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Remember when Shia was feeling the shadilay

Is it just one guy?


will he divide us, Sup Forums?

I'm watching that on the stream right now. Good times.

Why does Shia dress like such a homeless person? You're a fucking millionaire dress well

late at night is when the weirdos come out and let their autism run wild.

dont you member last night?

Has there been any baneposting


They've been dressed their whole lives while doing movies. No personal style at all.


He does


no... sadly not...
i'm still waiting for someone to strike a CIA pose

That guy may be another John Wayne Gacy in disguise. Shia needs to be careful

I have to work, it's like midnight here so I miss all the fun when I sleep

He felt it so hard. it was surreal.

You're welcome.

i'm sick with a bad cold... i only sleep 2 to 3 hours in one go. i've been following the stream almost non stop for the last two days...

it's changing me

yes (((they))) have access to good wardrobe people

shia is playing his role very well. I know commies that look just like that. makes him look like part of the mob

What did I miss last night? I saw up until the Russian guy and the Albanian left. Those guys sucked though, they couldn't debate for shit.

why is shia raping niggers

thanks based bulgarianbro.
i love you
no homo

Lol they're all getting super paranoid


Trex really let himself go.

This stream is boring af how do you watch it?

get better soon Hans

That's an adorable Nazi salute
>No homo

God damn the shitlibs got food

>sending these fagets food


someone go and bogpill these idiots

Yes. Then he'll send the illegal part back home.

He dresses for the occasion. Obviously he leaves every night, but he still puts on the same outfit, so it's no coincidence.

They took the food and left...



they only go there for free stuff

lmao. this guy is acting like he's guarding the grave of the unknown soldier

you missed a very beautiful sight.
when cringe/pol/ left last night and the whole place was empty. the umbrella which had been used by the cunt in the attack earlier, was tumbling across the scene.
it was a thing of astonishing beauty yet deep sadness. poetic

thanks to taylor for the big bag of fries

Holy shit, fries

Someone go meet him

seriously, has anyone even given them a rundown?

Will the Puerto Rican woman come by to steal some more shit

Did anything happen today?

We got any anons coming tonight?

True Socialists

I wonder if our complaints will accomplish anything

that chink stole his second bag of fries

>taytay sends food


>literally admits he's a plant

You need to get out of the house Hans

We need someone there! Where are the american fags?

Need to paint that guy's face green. He is related to Pepe somehow.

This kike looks like weiner

I can't read the CL ad. What does it say?

he left with the whole bag kek

Reposting from other thread.

I made this website and bought a pro-trump domain name. It plays the very same stream.

Should I host yes or no? Feels grossly trolly desu senpai.

I'm on my way now, I'll be there in six days

She poisoned it

whats the gen about the stabbing last night?

I did see that! Fucking attack umbrellas man.

if the NYPD gets enough they'll shut down the event for being an public disturbance


That glasses guy is a class act.

Having a chuckle at all the memes

>Police squad wasted on this shit
Fucking Americans

Can free Mcdonalds be used to control libs?

Saw a picture of Shia yelling at that one guy, couldn't help but be reminded of this.

I discovered something. But i am not funny. the french "Le Boeuf" means in the first place "the beef/cattle" but Boeuf has also a second use in French : Castrated masculin Cattle of the Bos Taurus species.


You got the soul of a poet, germanon

>that nose

This fag again

Why the fuck would you want to shut this down?

Jfc baka

>free shit can be used to control capitalists
really activated my almonds

it's almost like hypnosis. the chanting is driving me crazy but i cant look away, i dont want to miss any happenings as cringeworthy as they might be. as i said, i'm struck down with a bad cold, there's not much else i could do, so i lurk.

i turn off the sound of course but there was so much happening so much hoping for jimmies to be russelled that a have the sound on for a significant amount of time

the chanting is haunting me. i keep repeating it in my head over and over again. my ears are bleeding and maybe it's the fever but i feel like i'm slipping into a state of trance and when i see some Sup Forumsacks sperging all over the place i get the strangest feeling. i think this is making me high...

We need stricter umbrella laws

anyone feel like shia was being sarcastic when he said they were pro trump

Something free comes around and every kike on the block comes over.

Mate, anything free can control libs.

I hope many other anons did so.



John Wayne Gacy up in here.

But why?

I'm only telling him what will happen. not what to do


Go see your doctor germanbro, get help

I'm going to divide us.

this hot new (((((art project))))) remind anyone else of anything? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....................................................................................................................hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......i wonder where he got his inspiration.......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Some Sup Forumsack go take some Mcdonalds say MAGA and then leave

W-what are you talking about anons?
I want to see


I like the brown leather jacket guy haha
Can't wait for this to come out on dvd in 4 years.

Yup, he even earned Mustachios respect.

not a good idea with 40°C Fever
i'm one of the rare pure germans left in this place, i have the soul and spirit of goethe and schiller

>janitors leave blacked threads for hours
> remove hwndu and bogposting as soon as they see them
they do it for free

not if I can help it
*teleports behind you

Lol wow what a creeper. Just goes to show, Sup Forums may have its autists but at least ours are generally sane and not stupid enough to fall for shit like that. That guy was bottom of the barrel. Absolutely degenerate.


woa................................................. really...................................................................................... makes ............. you.................... think

>feeling down libtard?
>how about you talk to this wall

I'd say it's pretty based.