ITT: The most bitter red pills to swallow


Other urls found in this thread:

Not all blacks are niggers. Not all niggers are black.

Yugoslavia will never exist again.

Peak Oil or a caffeine pill.

Abortion is perfectly fine and should be enforced on minorities and lower caste whites


Giving every person a gun will not make us all safer.

Things would be better if child porn were legal.

>Giving every person a gun will not make us all safer.

It's will make us safer from tyranny, pinko fag.


anime is a dirty jew and the earth might be flat

All wars are fought so that the kikes can hold onto their debt backed money supply.


>earth might be flat

Plausible evidence, GO!

giving me a gun may make you safer

Lowering the age of consent to 16 would free up a hell of a lot of trouble

Veganism is actually the most healthy diet.

the final and true reddest of pills: killing yourself

OP is a faggot.


the widest variance between any two humans DNA is 0.5%. we separate ourselves by abstract tribes but in reality we're all brothers and sisters.

this redpill is too bitter for Sup Forums to ever swallow

>DNA determines every single thing about a person

If that's a redpill, it's a suppository and you shoved it up your ass.

OP said redpills not bluepills faggot

Nihilism is real. Life does not come with a given meaning.
>after you get over it
Life really does have the meaning you give to it. The challenge is to persist, pursue and develop.

Bonus for bittersweet?

Hitler did nothing wrong And the german people where the real victims of WW2 The side of unimiginable hatred and malice won and the world is worse off for it.

You're onto something.
When I initially created this thread I've added my own most bitter pill ... "Veganism."

Just moments later, pic related.

(((THEY))) doesn't want us to know.

Swallow vegan pill Sup Forums!


I still trying to swallow the holocaust revisionist pill.
I didn't even ask for this redpill.

>David Cole
>David Irving
>Gerd Shulze-Ronhoff
>Steven Anderson
>The Haavara Agreement
>The 6 million
“You shall return minus 6 million" [Embed

Saved this list from a thread last night that caught my eye.

women are beyond saving

Sup Forums does some very interesting things that have more depth than many of you realize. Downplaying Hitler or the 6 gorillion for example.

How is this significant?

The most shocking thing about Hitler is that he didn’t actually kill any jews. Literally, he did not place a single one into a gas chamber or fire a single shot at a jew. It was the foot soldier, the army captain or the SS guard: it could have been you, or your neighbor. The potential for evil lurks within you and those that you love: the demonic archetype not only lacks a monopoly on evil, it isn’t even the actual source - YOU ARE.

Whites, yes.
Asians, the future.

Learn Mandarin.


People will always need to be killed. Peace will never exist. Chaos is a law of nature. Nothing matters.

But herein lies the happy red pill too. You have within yourself the potential for agency. To do things, to shape the world, to imagine and bring thoughts to life.

If we wanted to blue pill the masses, the Hitler is evil meme is among the best to employ. Not because millions of people didn’t die, but because YOU ARE in fact the Hitler mythos: you too can bring your ideology to bear upon the world, you too can radically transform the world.

The question before you, the difference between taking the red pill and the blue pill, is whether you will view evil as a potentiality or an eventuality. Will you embrace agency or fatalism? And what choices will you make if you decide be a transcendent being exercising agency?

When the truth of the fact that YOU ARE has truly entered into your mind, when you have finally begun to be red pilled, the world will look radically different than the shitposts in pictures two and three of this thread. With your imagination and agency restored, you will come to realize that poverty or hunger or disease are choices that we make, not inherent parts of reality.

For example, we have the ability to build a space elevator with today’s technology. In fact, with decades old technology.

The key idea is the Orbital Ring version of the space elevator, not the geosynchronous tether concept you are familiar with.

See, for example, Paul Birch's writings:

The orbital ring only requires tethers about 300 kilometers long which is technically feasible with common material like steel, but ridiculously straightforward with better and already available material like kevlar.

There are some important questions. First, how much would it cost to do something like this?

We need to send about 160 million kilograms of material into space (See Birch's boot strap estimates in part 2:

We have rockets available at $2000/kg costs to LEO today in "mass production" mode, which is only about 10-20 launches per year. Compared with the couple thousand launches necessary for a space elevator, $2000 is an unreasonably high upper bound for launch costs.

We also need to include the cost of materials. A space elevator is about 98% steel and aluminum, 1% kevlar, and 1% other such as superconducting magnets. Most of the mass (98%) cost around $1/kg, with an average cost per kilogram of no more than about $10 per kilogram.

Summing the above up, we get about $430 billion in launch costs plus another $1-2 billion in material costs.

In other words, we can have a space elevator for less than $450 billion - significantly less than one year worth of DoD spending, one bank bailout, many times less than a variety of pointless wars, etc. This is well within our reach financially in other words.

Weed is the herbal jew.

All women prefer black men and white guys are sexually obsolete.

This, most can't make it past level 3.

What do we get in return for this $450 billion investment?

