Was I slipped the red pill recently?

Was I slipped the red pill recently?

>vote for Obama 2008

>still registered as dem

>voted for Hillary 2016

I never browsed pol until these last few weeks regarding the inauguration and I cant believe my damn eyes. Hillary supporters are insane bat shit crazy, cause they lost. It's like my 10 yo nephew having a tantrum. It wasn't until I saw the tweets regarding Barron (my new glorious and future leader) that I became embarrassed for the DNC. I respect Trump as he is my POTUS and i respect his decisions. This guy will make America great again and i am sorry I ever doubted him.

My question is, am I stuck here now? I am still familiarizing myself with pol, but i can tell you are miles ahead of Sup Forums. Help me understand you guys. Im afraid, but hopefully my anxiety will pass with my eyes truly open now.

Other urls found in this thread:


You are forgiven.

>miles ahead of Sup Forums
kek what are you even talking about

No, you still have a long way to go.

Now fuck off


you might have hit a new 7 year cycle and are on to a new part of your life

Depends on how you wanna play your life out.

Die alone knowing you are right (Sup Forums)

Die delusional with delusional friends (not Sup Forums)

I see Sup Forums as the retarded potato where as Sup Forums is the autistic adult who could beat me in a game of chess.

Hello and welcome, Satan. Always nice to see new people around here.

The image to the right contains useful introductory information; place review it in detail and familiarize yourself with it's contents.

I'm married with a child on the way. Wife and I moved out west recently, so no friends. She was the one who woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me about the fappening, so I don't mind spending the rest of my life with you guys and my family. She knows who you guys are.

>Die alone knowing you are right (Sup Forums)
>Die delusional with delusional friends (not Sup Forums)

My life has actually gotten better since I took the redpill. I actually think it has helped me become much more aware of who and what I want to be, and helped me mature as a person accordingly.

you didn't mention niggers or jews but i can tell by your numbers that you hold a deep hatred for them in your heart. welcome and stay inquisitive

jews did 911

holocaust doesnt real

hitler was right

america was started by white nationalists

welcome to Sup Forums enjoy your stay, if you think your disillusionment is bad, ive been here for 6 years now and im still amazed.

>My question is, am I stuck here now?

Yes. you're here forever. that's not a joke or something we say just to scare the normies.

you're still in the honeymoon phase, so everything is new to you. eventually, it'll all become familiar. then, you might get fed up with the shill threads, leave for a while, but next time a shooting or invasion happens, you'll be back here with the rest of us a fast as you can reach a computer.

Stop being a faggot. Lurk more.

>Hillary supporters are insane bat shit crazy, cause they lost. It's like my 10 yo nephew having a tantrum.

To add to this, Trump voters pay something like 64% of taxes.

Make of it what you will.

After a while you realize Sup Forums suffers its own kind of bluepillment.

Not the real Red Pill yet.

>It wasn't until I saw the tweets regarding Barron (my new glorious and future leader) that I became embarrassed for the DNC
That's what brought you around? You've got some looking back to do, my friend.

There is no going back

Welcome to the real word

Not all of us buy the "EVERYONE IS CONTROLLED OPPOSITION" meme.

No, you can get the fuck out, and the sooner the better.

Holy shit.

Fucking cancer.

This This This

Translation: it is preferable to silently absorb the output of our hivemind for several days/weeks before attempting to contribute. Because Sup Forums operates by stream-of-consciousness, you will need a sufficiently large sample size of data to begin understanding the ebb and flow of ideas.

I used to have black friends in school, but stopped hanging out with them after they constantly asked me for smokes. Also, niggers smell like moth balls or some shit and their hands feel weird when you shake it.

Jews? I deleted all my fb jew friends who i knew from Chicago cause they are now throwing a fit about that Kristy girl or whatever. Plus, I'm fairly certain all jews and Muslims are related since they come from the same region. So fuck them all.

Sup Forums was always cancer, but back then it was good cancer instead of the shit cancer that infests it today.

This hits home as Sup Forums used to be my news source. I am amazed at how fast you report news, whereas CNN takes hours, you take minutes.

You realize that we only expand our movement by trapping new people in the hurt-box, right?

