Why haven't you started a white family yet Sup Forums?

why haven't you started a white family yet Sup Forums?

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I have

Military life is a bitch. Also my last girl broke up with me cause I cheated on her. Shame too, she was red-pill as fuck.

because i'm white, britbong and not very good looking

Can't even take care of myself, let alone a family. No girl wants that.

I'm between major points in my life so it would not be a good time in terms of things like money. I have also never had a gf so that makes it unlikely.

Because modern girls want huge Black dick

No gf

Because I can't get any tail.

Cause I have a shit job and am a 31 year old manlet that still lives with his parents.

Also I don't really want one.

girls wont even talk to me. its not like theyre going to marry me.

Is it ok to put babies in white women and let cucks take care of the kids or do you have to settle down instantly and take care of your first family?

Black. Best I can do is Mulatto, that or adopt a white kid.

Now that trump won I'm going to really start working on it

Because I'm Hispanic, although still technically white

>all these excuses
pathetic. I knew this board was filled with losers. You guys can't even go ten minuted without touching yourselves probably

I have :^)

>literally serving my country before myself
What have you ever done to contribute to the world?

Because anime isn't real yet.

Stop fucking nagging me, ok? I'll get around to it

My wife is Mexican but my children are blondish. Is my family white?

Married an Asian

No. Deport them and start over.

I'm a white guy in America so it's hard to find a white woman who wants to have sex with me. Theyre all after the brown guys

what makes you think we haven't yet?

statistically not true

They just cuck you and make you look like a beta.

First of all, you're american. So even if your wife was a pure blooded aryan your family would not be white

Teach me then, I would like to do this...

I dont want children, i like having money and no responsibility

Also the planet is overpopulated

my wife is a pinay

I live in los angeles...27 years old

No white girl wants to be my red-pilled wife for life, even if I'm a silent alpha, military vet, good genes and tall/strong.


im a krautkebap. im a racemixer no matter what i do. so what do you think i should do

>in b4 kill yourself
guess im gonna start the truck then

I want to marry a qt 3.14 nip

haha. i had one. turns out she's a slag and the kid ain't mine.
ama I guess

Could have with a Russian qt, but I want to have money to support my family and have her stay home. I'm too young, it drains your energy away from building great things.

Los Angeles? Why don't you just move, isn't it overpriced and overcrowded with a bunch of homeless and SJW's???

that sucks bro
how did you find out

>why haven't you started a white family yet Sup Forums?

I want to...but:
>currently in school & work full time
>crippling amount of debt is growing because school
>can't be in a relationship while in school because I tend to get too distracted
>can't start a family while in school because I will be distracted
I want a white family but won't because:
>women have become slutty trash desu
>likelyhood of getting a solid woman at this point is near 0.00000%
>I'd honestly rather just do some AnastasiaDate bullshit and get a Eastern European woman who has proper values when it comes to family and wants to actually be a mother and not a "sorority yuppie with kids."

Yeah yeah mock me all you want. But at this moment my next achievement in my career/education ladder will happen when I graduate October 30, 2017. Then I have to go back to school again for more fun.

It will all be worth it though.

I'm a cashier making $9 an hour. I can't even support myself.

she was growing distant before she became preggo
then the kid came out looking not much like me
then I bought a test off the internet

I dont want to raise kids in a city, they turn into shit, and my work requires a major city

Aussie men and cheating.
Not surprised in the least, you degenerate

Fuck off Hans and save your country

>he believes in the overpopulation meme

Fuck off kike shill

I know it's ((((Kurzgesagt)))) pro-refugee cunt but he's right about this.

Huge african, poo in the loo, arab, chinese birth rates are actually
only just a phase that has happend to everybody.

Back in Victorian times in England, the british woman would also usually have about like 12 children aswell

As a society becomes more relaxed and civilized, that declines.

Same will happen in Africa and shit

>It will all be worth it though.

>worth it

I started my white family with my big white cock, just look at it.

Because my genitals were removed in a freak vacuum cleaner incident.

There is never a good time. Just start making babies. Quit being so damn picky.


There's your problem

Move to (or at least travel to) southern u.s if you want to find a woman who is wife material. City whores are trash. Most southern women are either A: complete garbage; or B: redpilled conservative virgins who want to marry and have big white families. It's easy to find them because only the trashy ones open their mouths unnecessarily

you did the right thing

you should improve your taste in women though

Become a Paramedic then go to school to become a Registered Nurse, get hired in rescue flight and emergency transport then try and be edgy with me faggot!


i have 3 kids already, although one is mixed and not mine but still 2 my own kids. so pretty good.

I fucked up badly actually. this was the end to, like, 12 years of living with her
I'm an idiot, and I think I'm done with long-term relationships, at least for this lifetime

>gybo not having fammily
you are doing us great service bro.

Why are you graduating in October? That doesn't seem like a normal semester timeline

Because of people like me ;)

> gyppo
I'm white as driven snow, but you are free to believe whatever suits your fancy

I have.

> I knew this board was filled with losers.

You obviously haven't.

>Sup Forums wants me to raise a white family to save the white race

>Sup Forums doesn't want to raise the minimum wage so I can afford to raise a white family

Which is it faggots?

