Trump's effect on Finland

Any fellow Finnish ppl here? Any thoughts on God-Emperor Trumps effects on Finland?

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He will ban spurdo.


does that mean spurdo will seek asylum here like everything else brown and retarded

Well fuck.. I did not think this far.
But i guess you are right.

not after this he wont

Push north to south in finland, round up all the mudslimes and shitskins, throw them in the Baltic.

Until then you will be a disappointment

you are bargain chip about to be liberated by russia :DDD

Warmer Russia-US relations will make our foreign politics easier and revitalize trade with Russia. Great times ahead, much enthusiasm!

sorry wrong song

If Trump's policies start showing results immediately, and the polls start gravitating towards more to the right (see Halla-Aho) after the center-left starts spouting bullshit, there's a good chance we will have similar things happening here

this is amazing bread

That old thing? Well as long as we can keep our tortilla tavataan ja pirkka memes.

Now that Murica is back in the real world, it's effect will seep into Europe sooner or later. It means the world has changed. We're no longer taking part in some leftist power fantasy larp, but things are finally trending up. For the first time since 90s I feel like future isn't guaranteed to be shit.
Also I'm developing ameribooism despite always looking down on them previously.

Lol @ how the media can't admit it

If he doesn't cancel it, Trump will probably sell F-35s to Finland (the only non-NATO country to get them).

This will stimulate the Finnish economy by forcing Kauppinen Earth Moving Company to hire many Estonians so they can fix the ground every time one crashes.

No that's the one

Dude don't be so sure of anything. I don't remember last time I felt so unsure about future. I'm like on the verge of selling my shit and just getting drunk all day because I think conflict is coming. But this is just a gut feeling, nobody can say for sure

My gut feels considerably better than yours.

Spurdo will live on in the deepest pits od ylilauta. BTW should we raid some Finnish lib-tards twitter, with spudros?


Pick 1.

Nothing has any meaning, ever.

>Any thoughts on God-Emperor Trumps effects on Finland?

BENIS :----------DDDD

yeah I hope your gut is right

Hello can we buy your guns :DD

Oh pergele.. =DDD



Don't worry. WW3 will probably begin this year or the next

finland is fucking GAY

The nine-piece board play

Ossi "joopii" Ketola
> Tomi "pureofrune" Rahikainen
> Atte Lempelto
> RsJofa

Our story, like all epic stories, begins Wiki
> Joopii, rsjofa and pureofrune affect the respective fields
> No one will know each other in real life
> Ossi aka joopii and rsjofa gamble runerahaa triumphantly
> Runetalouden restructuring drive Ossi DDoS attacks
> The money will be more than before, and Ossi is enriched irl
> Ossi makes videos to YouTube ddossaamisestaan
> One of the victims is pureofrune aka Tomi, who knows the identity of this Ossi spoken on Skype
> Ossi says Tom earned a lot of money on questionable the means it
> The amount is more than 80 000 €
> Tomi peppukipeytyy the loss of virtual property
> At the same time, Tom teases Atte junior high school boy named kiharahiuksinen

Ylilaudalle will appear on the thread in which the AP reveal the Constitution and the law violations committed by Ossi
> Shit whipping up tips and online rains
> Dossi-Ossi has now meme
> Fobba Ossi take thousands of dollars of gaming machine
> 14-year-old Ossi is not criminally responsible for their actions
> Ossi can continue to earn money by legal means

>Trump will probably sell F-35s to Finland
No thanks, we don't need your overpriced meme-coffins

Ossi thinks jofan led to the issuing cop story thread
> Really AP wire was Tomi
> Tom is not happy, because he is still being harassed
> Also rsjofa ddossaa from Tom runerahaa
> Someone Tom acquaintances decide to banter
> This tells Tom Aten to be rsjofa
> Tomi says Ossi found out the identity of jofan
> Tomi send Ossi image Atte Lempeltosta woodland hoodie
> Ossi is a bitter thousands of dollars of losses and believes the story
> Ossi makes Ylilaudalle numerous threads Aten image
> Nyymït create different variations and only swellable yarns bumplimitteihin
> Right rsjofa get to know yarns and send a message to Ossi to prove that Atte is innocent
> Ossi stop undue coercion, and will continue to quietly rotating rs-Casino