IDK. I understand what you're saying, especially regarding contribution, but I think it's fine for FOBies to ask the occasional question.

If we go too far into the "REEEE NEWFAGS FUCK OFF" territory, we risk driving more people away.

Lets see here....


>Don't forget, you're here forever.

>The ride never ends!

I think that about covers it.

Pol is the father our emasculated world needs.

I literally do not watch news when shit is really happening, I just find the general thread about it here.

Welcome - the pain of it all will remain, but you will find a new joy and reason in the things you do and strive for, especially with a wife and kid.

It's okay user, we know you're trying to save him. but he's already too far down the hole and you know it.

Sarcasm is a must if ya wanna survive these parts

Also, be aware that Sup Forums is a veritable Savannah watering hole for actual players in the intelligence community for the reason you just mentioned. Some merely spectate, many gather data on unfiltered public opinion, still others attempt to manipulate the group through selective reporting of news or outright misinformation. Not to say they're all "bad" but this site is very much a Petri dish.

In general, never trust anyone who presents themselves as an "insider." The people who give real information would never be stupid enough to market it as such.

You might wanna start praying to Kek. I've found it to be pretty effective.

I started hating the news back when I was still bluepilled, to the point where I stopped watching or reading it altogether.

Eventually, I was so poorly informed about current events that I could barely name the last happening or even current names of politicians.

Then, I came here. I still don't watch news, but I'm so far ahead of anyone I know on current events that people think I'm lying about things until they see them on CNN, sometimes days or weeks afterwards.

>story of self redpilling
Well welcome fellow friend. You were blessed by Kek himself it seems.

I think there might be more to this than just a joke.

For young men, a strong father figure is undoubtedly critical (even the Feminists have tot try to obfuscate this - notice how they don't contest it outright).

But when that is absent, camaraderie and fraternity can help fill the whole. I mean, we all know how drawn Vibrant Urban Youths are to gangs. Maybe there's a connection between that and their absent fathers.

He's crossed the event horizon. The only possible paths that are not oriented in the direction the redpill require him to be moving backward in time.

It's alright brother.

We only wanted what's best for everyone.

Sorry it took you so long to see past the smoke.

The fear is that everything you have been taught is wrong...

if you didnt fear you were incorrect you wouldnt of investigated this place to get the other half of the story.

Dont just accept the red pill!

dont be scared to ask the tough questions that feel damning now.

itll only strength us as a whole!

Op, remember that 70% of /pol posts are made by ctr shills. It is very important you dig past them, /pol is life changing and for the better. Pay attention to the serious threads, and forget the trolls. Try to understand /pol and the ideas, even the obscene ones.


Oh, and here's a good starter red pill. Man lives his life in ego and perspective, living by morality that in the modern day is determined by the herd masses, and has degenerated from its original intent. Shitposting and trolling that you see on /pol, "edgy", is a way to return to man's natural state of pure chaos, to understand why our fathers and grandfather's lived by the morality they lived by.

there is no fucking movement faggot get out

I have no qualms pledging allegiance to Kek.

I wasn't joking. My dad died when I was 13 and ever since then I've been in need of a masculine role model. At least my 6 years older brother is a terrific guy so I wasn't totally fucked in that regard.

The process of becoming redpilled was fucking painful but it made me a better person. I didn't have much of an ambition or a desire to be virtous before. It really taught me not to be a boy anymore and to take responsibility.

Indeed, the people who say praise kek are only half joking. Keks symbol, the frog, has esoteric importance. The frog is an amphibian, he is able to walk on land let lives in water. Indeed, take for instance the story of the princess and the frog. The frog is able to transform into a prince. The frog is constantly a bridge between two things. Much like /pol is a bridge between reactionary politics, which operates within your humanly perspective, and a more godly, esoteric understanding of being.

Beyond that, the anonymity and largely unrestricted discourse here, I think, is a virtue.

The Founding Fathers were unafraid of the threat of 'Fake News' not because it they thought it would be hard to subject the populous to false or biased information, but because, in the 1790s, it was very easy to do so.