Virtually unlimited value. For example, with a space elevator we can reliably launch our nuclear waste into the sun. We've spent $100 billion building a waste repository in Nevada, but it was ultimately decided not to even use it. Now it costs only a dollar or two per kilogram to get rid of all of the nuclear waste in the world.

Second, we have immediate access to viable asteroid mining industry. Because the cost of delivering payloads to LEO drops to about $1/kilogram, we can not retrieve asteroids with trillions of dollars worth of minerals for mere tens millions of dollars in addition to having an easy viable way of returning those resources back to the surface.

We acquire the ability to deploy profitable solar power in orbit above cloud cover and with the ability to return said power back to the surface with near zero loss by running power transmission cables down the elevator.

Just how profitable?

With increased luminosity in space, enhanced exposure time, and the ability to deliver base loads, solar panels pay for themselves in only 1-2 years while having a 20 year life time.

In other words, if you put $5 trillion of solar panels into space, you get your $5 trillion back by the end of year two and a $5 trillion income stream each year thereafter.

The US could cut everyone's taxes, both personal and business, income, capital, death, or otherwise, all to 0%, not even cut any benefits or current spending, and pay off the national debt within a few short years.

>Chaos is a law of nature.

Yet, Ying&Yang still prevail. There's always a balance. You cannot disturb the balance to the point everything collapses.

Are we stuck in "4ever" balance of good and evil?

Not taking that b8 to type a bunch of shit and get called a shill faggot.
Fuck you.
I am not totally sold on the theory but it does make more sense than what the jews teach you as a kid which really does not make sense.

So now that YOU ARE, that you the potentiality in the world rather than fatality, you come to comprehend the world in a new way.

Are taxes too high or too low? Irrelevant, we don't actually need taxes.

Is social spending bankrupting us? Irrelevant, we can retire the national debt without cutting spending all while having no tax whatsoever.

What does this have to do with taking the red pill?

We've had the technological ability to undertake such a project for decades.

That means all the squabbling you have heard your entire life, money, debt, spending, taxes, scarcity, whatever, is all bullshit. Not only is it bullshit, anyone with rudimentary knowledge of the world has known that it is all bullshit for all of this time.

Poverty, death, and disease are choices that you make. It turns out that you were Hitler all along.

And that is a far, far darker truth than anything wannabe red pill dictum.

But at the same type, this is a happy red pill. YOU ARE and because of that you can be any Hitler that you want to be going forward. You can set aside the fatalism of the past and be the bearer of potentiality into the future.

Can you bear the weight of responsibility, or will you forget this and take the blue pill? Will you be entertained by endless stream of minutiae spam that you are fed here, or will meme an interplanetary species into existence?

The choice is yours user, because YOU ARE.

Live. Laugh. Love.


there are a large number of insanely gifted wonderful psycopaths on this interweb tonight

The trump vs hillary shit was all a conspiracy and trump will be the one who greets us with the new world order.

Meanwhile they let us think we have won, but in reality we are all doomed.

Oh and, literally everything is a fucking simulation.

It is, even without any aliens or gods, we are living in a simulation.

Everything you think is processed in your brain, you don't actually witness the world, you don't actually feel anything, it's just what your brain tolds you.

Have fun getting mad, i'm far beyond that.

Only looks matter when it comes to happiness I'm dating.

In particular on the families of those That support abortion


I seriously have to read a book or two from these two.

>what is a phenotypical difference
If one amino acid in a protein is changed, it completely alters how it works on a molecular level. Melanin in niggers is not that different from melanin in whites, but they fucking look different.

>literally look at a nigger and you'll see they are vastly different from whites. Skin, bones, muscle, brain structures. Similar because they have to be to be a living organism. If blacks weren't 99.95% similar to whites, they wouldn't be "human" and if they weren't 0.05% the same, we could never tell that they were black.

>that's a massive bluepill you just tried to feed me. I bet 0.05% of my DNA that you aren't white

This one's pretty crazy: the Jews don't actually control the world economies

The truth about the holocaust is it's ment to cover up the war crimes of the jews. Communism has killed 100+ Million people and the survivors of these attrocities don't have a lobby to demand muh shekels.

*unzips pill*

swallow this

>Are we stuck

Women are like kids that like shiny things
and only like guys that treat them like dirt

The Western world is coming to an end because of the collapse of the white family unit. We're doing more damage to ourselves more than any invading force ever could.

You can't empower women without dragging down men. Female only scholarships and quotas temporarily inflates a woman's value of herself artificially, giving her an edge in selecting a mate above her league.

The greatest irony is that when they tear men down so much that they have trouble finding the 'good men'. Women can't handle settling with what she perceived to be an inferior man.

and man are forever kids that need a new mom aka wife/girlfriend

Love as most people think of it doesn't exist. Shakespeare said it best in hamlet (frailty thy name is woman). Not being bitter, it's just an observable fact. There's a reason why hoes come after bros.


