Political and theological thoughts on TYP?

Any thoughts about the Young Pope?

>Favorite Scenes:

Smile: youtube.com/watch?v=yE99LvM7OzA

Prayer: youtube.com/watch?v=BIj_bNd2oew

Love: youtube.com/watch?v=DGkyDSM-JFc

Crisis of Faith: youtube.com/watch?v=d8n4NOYGqcg

Motivation: youtube.com/watch?v=naZBp7AjHuY

Women: youtube.com/watch?v=FxsW_BcRrIw

I won't put in the ones about abortion because the Dogma is a little wrong.

If y'all want the 10 episodes can be binged since the blu-ray is already out.

Watch all 10 and make a constructive argument.

I found it quite profound, with critiques of the Church however, alot of the thoughts on mysticism and the entire mystery of the Church I found wonderful.

One such was Voiello, an oxymoron within himself.

>Has a lavish home
>Doesn't live in it, but rather takes care of a disabled boy at night

Any thoughts on the theological and political basis of the show?

Other urls found in this thread:


Isn't that some Netflix garbage?
Why are you shilling this shit here?

No. Its Sup Forums approved

watched but pretty sure i missed most of it because there was no subtitles when they were speaking Italian

They have subtitles on the torrents

I've not finished watching it yet, but I'm really loving it. The acting and production values are superb, and I'm finding the content thoroughly intriguing.
I feel like the show is making a connection between the young pope and the Medieval church. The harder line over dogma, his youth/charisma and dynamism and the highlighting of the 'Mysteries' of the church. I feel like they're making this connection, but I don't fully grasp what they're trying to say with it.

it not going to rewatch it anyway

I illuminated myself, fuck!!!

Wait is this movie good and not anti Christian like I for some reason believed?

im not interlay sure whats going on but I feel like its right. I'm not catholic

Isn't this just another "Evil Catholics!!!11!!!" bullshit propaganda piece?



that nigger with the mole on his face is to hard to understand


Mini-series/show. Question still stands.

Jewish subversion. Playing on the yearning for a Catholic pope that behaves and believes like a Catholic. Haven't seen an episode but have watched several clips.

They chose the name Pius to harken the mind to Pope St. Pius X, who was a great adversary of classical liberalism and theological modernism. He drove the heretics in the Church underground, and rejected Theodor Herzl's Zionism. (Look up that interaction between the two. That's the Catholic response to a Jewish "Israel")

They make him appear merciless and worldly.

And no, it's not anti-Christian or anti-Catholic.

Unless you're literally retarded and somehow interpret it like that.

It's mainly a character study.

Pretty good show

Shows Catholics in actual good light, with the Catholics actually believing in the Christianity which doesn't happen very often in movies/tv. Usually they're all just in it for the power and no sort of real spirituality is ever shown.

Yep exactly. Has critiques on Catholicism.

The duality of being an orphan and spiritual orphan. I got alot from that

T. Catholic. Tbh the show lit a fire in me

It's not a movie, I think it's a stupid Netflix show.
>real spirituality
Like what? "Real spirituality" doesn't exist. Spiritual things aren't real.

I beg to differ. My father worked as an exorcist during the dearth of exorcists following the Second Vatican Council, given faculties by the local Bishop (now retired) to do so. "Spirits" do exist.

He picks Pius because Pius was "conservative" like himself, then he proceeds to curb stomp degeneracy in the church.

Seems pretty fitting to me.

Although it seems they are implying he became conservative because of his hippie parents, also one homo killed himself because of his anti-faggot stance so that might be some setup for him to see the errors of his ways.

Although he is obviously some sort of saint in the show too so that would contradict him doing wrong.

fuck you he said abortion isn't forgivable
and it's a HBO show so they had to put gay shit in there
>this pope is a saint you guys he heals ppl
>he's also cool with homosexuals lol
not to mention all the heresies he uttered

I liked the show because I'm a sucker for catholic stuff but I know blasphemy when i see it.