They expected that the American People, bombarded by messages of every inclination and bias, would be able to discern the truth from the collective mass. RT isn't useful because it's unbiased; it's useful because it's biases are utterly different from those of CNN of Fox.

Also, I'm running out of redpill fact infographics. Those are usually helpful for newfags; anyone got more?

I, too, grew up without a father. I see Barron and I am jealous that he had such a blessed life. Good for him.

>>voted for Hillary

You have no ground to look down at anyone for acting like a child throwing a tantrum when you just exemplified the same level of stupidity, you cancerous fuck.

Welcome to mr bones wild ride

>the ride never ends
it just got faster

>Equal Military
>Static Military

what did he mean by this

Also, frogs are becoming extinct because their habitat is being destroyed. That's what's happening to whites. That's what's happening to virtuous life.

Yes, but the difference is, I know I was wrong, they don't. I am simply asking for your forgiveness.

If military spending is scaled to the population. Equal military means it stays constant, static means that if we Physically Remove the nonwhites, we scale down the military to the new size of the population.


All feminism has been shit. Women still use it today to advance their position with no regard for society


You are absolved. For your penance, Remove Kebab.

Agreed. Much like Marxism, it is not a good idea that went wrong; it was a terrible idea from the start.

It just happened to sound good.


you cant go back.
But that doesnt mean you MUST be republican. It means you must (((try to know the truth))).

disregard this guys comment, im sure we have all done regrettable things in our lives the important thing is to learn from our mistakes

Digits of Hell.

Those digits. Kek wills it.


Don't get tricked by the shills, new friend.

You'd hardly even scratched the surface.


I mean... don't take it too seriously. I think that's the only way to do it properly.

This whole thing is very post-ironic.

Praising kek unironically kind of ruins the point

>you're here forever now


>You must be worthy, user.

>Go and suffer the 10 trials of newfags, on the scattered dimensions across Sup Forums.

>Find the ultimate redpill.

>Be the ultimate redpill.

>join us.

you overestimate Sup Forums, best we can do is rant about multidimensional chess

>Im afraid, but hopefully my anxiety will pass with my eyes truly open now.

no. get out while you still can.

don't underestimate Sup Forums, either
we have a lot of potential when it comes to the internet, and we actively clear the deception of the jews with every day that goes by. It becomes obvious who is behind all of this when you start looking at the names of the people who write the articles.

It's allways, ALWAYS is one of (((them,))) aka steinburg, goldburg, schlomo, etc.

Praise kek brother, Oh Shadilay i say
those digits made my day

no need for anxiety just embrace (((reality))) and dance that blue pill fever away to S H A D I L A


>It's allways, ALWAYS is one of (((them,))) aka steinburg, goldburg, schlomo, etc.

This video is what eventually sold me on (((That))) problem.


Give it about two minutes.

Forgive me father for i have sinned

here is the Y to that S H A D I L A Y

You will never find a forum that discusses things more freely than pol.

Hence, every other forum you take part in will just be a pale shadow where you roleplay having a discussion, but you know it will never be as free as this. It will make you come back again and again.

Lurk more.

Fuuck off back to re.ddit newfag

>It's like my 10 yo nephew having a tantrum.
>I respect Trump as he is my POTUS and i respect his decisions

Dat cognitive dissonance.

Get out while you still can. Once you start spending time on here, there is no leaving

Huh, I never thought of it that way. Good post

Obvious LARP is obvious.
Fuck everyone who replied to this slide thread

good man, now make the most of this "rebirth", grow your son/daughter right, and don't listen to the negativity, a redpilled life isn't a sad life if you do it right

Your journey has just begun.

I'm afraid it's too late. My F150 is stuck in the mud and i have abandoned it. I am now walking towards the sunset horizon.

You're USA, as long as you consider yourself white, male and accept pro-USA opinions, you are welcome here with your passive attitude. If not, you may have to actually debate someone to get comfy here

Welcome aboard

you're making the right choice, this is the right cause, welcome to the right side of history, ameribro

>as long as you consider yourself white

And you pass. This bit is important.

You have a lot of reading to do. The right wing is a vast and terrifying place. They did not lie; crazies and conspiracy cooks do live here. But so do noble people interested in the truth and nothing but the truth.

