Reviving president

Scientists find a way to resurrect a single american president. who should they revive?

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Andrew Jackson

he's the only one who can kill the bank all over again

Lincoln and then send him to Baltimore and film it for a reality show


Andrew "Fuck Kikes and Indian Rights" Jackson

Lincoln. Or Teddy Roosevelt. Back when Republicans weren't stereotypical Captain Planet villains.

10000% Revive Andrew Jackson and unleash his unbridled wrath and hatred on the Federal Reserve


Coolidge. And put him in charge of the IRS.

Theodore "Can't fuck a bear? No fair!" Roosevelt

Make USA imperialist again.

Or Woodrow "Get The Kraut Out" Wilson

>"what are you guys still doing here?"

Who the fuck is Martin van Buren?


hes bascially worshiped as a god by the american people and would be able to fix shit up

He was Andrew Jacksons VP

The sad part is if he was revived liberals would turn against him.


Goddamn Jackson would have a field day in canada

Teddy for sure. He was the most badass one.

Jackson with better economic plan (yeah the panic wasn't his fault) and not that morally questionable although he hated Indians too like almost all Americans including the abolitionists.
But not as cool. Which is what most people care about.

Jackson, let the world (and galaxy) burn.

If a President were revived it'd be pointless because he'd take one look at America and kill himself.

Remember when Hillary blew up this image?


How come it always shows obama 2 shades darker than he actually is?

Andrew Jackson

To make extra sure that the reader knows he's a black guy. It's fuckin' ridiculous

wilson was terrible. approved the creation of the fed and league of nations. he set the stage for ww2.
hindsight is 20/20 and he did what he thought was right but there's a reason we haven't had another lifetime academic in charge.



Give him a tour of a modern air assault brigade then show him a map of our current borders.

Why is Poland telling me about American president?


Well whoever you pick bring back John A MacDonald back afterwards. I wanna see non-anglos and non-aryans lose the right to vote and their citizenship.


Holy Shit this. We'd have Europe in a year.

Richard Nixon

everyone who didn't say JFK is a raging faggot tbqh


Because I know the presidents. And the biggest mistakes people make when evaluating them,

James Madison to finally BTFO out of everyone trying to interpret the constitution

Andrew Jackson is the only correct answer, and he isnt even my favorite president.

>remove (((banks)))
>remove nigs

Thomas jefferson

Bring principle back to this amoral country

Or jfk mostly for activism purposes, like abolishing the cia and the fed


>fucked our country horribly with executive order 10988 (collective bargaining for Federal employees)
Yeah nah

Millard Fillmore

fpbp right here

Oh you know you all want the Taft.

Teddy Roosevelt so he can help Trump rebuild the American empire

>Stop wasting our time and money on studying revival
>Start investing our time and money on developing a soulstone
>Develop Soulstone
>cast in on Trump
>Keep on winning

Any white nationalist who doesnt pick Andrew Jackson needs to read a book. He was our best POTUS.