No it's not at all. There are some scenes that are questionable because it shows priests having gay sex, drinking etc. But overall the story is trying to show a pope who says basically enough with the fucking degeneracy and immoral world, and BTFO anyone who tries to question him.

I thought the same thing but it's not. It's red pilled as fuck.


>Like what? "Real spirituality" doesn't exist. Spiritual things aren't real.

wtf are you talking about, spirituality is at the very least subjective.

Ah well, as I said, I haven't seen it. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they did a 180 and twisted him to stab at the Church. Probably won't watch it.

It's another "Look at this Evil Catholics who blasphemy" show.

Non-practican Christian or Atheist may find this redpill though.
If you're a Catholic and go to church you may be a little tired of this same old propaganda.

Dude, he literally sends a gay priest to freezing Greenland tundra to stay for the rest of his life and die.

>My father worked as an exorcist
That's fucking hilarious. And you're not ashamed to be the son of such a charlatan?
>Spirits" do exist.
You sound like a stupid old woman, like one of my aunts who would swear the one aunt's house is haunted.
>it's a HBO show
So it's even worse than I thought. That's almost as bad as being an AMC show.

If you do watch tv-shows then I don't see why you wouldn't watch it since it's just as good as any other of the "top" shows right now.

Probably one of the best, if you can do without having to see tits and gore.

based as fuck pope


It's not you I fufferbale faggot.
Just watched it and it turned exactly out how I expected it to be: A giant blasphemy
What else could come from something that reads before every episode
>Sponsored by the (((European Union)))

I won't be tired of it if it is realistic. There are problems and it is perfectly fine (and a good idea) to explore them in a mature TV show.

Eh, it's alright kiddo. We pray for the conversion of you heathens.

>dogma a little wrong

Most every time they speak of theology it's embarrassingly bad and they go overboard trying to shame the priests of the church.

That said, the show is very interesting and refreshing otherwise, and has a 10/10 ost.

Might check it out. We cut off cable since we couldn't even watch the 'family channels' without having viagra or sexual-related ads in between kid's shows. Not to mention all the sodomite propaganda.

In the good days they put the sodomite clergy to death if they were caught a second time after having repenting. Child abusers were immediately put to death. Read St. Peter Damian's Book of Gomorrah.

So for example this clip:

Does the Pope have sex with the girl or what? I feel like it would be more compelling if there was all kinds of 'controversy'; he drinks smokes has lust, etc. but still is a Christian and doesn't give in to some things. So in this clip is he being honest, or is he just out-politicking this Cardinal?

Trying to shame the priests who are homosexual? Good. The Church shouldn't be filled with men who chose God because they can't love women.

we need more shows like this, great dialogue its 100% truthful. loved every episode and its redpilling power.

Fuck off, Wolfy.
Great comeback.

It's been explore 1005319853289592 times already.

All Christians fiction do is explore how evil Catholics were.

Turn the subtitles on?

that's not the problem with it. I think the whole point of the show was to take show an overwhelmingly rightwing christian turning leftwing. like who fucking cares. it was political bullshit veiled with the gospel.

>shitty HBO garbage about fag Pope
Le based show
Fucking hell, the shills are getting bad

No, I mean shaming priests collectively when these people sacrifice so much. They took the idea of the Vatican being corrupt and expressed it to the point of talking shit of the priesthood itself.

Ok well. This is the first time I have ever posted this here. Or anywhere that I can remember.

This is a picture (of a polaroid, since i have no scanner) of a demon (one of three) that were expelled from a home in Alexandria, LA in the late 1980's.

How does the quote go?

For those who believe, no evidence is necessary, for those who do not believe, no evidence will convince. Something like that.

>Abortion dogma wrong, etc.

Well I'll post this one since it certainly is something I have never seen on a show discussed in this way:


>Might check it out. We cut off cable since we couldn't even watch the 'family channels' without having viagra or sexual-related ads in between kid's shows. Not to mention all the sodomite propaganda.

lel even this might be too much for a puritan like yourself then

Am I missing something? Stuff like this


Are you saying it's bad because it's 'supposed' to seem like the Pope is being a big meany to lay-people watching? Because to many Catholics tired of certain things it certainly doesn't sound that way.

