How does it feel knowing Trump will be the most hated president ever?

How does it feel knowing Trump will be the most hated president ever?

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It'll feel good when he leaves it with the highest approval rating of all time

He'll leave with the highest

Come one, Bush was cute, don't make fun of him.

>Delusion: The Post

Feels great!

Obama on the other hand was so loved the moment that he entered the White House that the world gave him a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING!

why don't you ask people what their opinion is of getting a shot (from a doctor)

medicine doesn't taste good, especially not with (((CNN))) telling them what is good

Give him a year. He will be one of the most liked if he really isoltes America and brings the job that was taken away by Nafta home again.

Remember Obama hype? All world was waiting for him to make a change. He is the worst American president I shared my lifespan with.

>Drumpf will never be president


He will leave office as the most loved
President since Reagan


(((approval rating)))

Also, people felt like race relations were the best when he got into office... and now, not so much... Sad!

Obama left office with record high approval ratings.

these polls from the same people that said hillary was going to win in a landslide?

Please explain to me

Who do they poll for the approval ratings?
Who runs the approval ratting polls?
In history how accurately have they portrayed the public opinion of the president?

i hope he makes bar mitsvas illegal and since US comes first, +80% taxes for anyone trading shit into israel. also forced atheism classes against all religion in basic schools and uni funded by goverment

>approval ratings
>never been called or anything to find out if I like the president or who I am going to vote for


>forced atheism classes

We already have that. It's called science class.

Looks okay to me


Try again cuck. He has 57% approval rating. Get your facts straight please?

Being liked is not a requirement of being successful.

Another phony poll. Don't these media scum realize that no one believes them anymore?

You can't always get what you want.

>force atheism classes
>called science class
Now thats some r/atheism shit right there.

I think it would be better if all presidents entered with low approval ratings

They would actually have something to motivate them to do good

indifferent as long as he does what he said he would

the propaganda continues

fake news

He's president, it's all that matters sweetie.

It feels amazing. Most of the general population is comprised of faggots, hipsters, and cucks. If we're we have their approval, we're doing things wrong,

defend this trumpeters

Lowest? By whos account? The media, whos literally faked hundreds of polls for over 1 year?

Go back to africa, you stinky twat

>enters White House with lowest approval rating in history
>barely anyone showed up for his inauguration
>had to stock the first 3 rows of audience with shills for his CIA speech so they would clap for him
He's more pathetic than Jeb "please clap" Bush.

Intelligent spic: The Post

Get ready for the wall Spanish mongrel scum

What about it?
Does it change anything?

Nope, he's in charge.
Deal with is, sweetheart.

Now, sage.

When you're president, yes.

You seem a little upset


What do you mean? He was black and the POTUS. That's all that mattered.


Are you mental? Lincoln was the most hated US President.


Everything that liberals have been brainwashed into hating will be the norm by the time Barron gets into office. We will see the end of the Jews soon my friend

You're thinking of the nigger recently evicted from government housing:

>Obama averaged lower approval rating that Nixon OR Bush

Rasmussen has him ahead (most accurate poll 2016) and Reuters has him even (gold standard).

Muzzlem, you must have missed the poll today. 57% approval on 4th day. Damn you a little tight there Islam. You won't find nothing but negative watching Al Jazeera 24/7.
I understand you hate Christianity and America but shouldn't you be back home digging your mama from under the rubble pile we are making her?.

Here you are all fat and warm when we are actually burying your whole family under a 100 feet of crumbled concrete.

You muzzieland millinials are some selfish bastards. You could always fall back on "o follow the will of ah-lala"! Damn, dude, Aleppo has fallen. Mosul is about to. Raqqua is your last hope to hold on the your weak, broken, Caliphate. Hahahahahahaha! I piss harder than your fake Caliphate! Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!

I don't think huffpost's online polling box counts as a reliable source of polling info...

Poco get back to work, the Wall won't build itself

At least he's entering the white house Hilary. You wanted to go back so bad didn't you?

lol average means nothing here, if you look at approval rating when entering office, trump has the lowest approval ratings since DWIGHT EISENHOWER

Feels POWERFUL!!!!!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-three percent (43%) disapprove.

Its cool, they only hate him because he's literally keeping his promises. In just 4 days he's done a bunch of things he said he was going to do and liberals don't know how to react to someone telling the truth and keeping his word.

>b-b-b-but he won't b-b-b-b-b-build the w-wall...

Oh, the wall is coming, just wait.

As long as he gets shit done, who gives a fuck? This isn't a middle school cafeteria popularity contest.

>The FHA doesn’t make loans, but it enables borrowers with credit scores as low as 580 to purchase homes with low down payments (as little as 3.5 percent). In exchange, it collects mortgage insurance premiums, which it places in the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund (MMIF) to draw upon in case of default.

You mean create another housing bubble? Fuck that.

Feels like you will get assraped in 2020

>Trump is unpopular
>still totally destroyed Hillary


no one stops illegals from voting. It's up to the other side to prove it didn't happen since they did nothing to stop it.

>In the four days since his inauguration on Jan. 20, President Trump’s approval index has boomed upward a whopping seven points. Back on January 20—Inauguration Day—Trump’s approval index was plus two points. Now, four days later, it’s plus nine points—after being plus four points on Monday.

>At this time, 42 percent of the nation strongly approves of what President Trump is doing, while only 33 percent strongly disapprove—and overall, 57 percent approve of the president, while just 43 percent disapprove.




Neither does CNN, NBC, or any of the major media outlets.

And that was on election night as they were actually getting the votes in.

>2 posts by this ID
It's the new >1 post by this ID

didn't project veritas do a few videos on the subject?

>no one stops illegals from voting. It's up to the other side to prove it didn't happen since they did nothing to stop it.

The Canadian judge awards you a 9.8 for that mental gymnastics routine.

Hahahahaha!!! More delusions of faggotry! One thing is for sure, you got totally assraped to a bloody sphincter pulp in 2016!!!


obongo says illegals can vote and they won't come after them for it

Jesus Christ shill, we all know how honest those are.

>when you failed to prevent civil war, but ignorants will still hate some orange guy who said some shit about Mexicans more than you

It can only go up from here.

>when you allowed the Southerns to become radical in the slavery issue, but some guy that grabbed women by the pussy is more hated than you