I can't convince a girl to go out with me.

admit it, this post was the thread's goal from the start

Wouldnt want to risk it and have my potential offspring face the consequences

I dated 2 white men before. Seems like most are low test beta cucks drowning in self pity that justify their NEET state and uselessness toward society by claiming "they blame me and hurt my feelings so i should do nothing"

They're also awful at retaining what culture they have left and don't have an ounce of motivation and lack the basic social skills required to get a job. It's not like anyone is asking you to change your views either, to keep a job you simply don't say certain things as certain times

Even thought gooks have small dicks and somr self esteem issues, I've probably enjoyed dating them more solely due to the fact that I'm talking to a functioning human being. Ones who have jobs, think about their future, their happiness, their financial state and the lives of their future children

What do most of you even do besides sit and post on /pol all day? I love /pol but i don't stop my ability to function irl while shitposting. I'm a korean girl, i have a part time job in a medical clinic. I attend college full time and pay my taxes. I house and feed myself and have scholarships that help reduce my tuition fees.

Most of the people here are white men between the ages of 18-25. So what are you doing irl besides drowning in self pity?

go make yourself a living commie

Some skinny Asian kid at a university who is tired of watching his gook women get shredded by whites and niggers typed this

> Dated 2
> Sees how -most- are


>go to college

Not getting trapped in $20,000+ of debt while not even being able to get a job with my (supposedly lucrative) degree.

>trade school

Same problems as college on lesser scale

>just get job through nepotism

No family/friends to give me a good job

>just get any shitty job you can get

Retail/fast-food doesn't pay enough to afford a wife or raise a family.

>serving the jew before yourself
I respect soldiers and other army folk but you basically serve the jew

>havent fucked any boy
>still knows that gay sex is not for him

I have a qt Asian GF who was adopted from China in 95. She grew up in an Italian house in NJ so she cooks awesome Italian food but still fulfills Asian fetish yeah boi

Broke, unemployed, and want to die.

okay you say college isn't worth it
may I ask what your current occupation is?

>Not getting trapped in $20,000+ of debt while not even being able to get a job with my (supposedly lucrative) degree.
Not if you pick a real field and actually apply yourself with internships and such.
>retail doesn't pay enough
Stop thinking of jobs as only being in malls, you aren't a fucking child anymore. Car lots pay good money to good salespeople.

Cher up. You gonna make it !

I have no money.
And anyone tells me money doesn't matter, just fuck off. If you're not providing your wife with a comfy life she will just fucking leave you or hate you for 20 years before she leaves you.

And I'm not even depressed about it, fuck love if it comes with a price tag. I simply don't need that.

As long as you're not one of those faggots that cries on here about there being no good women and tfw no gf and all that other shit when you're off acting like an inconsiderate and aloof cunt then whatever

I never trace my rapevictims.

I'm a NEET obviously, can you read?

>Not if you pick a real field and actually apply yourself with internships and such.

That's why I said supposedly lucrative.

There's people who got STEM degrees and tried very hard, but can't find a job. The jobs don't exist here or they're given out based on nepotism.

>Stop thinking of jobs as only being in malls, you aren't a fucking child anymore. Car lots pay good money to good salespeople.

They won't hire me.

If you being a NEET is sustainable, don't fucking bother with jobs. People are total shit and will make your life miserable just for the hell of it. So, working is way more psychologically damaging than playing an mmo at home the entire day.

Because i'm 23 and there really isn't that many stable jobs around for someone with no contacts.

I've been forced into joining the military because it's about the only fucking place that needs men.


I don't like people, and I especially don't like children. It's a waste of my time to be attached to others, I can improve the world more on my own.

Hi Chang.

Nah. Women are as versatile personality-wise as guys. Plenty of red-pilled girls around, they just hide their power levels like we do. If you can't get a gf you're probably a beta neet. I just have no time for it at the moment cause I'm busy fighting the shitskins.

>he thinks the Australian army is the same as the US one.
Our military serves Australia first and sends the bare minimum to help the yanks in order to keep them in our back pocket if we get invaded.

I have. Life is good.

>Plenty of red-pilled girls around
How can you say something this blatantly incorrect? Have you taken a look at Western societies? Are they perhaps the result of there being plenty of red pilled women?

I'm Asian.

Which isn't a bad plan. We actually appreciate it bro thnx

There's as many degenerate men as there are women. I'm not saying most women are red pilled, I'm saying there's about as many as there are red pilled men.

As whites, you should bleach humanity by impregnating every women out there. Then run off and let them be single mothers or find a beta male to take care of your child.

Found out today she's pregnant. She's white too.

Any time. Doesn't mean I don't respect your troops, some of the best I've fought with were yanks. Got some shit to sort through in your upper ranks though.

>I'm saying there's about as many as there are red pilled men.
That's debatable. For example, you'd probably say that our women are red pilled, but they just hide their degeneracy way better then Western women. The average woman here will suck a guy off in his car on saturday night and go to church on sunday morning without feeling bad in any way. And you'd probably say oh look at these red pilled christian women.

Do you think it's a good idea to start a family even if you're poor?

I've been thinking, kids survived Victorian England so today's poor kids must live like Kings compared to back then.
Also what matters, is that the child is loved and the parents are not liberal.

Poor conservative families are better the wealthy liberal families.

No sensible woman will start a family with a poor guy, unless she's a drug addict or has psychological problems. I grew up in a poor family, my mom hated my dad until she divorced him and I just grew up as an emotionally damaged individual. Doing the same thing my parents did would be utter retardation.

I wouldn't suggest that at all.
Most red pilled women have very little social media presence, all you get are the headlines of retarded feminist bitches and turbosluts in the nightlife.

Congratulations user good luck in being the best father and husband you can be in this depraved world.

I'm not talking about social media presence, I'm speaking from my own experience and from the experiences of people I know. But anyway, if you're a man of means a girl will gladly change herself into a redpilled individual just to make sure she gets paid