I have five children. Sodomite culture and things of a sexual nature do not belong in their young life. I have souls to raise for heaven; not to corrupt and throw down the toilet like rubbish.

That's not puritanism. Puritanism is making licit pleasures of this world sinful. It is Judaized Protestantism. It is the Jewish ideal that material wealth is a sign of predestination and salvation. Get your terms correct.

You can watch it, leave your kids out of it

This user is right. Its about as deep as a puddle lol.

What the fuck are you doing on this mongolian tapestries weaving forum?

The show gets lots of points from people for being refreshing and interesting but that doesn't stop their theological discussion from being horrid. They try, that's for sure, but they seem to be trying to speak of Catholic thought with a meme understanding of it. I refuse to believe a person who knows Catholic thought wrote the abortion scene.

What's that supposed to mean?

What am i supposed to be seeing in this?
I haven't watched it. I never heard it of it until it started being shilled here.
>things of a sexual nature do not belong in their young life.
They have to learn about sex sometime. If you don't teach them they'll learn from somewhere. Do you want your daughters to be sluts?

No. He literally cures her sterility. Literally. I do love how he teaches her how to pray

>fuck you he said abortion isn't forgivable
>I liked the show because I'm a sucker for catholic stuff but I know blasphemy when i see it.

You meming or just being a retard?

There is one face manifested and one becoming. This was inside of a closet--where the home owner kept his pornography.

Anyone wanting to teach sex to children deserves to be taken out behind the woodshed like a good Southerner does.

Trips of truth. Christianity is the only religion thats been battered to death and its openly accepted and encouraged.
People have to ask themselves, if the Jews would be mad at them for portraying them in the same light, then its a propaganda hit piece.

Which was a rare attempt at showing contemplative in mainstream television. Glad for it.

He's being a Girolamo.

That's scary as fuck.

its a great show. bump. i liked the fact that i have been everywhere he goes in the show. besides the obvious AMERICANO PAPA

>I do love how he teaches her how to pray

Just from the clip OP posted I was astounded that was in this show. That was extremely good. I have never seen anything simple like that explaining the mysticism of Christian prayer on any TV show/movie ever.

Not gonna lie i took notes from that scene. And the one with Viello talking to Girolamo about sin. Personally loved it.

Catholocism is a pretty interesting contradiction. Adding to its mystique imho.

Ps. I started going to the holy sacrament to just reflect. Im loving it.


"Contemplative prayer", I mean.

That's great, man.

Does it discuss Lectio Divina/the Rosary/etc. in the same light?

That's the thing alot of people have a misconception about prayin. Asking for wishes etc... i realized when they mentioned it in the show, prayer is realt serene and in a way to experience and reflect on oneself and how one can reflect on their god given talents in a way to give back to others.
Trips of truth.

Question, Kyrie Elieson... what does it mean?

>The eternal burger (aka moron) actually thinks this is how you pray
Neck yourself

>Kyrie Elieson
Lord, have mercy.

>Anyone wanting to teach sex to children deserves to be taken out behind the woodshed like a good Southerner does.
So you want your daughters to learn about sex from some boy who will fuck her and turn her into a slut?
You can’t keep basic information from people.
>mysticism of Christian prayer
You people are so funny with how stupid you are. It's fucking laughable even though it's sad.

"Lord, have M

Never really touched on it. Remember the show is written through the eyes of either cultural catholics or am atheist. So some dogma is wrong and alot of surface knowledge, however some scenes like I mentioned in OP are good deep thinking scenes

You've been to that tiny little nignog african village?

>You people are so funny with how stupid you are. It's fucking laughable even though it's sad.

What do you mean?

I'm not telling you to believe anything and don't particulary care. I'm talking about a depiction of Christian mysticism which is something that is rarely ever explored in the mainstream but is absolutely essential to Christian life.

