>he is a pseudo intellectual because of this epic meme i heard on r/the_donald xdd

They're outright shitheads. Fuck 'em both.

>be poor
>be resourceful and healthy

Not the same thing.

Molyneux is the pseduo-intellectual. The girl is fucking retard Sup Forums has a boner for

Look at the kikes who have made money on printing books about memes

It's defintely happening, anyone could ebook it and release it themselves there is some gold on Sup Forums from time to time

I listen to all of his call-in shows and Stefan's real talent is helping people with their problems.

I'm sure he's realized this already, but Anarcho-Capitalism could only exist in an all-white society. The only reason he won't come out as explicitly white nationalist is because he'll be seen as a hypocrite and he lives of D'nations and as a good businessman doesn't want to lose the many token non-whites that listen to him. Eventually he'll have to backpedal away off from race realism or just become truly Alt-Right.

I don't know anything about Lauren, other than she's a semi-attractive blonde.

His mother was Jewish.

>Jordan Peterson
"things are only true if they benefit humanity"
what did he mean by this ?

Yes. They both are.

If their main outlet is Youtube, Twitter, or some similar internet mass media they are garbage by default.

Stefan can at least defend his position and is fairly eloquent, Southern just has a vagina.

He is not.
I remember
Michael Moore in libtard media.

They're fine. I'm not going to waste my breath attacking people on the right, there are plenty of communist shitheads to clown on.

she is a bandwagoning retard

lauren in an form fitted dress is god tier red-pilled beauty.

Molyneux is the philo in training, she's getting there but in time she'll learn to act on what unites instead of divides.

She's a pseudo Jew for sure

Yes. Smart people can be both mostly right and pseudo-intellectual.

Are you retarded? Statements used to promote a conclusion are fucking arguments. That is tautologically what an argument is.

>"All cats are mammals" is not an argument. The statement is both valid and sound. And anyone who passes even an introductory course to logic is aware of it.

All cats are mammals is a fucking conclusion. It's not an argument because it's a statement of fact. To argue against it would be arguing against fact.



good goy.

>Stefan Molyneux is one of the prevailing voices in the new conservative movement

>Has 540,696 subscribers
>Can barely get around 20,000 views per video with occasionally getting into the 100,000s

How is he the leader of anything?

>Calling their arguments insane without addressing them
>Calling their ideas retarded without addressing them
>Being overly verbose about both these things
Definitely a first Poli Sci major.

BAKA, should have taken a real science degree.

He's a pandering thespian with nothing of worth to say, he calls himself a philosopher (lol) but all he has ever done is give dumbed down explanations of the ideas of better men. He's a living "for dummies" book
She's just a pretty face that spouts talking points, at least she's politically active and is pushing the overton window though.

I wouldn't call either of them pseudointellectuals because that would imply they're even trying to appear to be intellectuals.

> As a woman

Show your tits with a timestamp to prove it or you're all lies.

Lauren is just eye candy who is a mediocre journalist at best. Which amounts to absolutely nothing. Stefan I can tolerate.

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about, you're just talking out of your ass.
What I have heard from Molyneux has been quality, and if you so much as just listened in even 2 or 3 times you'd realise just how pathetic your post really is.

>falling for mollyjew and (((laura southern)))

Good goy

don't care for Southern at all, but I used to watch a good many of Molymeme's videos

kinda gave him up, seemed as though he put less sourced content and hard numbers in his videos and started going for low-hanging fruit in a similar manner to MSM anchors

like he's in it to get SICK BURNS on leftist fucking shits rather than what he used to do

but maybe i just caught a bad spell, should give him another shot