To find out the truth from Ossi Tomi continue rsjofa-meme compulsion because there is still a bitter Atelle
> Tom still does not know that there is no Atte rsjofa
> Tomi force jofaa day and night
> Managed gets tired / b / 's qualifying jofalankoihin and still thinks he's guilty of these Ossi
> Tomi send messages via the dongle with the "Ossi" threat of attack Ylilautaa
> Occasional appear tahmalanka with Ossi Ketola's picture and personal information
> Jofan forcing continues after this incident, and maintenance set jofalle sanafiltterin, where you can get a temporary Bann
> Tomi rotate sanafilttereitä as and when they appear by using the phrases "j0fa", "java" and so on.
> Other users think they are still behind the compulsion Ossi
> Tomi has forced jofaa end for over a year
> Atte Lempelto Ylilaudan is the best known and most hated face


wunderschöne language
also checked

buy griben :DDD

In January 2014 appears to YouTube videos, where the Chinese boy forced jofaa family and neighbors
> This DanielAU-called channel nyymïen attract attention
> Videos posted at a / b / ratio constant kick
> Chinese boy gets rewarded with videos According to the data rs money
> Jofa is another current topic boards
> At the same time, Tomi posting in the thread, in turn, showing genuine rsjofaa
> Tomi Eronen stage Joni person named in the rsjofa
> Yarn gather hundreds of responses, and people will begin to interest for forcing backgrounds
> Ossi decide to come for the first time in a long time out for yourself and create a platinum account name
> During the hiatus, Ossi has garnered for itself a major asset considering that he is still a fairly minor
> Ossi says a long line of wire past a pair from their own perspective and answering questions nyymïen
> Ossi admits DanielAU-sets behind, but reveals Tomi Rahikainen share for years in duration, constraint
> Also, the right rsjofa appears subsidies Ossi story
> For the first time nyymeille truth dawns rsjofa-casesta
> Also, Tom learns the wrong person obliged the two years

If I may injerect for a second
also apologise for my country men

If one should destroy a piece of land then it would cause a lot of monetary damage plus the price of the plane which is tremendous.

We will defend our country and you dont need to jew us out of our defense money.

oh yeah what you gonna do about that, suck my dick, if you dont suck the weanus you´re a sexist racist homophobe nazi and will never get laid with lefties so blow it up bitch

Hockey is fucking gay. I hate how literally everyone in this country is so fucking obsessed by it.


Ossi declare that it had agreed with the maintenance of reaching the center of attention for purchasing Ylilaudan
> The deal is expected to happen 09/14/2014
> Ossi is it said collected the money for this and Runescape to run the site
> New pasta with Ossi presents the changes that he intends to take Ylilaudalla cause worse pain in the butt Jofa
> The board is posted back to his old newspaper articles in which Ossi is approx. 12 years old
> Stuff magazine dealing mm. Ossi family, the first attempt, as well as a visit to the factory to record
> Ossi gathers around which a cult that awaits board revolution and the abolition of anime gay laudoilta
> Together with the administrator of yarns reveals that no discussion has been selling Ylilaudan
> Inform Administrator Ylilaudan open sale price

hopefully he will finish what we started

the total extermination of the finnic race

>tries to sell another death trap
No fuggg u :----DDD

fuck finland fucking mongols ugly as sin

why is it that everytime a finland related thread is active it immidiatly gets flooded by mongols?

>Bulju :D

We just like Binlan so much :DDDD

Please neck yourself, you are not needed.

I'm pretty sure you messed up your priorities somewhere down the road, Sven.

Because Sup Forums is flooded by mongols

>Bulju :D

60% of the world doesnt even know that Finland exists.
I wouldnt worry about it.

i beat up finlanders for a hobby

He will make energy cheaper and you will be poorer as a result. That's about it.

Bls buy dis blane, It is even able to do roll on ground :DDD

it's all a part of the masterplan

we will terminate scandinavia from the inside

Bulju :D

Trump will make Ester Toivonen alive again.

Nah, leave Sofi Oksanen alone.

Bulju xddddd

Oh, it was ((((Sven)))) after all. Silly me for not realising it in the first place.

What's your favorite movies? These are mine:

1. Rita Hayworth - avain pakoon (1994)
2. Kummisetä (1972)
3. Kummisetä osa II (1974)
4. Yön ritari (2008)
5. Pulp Fiction: Tarinoita väkivallasta (1994)

ou shiit, ids another
>Bulju :D

Oksanen isn't really that big of a liberal that she should be messed with, imho at least. There are much much better targets


what is this

I would give anything to have a threesome with Oksanen and Frostell.

hyi vitty

ugly retards probably would vote for drumpf

Dat masterful edit

I had an Estonian tourist come up to me on the riverwalk once and start talking in their moon language because they thought I was a Finnish tourist.

Bad pic. She's a little... interesting looking, but God damn, I'd eat that pussy any day.

I would've beat his ass, dude. I don't let strangers/tourists call me ugly.

My parents are from Finland. I didn't take offence.

he nuge :-----D

alright thats eneugh shit posting for today.

rebons pls


I really hope we will. If there's one thing swedes are strangely good at, it's at designing fighters. When Draken first entered service in the early 60's it was like almost a decade ahead of it's time compared to both Russian and American fighters. And Gripen seems pretty damn good too, plus it's designed exactly for the kind of roles and circumstances that Finnish Air Force needs.

t. fighter-autist

You fuckers could splash an F-22 with a Brewster Buffalo. Sneaky little shits.