When they are old enough they will get the talk. It's liberals like yourself that want to push it in schools and sexualize children before they even develop social skills.

Ok. Ever have a time that you actually reflected in pure quietness?

I don't believe it touches on it at all.

There's no need for arrogance, especially when you have no argument.

Catholic Generals every Sunday if you wish to take part, user.

>So you want your daughters to learn about sex from some boy who will fuck her and turn her into a slut?

oh fuck off, why are you even on this forum when you're such a stinking lib?

people have been doing fine without "being taught about sex" for thousands of years.

I do wolfy. But i miss the theological talks in general. Im actually pretty private about religion. My parents are filipino catholics so you know how that is...

t. person who is obviously knowledgeable of Christianity and isn't making shit up

Thread theme btw: youtu.be/cgTF_fNuzXQ

Any thoughts on the ending? I didn't understand his "heartbreak" once he saw what he saw.

Find yourself a traditional Mass. The silent prayer of the traditional (sometimes called the Tridentine) Mass won't disappoint you.

It is like night and day compared to the Novus Ordo (vernacular or Mass in vulgar [common] language) Mass which was created out of whole cloth in 1969, breaking with 1,800+ years of tradition.

>So you want your daughters to learn about sex from some boy who will fuck her and turn her into a slut?

This is a fair criticism. Teaching someone shouldn't be the same as promoting such a thing to them. Chastity should be taught as it becomes relevant to the child, which includes discovering what to be chaste from.

Not related to theology or anything but are there any interesting Swiss Guard scenes?

I would go, but the only Latin mass offered is almost an hour and a half away. I've been to one before. Really serene.

Any basis on the veils that women wear though? Is it a throwback to the traditional church?

Not really sadly, just them saluting and stuff.

There is kangaroos tho.

Dussolier, heathen or not?

Sex scene with one of them fucking his qt Christian wife

Ah! Haha, I see.
But yeah, I'm a bit surprised how little has come about from the discussion on the generals. Even the atheists in 2014 were a better chat. More serious Protestants though this time.

I'll see what I can do for you next Sunday.

The dussolier is for

>I'm talking about a depiction of Christian mysticism which is something that is rarely ever explored in the mainstream but is absolutely essential to Christian life.
>He thinks seedy photos sprinkled with blasphemy for the sake of cinematography has anything to do Christian faith
>Uses the oxymoron "Christian mysticism"
Christianity is diametrically opposed to mysticism.
Buddhism can be music or paganism
Mysticism is heretical by Christian dogma
>Thinks a (((EU))) film project is essential to Christian life

Your post is so Moronic if it actually provokes the growth of cancer cells
Please consider suicide because passing on this level of stupid is a crime against humanity

It gets literally shitposted and slid by inane talk. Plus also HeWilNotDivideUs


Comfy coffee anyone from monks:


Always wanted to see this monastery, absolutely looks beautiful

>Mysticism is heretical by Christian dogma
>Christianity is diametrically opposed to mysticism.

What kind of stupid shit is this? Why would you in a thousand years believe something so obviously false?

Absolutely. Up until the 1960's, all women covered their head in the presence of the Holy of Holies.

It *was* an unbroken tradition since the time before Christ.

>Christianity is diametrically opposed to mysticism.


user, how can you be this wrong. Christianity has a long history with monasticism and mystics.
Are you Protestant or something?

You obviously don't know much about Christian history. You should research the Desert Fathers and monastics.

Any thoughts about this speech: youtu.be/LmbyWGCwX90

And thoughts on homosexual priests?

Not gonna lie fellow Sup Forumsacks, i'm not religious, have never been to a church and just decided to watch this show because I was at a friends place and watched it whilst drinking and passing time.

This show, unlike any other got to me that I can't explain. It's a bit funny, a bit outlandish, dramatic, and spiritual. The reality of politics and personal agendas with the subtlety of religious undertones.

I haven't a clue how to precisely put it, but it's a show that I can't stop watching.