Why are people only pro or anti abortion? What about allowing an abortion up to a certain time, say 1 month or 5 months...

Why are people only pro or anti abortion? What about allowing an abortion up to a certain time, say 1 month or 5 months? Why not have a logical middle ground based on when the fetus is considered intelligent or sentient?

killing babies or stopping life is morally wrong

if you even try to refute this you are morally retarded

The thing isn't properly sentient until after birth. The thing is human well before birth.

Theres no heartbeat for at least the first four weeks. Its LITERALLY not alive then. Is that not a middle ground?

I'm pro-abortion after 9 months, but anti-abortion before that.

how bout we start taking responsibility and stop killing babies?

Most pro life people are like that. Most non medically necessary abortions are first trimester or early second. No one carried a baby for 8 months and then decides to just go get an abortion. And if they do, then they have bigger issues then just the abortion debate.

It already exists.

Fucking this. I don't understand how people don't even consider this.

The controversy is about just that: when is life truly conceived?

I used to be pro-abortion/choice. Then I read mein kampf and even though I'm no nazi, hitler had an excellent point. I am an atheist and he brought it down to a secular level by making the point that nature is designed to weed out the strong versus the weak through natural selection. A physically weak person may learn to exist, but only by adapting and compensating for it's weakness in other ways. This is a function of nature and natural selection... a means of evolving.

When you let man decide that a baby is not worth having... that the baby is worth less than the impact it will have on the lives of it's parents... then you are bypassing nature. You are not allowing nature to decide whether or not that baby is worthy of life. When man begins to pick and choose who lives and who dies before nature has had the chance to vet them, then nature finds a way of balancing things out by making man suffer the consequences and mans choice to rule over life and death becomes a function of nature itself.

Religious anti abortion people believe life begins when the sperm enters the egg. Why would they agree to abortion at any time during pregnancy when they believe it is already a living baby?

>You also kill bacteria by washing your hands, you genocidal freak!

Horrible analogy


eugenics was debunked ages ago

also considering vaccines and antibiotics have saved millions should we throw that technology in the bin as well?

>be anti abortion
>be pro abortion

desu senpai It's a net positive because it get rid of future parasites

I'm definitely that middle ground you're looking for. Pro-Life for whites, pro-abortion for everyone else.

yeah, fuck doctors, they're not allowing nature to show who's strong enough to get better on their own!

Do bacteria naturally grow into human children if you don't intervene?

You should've been an abortion leaf

We should encourage nigger abortions desu

I share this sentiment.

I can't say that doctors are scam artists or that they are frauds on an individual level... but the entire medicine industry ultimately defeats its own purpose. They come up with all kinds of cures and treatments and expensive procedures to combat this, that, and the other, but ultimately this creates a kind of symbiotic relationship between diseases and their hosts... if you let the disease run its course however, I don't know if things would be much different. All I know is that it if things weren't much different, we sure do pay a high price (monetarily) for the same results. (ie. prolonging the existence of man)

The line is ultimately arbitrary, except that it's wrong after the baby is born.

EEG activity, brain waves start at 25 weeks and I really don't have empathy for a literal mindless fetus. The ability for a fetus to live independantly starts, at earliest, 21 weeks. So 20-25 weeks is where I'd draw the line?

I think people got to realize the fucked up derpy babies that don't appear fucked up and derpy until the 3rd trimester though.

If a doctor rules a kid is non-viable I'd be fine with abortions later than that though.