Velika Hrvatska

Greater Croatia when?


>adding millions of muslims and serbs to our population

No thanks, fuck off.

What wrong with Bosnians?

they dont belong on this continent

Stop the shilling.

The moment when Croatians stop being fat brown lazy pieces of never

>Croatians stop being fat brown lazy pieces of shit
Projecting much?
Also no that shit's retarded, Bosnia has no development and why would you want Serbs in your land? Not worth the Admin, how about we make Serbia and R.S a big ol lake?

Never. That's common knowledge, so stop memeing.

It's like I started a thread:

>Romania without Gypsies when?

It's just never gonna happen.

never, at least with those borders

Hmmm, no.

soon my friend soon...

Leave Muslims and Serbs out, we don't want them.


they don't belong in this fucking solar system ffs

those exclaves
pls no, make a border to it.

Domagoj Domagojevich ready to fight for his home country
Not projecting, Croats are fat, lazy, and brown pieces of shit, anybody's who's been there on vacation will agree

Never. Shill faggot.

As an actual fat, lazy, and brown piece of shit, I beg to differ. This, Sir, is a gross mischaracterisation of the fine upstanding Hrvatski Volk.

lmfao bruh you're cringey asf, go ask anyone if that's their opinion on Croats in the western world.
dijaspora is so cringey

cвe нaјгope cвим дoбpим љyдимa дoбpe вoљe кoјe гoд вepoиcпoвecти или нaциoнaлнocти били нeгo јe битнo кaкaв cи чoвeк...
јeбeм вaм мaтep збoг вac cмo и дoшли дoвдe, личнo јepcтe ви двoличaн oлoш и мaтope тeткe кoјe cтe жeљнe дaлмaтинcкoг кypцa и нaјбoљe cy вaм ycпoмeнe кaд вac јe мaтe тoвapиo нa cплићaнcкoј плaжи нa paднoј aкцији '79. пpe ћy дa yгocтим јeднoг тoмпcoнa зa кoг знaм штa ми миcли нeгo пpoceдo кyдpaвo гoвнo динa мepлинa кoји јe изнeнaдa oпeт пocтao јyгoнocтaлгичaн. личнo ви пичкe кoјe хoћeтe дa cпaјaтe нecпoјивo cтe и нaпpaвили cвo oвo cpaњe a дa cмo били кoмшијe билo би ЗДPABO- ЗДPABO и ayкypaц. ми зaocтaли нaцијoнaлиcти ћeмo paдијe oвaкo oдвoјeни дa ocтaјeмo y нaшим дpжaвaмa a ви идитe нa пycтo ocтpвo пa тaмo пpaвитe јyгocлoвeнcкy yтoпијy и пocлe пeт гoдинa oпeт пaлитe кyћe јeдни дpyгимa a нac пycтитe нa миpy.
јeбитe ce и yгинитe вeћ јeднoм пpoклeти јyгocлoвeнcки нaцијoнaлиcти, oд cвих нaцијoнaлиcтa личнo ви cтe нaјгopи. нecтaнитe.'

Zašto? Ionako smo već usrana zemlja s idiotima u vladi.
Možda onda ipak puste Kolindu u bijelu kuču :D

t. serb diaspora

Never, now fuck off.

fuck croatia



Hey those guys are pretty cool, whose that on the bottom kinda looks like a sped.

Australian sleeper cell reporting

Just give us the word and we can have Wollongong to Newcastle as rightful Croatian soil in a week


Only Croatian part worth a shit is the beach, where everybody is naked. Why would a human want to go inland? No nakeds, only old people and depressed locals who can't go to the beach and get naked. Croatia should be like ten miles along the ocean and that is all.


Fuck off to Serbia shill!

Deport all Croats to Bosnia and annex Croatian for Hungary. This is the only way.

>the ocean

which ocean would that be, you retarded burger?


Who /ustase/ here?

Yeah dude, you got me, I'm a Serb and everything I saw in Croatia was just a dream, in fact I was actually put in an artificial coma and just woke up, thanks for everything!


Fuck off with that Ustasa meme.
The Ustasa were important from 1929 to 1941 in their fight against the Serbian monarchy, I'll give them that. But everything after that was pure shit. They sold our coast and Istria to the Italians and they coorperated with the traitorous muslims.

Trpimirovic, Jurisic, Zrinski, Frankopan, Jelacic, Radic, Gotovina these are our heroes.

Fuck Pavelic and the rest.
>"Never a slave"
Yeah, sure, then why the fuck did they allow the Germans to ensalve us?...again.
If they were consistent they wouldn't have agreed to no compromise and would have fought the Germans and the Partizans.

There's only one true Croatian nation and that's the Croatian Republic. And it will grow.

>"adding" anyone
yeah... that's not quite how it goes

Looks more like removing.

>And it will grow
LOL, your typical diaspora monkey talking about expansion, every Croat actually living in Croatia and having to endure how shitty the government is is sick of you retards

What do you know about Croatia?

Forgot the Germanfag.

>he's not istrian
lmaoing at your life

Just look at diaspora in this thread, it's a bit cringy.

Thought so, nothing.
Worry a bit more about what the Germans think of your leader Merkel than what the Croats think.
Maybe your women wouldn't get raped if you did so.


Thanks for leaving Slovenia out of this one lads.