Is this what red pilled Sup Forums users look like in real life? kek

is this what red pilled Sup Forums users look like in real life? kek

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Pretty cool desu
He was a funny guy

This makes me cringe so fucking hard. Is he wearing a German army cap and an assassins creed hoodie?

We are an inclusive board for all peoples. Sup Forums is a board of peace! Stop mocking us!

Looks like a ww1 Austrian cap.

super cringe lmao

So, is shia using his millions in transformers movie money to compensate his fellow chanters?

Or are they basically getting the shaft to do shias dirty work for him?

He's the only guy that was from 8pol. The rest were /our guys/


I feel like the odd one out am I the only 6 foot buff aryan guy here?

Are you the leaf that boned Alie?

This guy whispered 1488 at the beginning amd then crys when someone confronts him. Fucking nazi weeb degenerate. I love the new loud unpredictable shia; much better version than the holes one.


6.2 and buff here user.

Why are American alt-rightists so ugly?

8 inch cock
225 bench
83k a year
22 years old

fight me bitch

show me a liberal protestor or demonstrator that is attractive.

6'1" Kraut here, Aryan is debate able since there's a gypsy lady somewhere five generations back.

He buys them coffee, donuts and pizza

That's not even an impressive bench.

Sup Forums irl


why does this nazi look like the nerdiest jewish kid??

His apparel is questionable but
>no acne
>not obese
>not greasy
Did Sup Forums lied to me?

>Labeouf is 5'9
>user was shorter
When will they learn

Wendy's chef?

i can tell that faggot drinks ciders


a shitskin nazi.

indians arent "aryan" faggot

civic nationalism knows no race, only values

where my boy jaden at? no seriously, why did he disapear?

He's short, which is why people are shitting on him, despite the fact he had more balls than anyone else that went there thus far.

Physically attractive, intelligent, and socially "normal" Sup Forums users wouldn't be out among the protesters, they'd be at work like everybody else.

So, of course it would be someone looking like him out there.

>He buys them coffee, donuts and pizza

They should unionize.

Drive a battleship to work.

Fight me faggot

>Physically attractive, intelligent, and socially "normal" Sup Forums users wouldn't be out among the protesters, they'd be at work like everybody else.
fucking this

In our day and age, you have to be at least somewhat of a loser to actually publicly be politically involved like that. It's the same thing on the left, it's why the level-headed center-left is pretty much invisible right now while the skrillex hambeasts are out being as loud as they can. Of course, on the right it's even worse, because the right lost the culture war a few decades ago and therefore people on the right have even less incentive to voice their opinions.

That bench is pathetic.

That's why it's shit

Not really, he was just more autistic than the rest.
The Italian was short too, but he was straightforward and didn't resort to repeating memes.
Respect for going out there against the mob, not so much for just going there to shitpost irl.

>Sup Forums goes outside

These guys are above average, he is better looking then shia and shia is a celeb.

He may be small, but his balls are huge.

must suck to work on weekends kek

come mate, he's an ugly gangly geeky looking little baby boy.

>this thread stays up for an hour while the HWNDU generals are deleted immediately

You're really making me think, lefty mod

You guys are working awfully hard playing defense and frantic damage control this last weekend for a movement that supposedly "won". Do you think it's going to let up? Are you really prepared to be out of the counter culture and into the mainstream, only to be pummeled from all sides for four years of constant siege? Hillary has to bring canned applause to her own speeches and is crying like a little bitch over Trump's inauguration crowd. We aren't even a week in and it's the best start to a presidency seen in many of our lifetimes. Do you even remember what winning feels like?

Because this ((nazi)) probably visiting synagogue on Brighton Beach

>nonwhites larping as nazis
Every fucking time...

The coolest guys there were the maga hat wearing dudes and Boston man. This guy is just a Nazi sperg.


>watch video
>can't even hear him
>after cowering from Shia and the camera, he finally leans in close so I can hear him
>"praise kek praise kek praise kek"

Shia looking alpha as fuck

i am way more handsome than that not lying

i'm like an 8/10

Shia looks like waldo on meth

I dink ciders :(

Super fuckin jacked
37" cock and raisin sized balls
900lb bench with my dick
fuck my grandpa on a daily basis

fight me bro

lmao sounds like youre feelings got hurt. it was pretty funny how the trump team for their first press conference basically came out and whined about inauguration crowd size. clearly trump got his feelings hurt too like you, but rather than tweeting he sent out his press sec kek

>unironically wears a ski cap and some goofy suit spouting 14\88 into the microphone with his face exposed

Shia is a fag, but this guy is on an equal footing in faggotness. Now that he has actually made it into news sources he is going to have fun looking for work in his area.

Id like to see him yell in my face

How far are you from NY?

Little roleplaying manlet BTFO

Mid west

This man is based. Praise KEK.

whys your face tiny lol

I think the mustache bro was the best one. Did not even back down a bit and saying hitler did nothing wrong right in Shia's face

6'3" not buff but toned muscles

that was 8pol

Green eyes

Get on my level, manlet

Post link to video please

Stache user survives multiple swarms.

I remember that guy from /fit/

is that filthy frank?





this was staged

it's not like you can find manlets shorter than sia in any random crowd

HOly fucking twig.

maybe his little brother

That's being generous. Most of them look a lot worse.

Shia is 5'9" so that little dude is a derpy manlet of maybe 5'7" at best.

Get someone a half foot taller than lil' shia and see if he's shouting then.

i legit expect nothing cornier from a rightist fag


>6 foot 2 inches
>1/2 Irish
>1/4 German
>1/4 Welsh

you know that hair style went out of fashion like 2 years ago?
or do you have it as some kind of edgy political statement?
either way, it looks fucking retarded.

It's like a perfect nu-male stereotype


15% body fat
green eye master race
"The perfect proportions in a man"

>225 bench

How long you been lifting, a week?

2.5 plate squats
7 pack abs

90% Northern European
10% nigger
100% Badass

>Inb4 not white

Fight me

this shit hilarious...don't know about you

>initiates mental connections

That big guy is completely oblivious to online memes, everything he said was legit and not online retard inspired.

A 5'9" Shia fighting a Midget, really made me think

>keep in mind this nigga is 7'3 and 99.9 lbs

No bully pls, he is doing kek's work.

This wtf I can do that and I'm king of Manlets tier

im 5'6 bout 150lbs i can take on the leboof


do it faggot

manlet kys


Yeah, it checks out

im in texas so i cant