I would not start with Sup Forums, by its nature this place is unserious. Its the meme war frontline but its not for newcomers who've just fallen off the liberal wagon.

Go google Hayek, Sowell, Rothbard, Dalrymple, Evola, Moldbug...it'll start to make sense

Fun fact. One of the few people who endorsed Trump was a guy who wrote the speeches for JFK.
He believed US needs to get out of the cold-war mentality, and that he has only seen 2 people in his life running for president who are willing to push that thought: JFK and Trump. The bitch anchor at CNN got triggered as fuck, she considered him to be one of theirs, it's really an enlightening video, but no idea where to find it, I watched it on the basic cable.
And btw, no, I'm not pro-Russian or pro-Commie. I still did agree with him that there are far more important problems and threats out there than Russia is to global peace.

well, if you want absolute 100% proof, then I suggest reading the Talmud; it effectively displays the basis for zionism, and this invasive form (if there even is a difference, I don't really know) of judaism that floods and controls the vast majority of our media and politics.

The sooner the more people know about this, the sooner something can actually be done to stop it

Exactly, too many niggers and mongrels around considering themselves white or proclaiming themselves as such, just to avoid having to argue about or having to use their brains to make a point.
And if you want to be just like one them, go around accusing people who argue your points that they are niggers in disguise, because ad hoc argument is the best non-argument out there.

Lurk more faggot.
How long did you spend on Sup Forums? It'll be at least 4 or 5 months before you'll be able to contribute without sticking out like a sore thumb.

some decent pasta from the other day:

Liberals are fucking idiots. Under our electoral college system, it's likely that many of their votes did not matter. They spent their time in
the same big cities telling same people that working class white people are the problem but they can't win elections anymore, so fuck them
they are racists and rednecks. You own the media and you get them to put out polls that say Hillary is 50% ahead nationally and that Trump
supporters stand no chance and should be embarrassed.
>"Fuck Trump and Fuck White People"
You set up 3 rigged debates and can't win even with all the moderators lying and arguing with Trump too.
Just to be safe you make up 9 fake rape cases about Trump
You tell everybody that the wikileaks and O'Keefe videos are fake
You have everybody in place to stuff the ballots in every major city
You get buses to take people around to vote multiple times
You register dead
You register illegals
Everything is justified because Trump is racist and we can't let him have the nuclear codes
On election day, you get everyone calling the election for Hillary before it starts
you win blue states huge and lose red states by very little. Then you lose florida, pennsylvania, ohio, the entire midwest
States that have been blue for decades are flipping, you don't know what's happening
You panic you start stuffing every ballot as fast as you can but the electoral vote is already over.
At the end you get 3 million votes more but the electoral college isn't buying it
>Democracy is dead
The Russians have to be behind this they are fucking whites
You won't stand for this you demand Obama nuke Russia for hacking the election
You go nuts having a complete meltdown
You sign petitions #notmypresident
You get caught lying over and over
You pay gangs or mentally handicapped people to riot and protest Trump
You destroy your whole party and blame everyone else

the extent of the redpill is still scarier than you could ever imagine

you will think it's not real, it can't be, you will fall down a bottomless pit of despair and dread, until you come out the other side, and realize, that you too can do your part in the great war against The Jew


We're all racist white supremists who are dumb rednecks

Beautiful pic user, it boosted my morals. Wouldn't mind a bit more fat on that bitch though.

yes, user. yes.

"Tadpoles eat a wide variety of things. It ranges from species to species. In the wild most tadpoles will eat micro plants and algae. Some species are omnivores and eat organic debris from decomposed plants or animals."
In captivity they can eat a wide variety of food. For example baby food, egg yolk, and lettuce. If you are raising tadpoles your choices will vary for different types of tadpoles. Some popular things to feed them are lettuce and spinach."

"Unlike other pets you or your kids have found in the yard frogs can be a great pet. Frogs are carnivores, which mean they eat meat. So, what do frogs eat? Well as a general rule frogs will only eat live food."

>those Satanic trips
What is Holy Kek trying to say? Does OP have His blessing? His scorn?