Bitter as fuck

there is nothing we can do about it

>Greeks we're enslaved by turkroaches over 400 years
>Irrelevant by europeans
>run by a cuck perty
>why live

It is sixteen in most states.

This, look at what the collapse of the black American family unit did to that community.

>that pic

Taken from the DSCOVR satellite about a million miles away. That gives a different perspective on the relative sizes of the Earth and Moon

;_; I can still dream

Yep. The only difference is whites are not having children all together. We won't even have welfare babies to prop up our numbers.

> The lowest Age of Consent in the world is 11, in Nigeria.

Are you ready to race mix, yet?

Sundaland is the cradle of civilisation. Not Sumer.

I'm OK with full 100% unrestricted gun rights for every household earning 4x the federal poverty limit.

Anyone under that needs to show evidence of not being a commie/nigger/cousin fucking degenerate to go full unrestricted. They can still have shotguns for home defense though.

So do you think the (((elites))) are holding back free energy technology so they can keep profiting from fossil fuels.

"Nations that make mongrels of their people, or allow their people to be turned into mongrels, sin against the Will of Eternal Providence. And thus their overthrow at the hands of a stronger opponent cannot be looked upon as a wrong but, on the contrary, as a restoration of justice. If a people refuses to guard and uphold the qualities with which it has been endowed by Nature and which have their roots in the racial blood, then such a people has no right to complain over the loss of its earthly existence.

Everything on this earth can be made into something better. Every defeat may be made the foundation of a future victory. Every lost war may be the cause of a later resurgence. Every visitation of distress can give a new impetus to human energy. And out of every oppression those forces can develop which bring about a new re-birth of the national soul--provided always that the racial blood is kept pure.

But the loss of racial purity will wreck inner happiness for ever. It degrades men for all time to come. And the physical and moral consequences can never be wiped out."


Women have better orgasms and can have more sex
Men cannot compete in bed, so they created monogamy, civilization and patriarchy to level the playing field and cope with their sexual inferiority complex

>tfw 5'11
>tfw will never be 6 foot

yeah, you just die if you don't take supplements while eating a vegan diet

That Sup Forums is completely dishonest and wrong 98% of the times
The ultimate redpill

>A woman's love is predicated on attraction, and her attraction is predicated on value.

>Your political ideas come from your self-esteem. Basically, if you have low, moderate or high self-esteem you will believe in individualism (because you believe you know what's best for you), but if you have very low or very high self-esteem you will believe in collectivism (either you want to be controlled because you think you don't know what's best for you or you want to control people cause you think you know what's best for them).

>David Icke is right, but he speaks in metaphors most of the time.

>The Zoo hypothesis is right. There's no "Matrix", but we were created by an advanced alien race that's probably extinct by now.

>Knowing yourself is the hardest but most rewarding thing in life.

Holy shit

The earth is flat


Off by 1 in everysingle way. Kek is truly laughing at me; just kill me.


If judaism never cut little boys' dicks, then world would be a better place.

Cutfags will never ever experience the real male orgams that normal fag can potentially experience through extreme stimulation.

Sorry to anyone whos parents mutialted them.

Homosexuality is awesome. The butthole actually forms around your shaft during insertion and is way tighter than a vagina.


Earth is spinning.
ISS is circling the Earth.
Weather changes.

hah i missed that top one before. cuckistan. Ben Garrison truly is /ourguy/

Traps are the future of heterosexuality.

Aryan boipussies with artificial wombs might be the saviours of white race.
White women are beyond repair.

Life is meaningless and all human achievement will be lost in the heat death of the Universe.

>Oh and, literally everything is a fucking simulation.
>It is, even without any aliens or gods, we are living in a simulation.

I could never understand the argument in this. It seems to me its "you can't prove its not true" than anything else. Can anyone red pill me on the "life is a simulation" meme? because it's more retarded than flat earth to me

>heat death
Tell me more.

I know it's hard
Eventually, eventually
Maybe when you get older

No, no you dont.
It's literally a forced meme
theyre literal nobodies in france
and theyre even smaller nobodied outside of france
stop responding to these posts
and stop encouraging the mentally challenged people posting this shit

Anime is stupid

The banks are very very Jewish. That's a fact.

Trump voters voted to save Democracy, but were in fact it's coffin nail.


The main theory proposed by scientists is that rather than collapsing, the Universe will expand until it is extremely dispersed. Stars will run out of fuel for fusion and eventually the temperature of the Universe will reach absolute zero. Atoms will no longer be able to exist and the Universe as we know it will be gone.

>theyre literal nobodies in france
>and theyre even smaller nobodied outside of france

UK flag, historical hatred towards French. Your viewpoint is biased, therefore Bogandoff conspiracy is still very plausible.

As a Libertarian, I actually believe it is sometimes justifiable for governments to ban certain things (such as pornography) for the populations own good

white women will never be sexualy satisfied by a white cock like they could be with a single black lover.